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会议口译 Conference Interpreting英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-08 16:20:59


会议口译 Conference Interpreting英语短句 例句大全

会议口译,Conference Interpreting

1)Conference Interpreting会议口译

1.The European Masters inConference Interpreting(EMCI) is recommended by the European Union as the benchmark of postgraduate-type programme,the most appropriate way to train high-quality conference interpreters.欧洲会议口译硕士专业课程被欧盟誉为会议口译人才培养的标杆,获得了国际口译员协会的认可和好评;然而,国内尚未有关于其培养方式的研究。

2.This thesis takes the question "the principle of syntactic linearity in conference interpreting" as its major theme, and conference interpreting mainly includes simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting.本文研究了会议口译中的顺句驱动规律,文中的会议口译主要分为同声传译和交替传译。

3.Basically speaking, conference interpreting comprises of 2 forms, namely simultaneous interpreting and consecutive interpreting.与此同时,对于为国际会议提供语言服务,保障会议顺利举行的会议口译译员需求量也急剧增加,不仅仅体现在数量上,更体现在质量上。


1.International Association of Conference Interpreters国际会议口译员协会(口译协会)

2.International Association of Conference Interpreters and Translators国际会议口译和笔译员协会

3.A Comparative Study of Videoconference Interpreting and Audioconference Interpreting and Coping Strategies可视会议口译和电话会议口译的对比研究及应对策略

4.Interpreting Studies from a Text-Linguistic Perspective: Textual Awareness in Conference Interpreter Training;口译研究篇章语言学视角:译员的语篇意识与会议口译培训

5.Auditory Perception Model in Inference of C-E Conference Interpreting;听觉认知模式在中译英会议口译推理中的应用

6.Importance of Discourse Markers in Conference Interpretation and the Related Interpreting Strategies;话语标记语在会议口译中的重要性及翻译策略

7.The Roles and Forms of Expression of Equivalent Words in Conference Interpreting词语对等在会议口译中的作用和形式

8.On the Course Design for Training Conference Interpreters at the Graduate Level--An Analysis of the EMCI Curriculum;试论会议口译人才培养的层次和相关课程设置——欧洲会议口译硕士核心课程分析

9.Text Linguistic Models for the Study of Conference Interpretation;从篇章语言学角度探讨会议口译的模式

10.Optimal Relevance Theory Approaches to Metaphor-Interpreting in Conference Speeches;最佳关联在会议口译中处理隐喻的应用

11.A Minicorpus-Based Study of Explicitation in Chinese-English Conference Interpreting;基于小型语料库的会议口译中显化现象研究

12.Assessing and Re-designing the Conference Interpreter Training Program of Sichuan University;对四川大学会议口译培训项目的评估和再设计

13.Business consulting and interpreting for multinational companies, including Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management, ABN AMRO, etc.>>为德意志银行,摩根基金管理公司,荷银证券等欧美企业担任商务会议口译。

14.Interpretation, Meetings and Documentation Division口译、会议和文件司

15.Interpretation, Meetings and Publishing Division口译、会议和出版司

16.I do not think I have the experience necessary to interpret at a meeting.我认为我没有在会议时当口译的经验。

17.Written translation: construction project, Technical manual, economy and trade, laws and regulations, notarial information, dub document, publish and localization service.口译服务:普通口译设备安装技术交流商务谈判音像翻译新闻发布同声传译会议和培训。

18.Joint Meeting Planning and Interpretation Service联合国/工发组织联合会议规划和口译服务处


conference interpretation会议口译

1.Based on the authors experience and observation,this paper introduces the main kinds ofconference interpretation and the following issues need to be considered: preparation for theconference interpretation,interpreters qualification,and interpreters courtesy and professional ethics.随着全球化进程,中国正越来越多地融入国际社会,因此,更需要优秀的会议口译员。

2.Concerning aconference interpretation,the preparation is a key process.人们对口译的研究常常强调口译的过程和技巧,但是对于一次具体的会议口译,会前的准备工作往往起关键作用。

3.Sinceconference interpretation its debut in international meetings, it has caught people s great interest and has been developed very fast.在口译家族的众多成员中,会议口译无疑是最引人注目的一位。

3)C-E conference interpreting中译英会议口译

1.This paper is to testify the importance of auditory perception ability inC-E conference interpreting based on A.基于对艾利斯和杨氏听觉认知图式的分析,本文旨在证明听觉认知能力在中译英会议口译中的特殊重要性。

4)Conference Interpreter Training会议口译培训

1.Assessing and Re-designing theConference Interpreter Training Program of Sichuan University;对四川大学会议口译培训项目的评估和再设计

5)Conference Consecutive Interpretation会议接续口译

1."Communicative Equivalence" and Its Application in the Communicative Course between the Speaker and the Interpreter inConference Consecutive Interpretation for Political Figures;“交际对等”及其在政府政要会议接续口译中演讲者与口译员交际过程中的运用

6)audience of conference interpretation会议口译听众


太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)太平洋地区标准会议标准(见太平洋地区标准会议)standards of PASC: see Pacific Area Standards Congress; PASCTa iPingyang Diqu Bioozhun Hu呼ib沁幻Zhun太平洋地区标准会议标准(s切md田心sofR巧C)见太平洋地区标准会议。
