100字范文 > 汉英口译 interpretation英语短句 例句大全

汉英口译 interpretation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-15 16:46:10


汉英口译 interpretation英语短句 例句大全



1.Application of brevity tactics in Chinese-Englishinterpretation;语言简洁性策略在汉英口译中的应用


municative and Semantic Translation Approaches to Chinese-English Interpreting交际翻译和语义翻译视角下的汉英口译

2.On the Interpretation of the Cultural Factors from Chinese to English in Public Speeches;浅论公共演讲中文化因素的汉英口译

3.How to Promote Information Transmission Efficiency in Interpretation;怎样提升汉英口译中信息传递的效率

4.Application of brevity tactics in Chinese-English interpretation;语言简洁性策略在汉英口译中的应用

5.The Introduction of Basic Patterns and Commonly-Used Techniques in Chinese-English Interpretation;漫谈汉英口译的基本类型和常用技巧

6.Cultural Default in C-E Interpretation:Example Analysis & Possible Solutions汉英口译中的文化缺省:现象与对策

7.The Use of the English Conjunctions and the Harmony of Forms in the Oral Interpretation from Chinese into English;英语连接词的使用与汉英口译中的形合问题

8.Cooperative Principle: A Practical Approach to Tackling Implicature in EC/CE Interpreting合作原则—一条化解英汉、汉英口译中“言外之意”的有效途径

9.The Influences of the Text Type of SL on the Task Complexity of Chinese-English Interpreting;原语语篇类型对汉英口译任务复杂度的影响

10.Coping Approach to Thought-Pattern-Difference Problems in Chinese to English Interpreting;汉英口译中双语思维模式差异问题的应对方法

11.Vocabulary Acquisition in C-E Interpretation;汉英口译教学:学生驾驭词汇能力的培养

12.English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation Research and the Optimization of English Major Interpreting Training英汉同声传译研究与优化专业英语口译教学

13.It is easier to translate from English into Chinese than from Chinese into English .英译汉要比汉译英容易。

14.On Application of Relevance Theory to Guide-interpreting;浅谈关联理论对英汉导游口译的指导

15.On the Role of the Lexical Chunks in Contemporary Chinese-English Interpreting;论词块在现代汉译英口译教学中的作用

16.The Application of Communication Strategies in the Interpretation of New Words;论交际策略在英汉口译中生词翻译的运用

17.Strategies of C-E Translation of Slogan Signs标语口号类公示语汉译英翻译策略的研究

18.Directionality and Its Impact on Chinese/English Simultaneous Interpreting口译的方向性对英汉环境下同声传译的影响


Chinese-English interpretation汉英口译

1.In this article, the author states the results of cultural interference inChinese-English interpretation, analyses the reasons why cultural interference emerges, and raises some suggestion about how to eliminate it.阐述了汉英口译中文化干扰的几种表现 ,以及出现文化干扰的原因 ,并就如何排除文化干扰提出了建

3)English-Chinese interpretation英汉口译

1.A practical exploration into the teaching reform ofEnglish-Chinese interpretation in Jiangxi University of Economy and Finance;江西财大英汉口译教学改革的实践探索

4)Chinese-English interpretation of foreign affairs汉译英外事口译

1.That brings me the aspiration to focus on theChinese-English interpretation of foreign affairs.翻译的政治的指涉面与外事口译有若干交叉点,而这些交叉点恰好是研究的空白之一,本文选取汉译英外事口译这一特定的领域以使研究具体而微。

5)E-C consecutive interpretation英汉接续口译

prehension is so vital and crucial inE-C consecutive interpretation th.在接续口译中,尤其是英汉接续口译,理解和记忆是影响口译质量与效果的两个极为重要的因素,二者相辅相成,不可分离,共同决定着译员的当场发挥与表现。

6)A Coursebook for Chinese-English Interpretation汉英口译教程


