100字范文 > 《牛津小学英语3B》第九单元教案_小学三年级英语教案


时间:2023-01-05 08:39:52



常州市兰陵小学 许丽华(共四课时,为了方便大家,本人将各课时分页了,请点"下一页"或页码阅读)一、 教学内容:牛津小学英语 3b第九单元第一课时二、 功能目标:学会简单的购物用语。三、 教学目标:1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:can i help you? what color? how much is it?以及相应的回答。2、能听懂、会说表示服饰的单词:a vest, a tie, a hat, a cap, a belt.四、 教学重点:1、能听懂、会说日常交际用语:can i help you? what color? how much is it? 以及相应的回答。2、能听懂、会说表示服饰的单词:a vest, a tie, a hat, a cap, a belt.五、 教学难点:能听懂、会说日常交际用语:can i help you? what color? how much is it? 以及相应的回答。六、 课前准备:1、投影仪及图片:a vest, a tie, a hat, a cap, a belt.2、磁带及录音机。3、实物.七、教学过程:step1, revision:1、warming up:say the chant of 3b: what about going to the lake?2、free talk:①— good morning/afternoon. how are you? i like blue. what colour do you like? red?②—i’m hungry.—what would you like? a hot dog?—no.—what about a sandwich?—sounds good.—here you are.—thanks.step2, presentation:1、准备好实物,布置场景,教师扮演成一个服务员。t : good morning。s: good morningt: can i help you? what would you like?s : i’d like a hot dog.t: here you are.s: thanks.*help—can i help you? (看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读)2、老师假装不小心碰了一下事先放在讲台上的一个包。t: oh, my god! what’s this? a school bag! do you known what’s in it? let’s have a look. oh, look! it’s a vest. a red vest.*a vest--(看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读,同样的方式教授其它单词。)vest, vest, it’s a vest.i’d like a vest.what color do you like?blue. blue, bluet: what else in the school bag? let’s have a look. look! is this a vest?s: no, it isn’t.t: is this a tie?s: no, it isn’t.t: yes. it’s not a vest, it’s not a tie. it’s a cap.(在此教师要让学生注意单词tap与cap的读音比较,看老师嘴形,跟老师发音,开火车跟读,同样的方式教授其它单词。)*a belt.(用同样的方法教授新单词)3、teacher acts the seller.t: can i help you?s: i’d like a vest, please.t: what color? white or red?s: white. ( help the pupil answer like this.)cap, cap, it’s a smart cap. cap, cap, i’d like a cap.what color? what color? what color would you like?white. white. a white smart cap.4、t :hello, s1.s1:hello, janel.t :shall we go to the supermarket.s1:ok. let’s go.s2: can i help you? ( ask one pupil acts as a seller.)t : i’d like a belt, please.s2: here you are.t : how much is it? s2: twenty yuan, please. ( help the pupil answer it like this. )t : here you are.*how much—how much is it? *twenty yuan, please.(listen to the teacher & look carefully, read after the teacher, then read one by one.)( show the pupils the prize mark, make them understand the chinese meanings. tell them how to say the prize. )step3, practice:1、打出parta1、2&3投影。talk about the pictures.2、pairs working. make dialogues using their own words.3.ask some students go to the front to act out the dialogue.step4, consolidation:1、 listen to the tape. read after it.2、 learn the chant on page32: hat and vest.3、 make sentences by themselves.4、 say the chant: model: cap, cap, it’s a smart cap. cap, cap, i’d like a cap.how much? how much? how much is it? twenty, twenty, it’s twenty yuan.
