100字范文 > 口译研究 interpreting studies英语短句 例句大全

口译研究 interpreting studies英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-24 06:07:15


口译研究 interpreting studies英语短句 例句大全

口译研究,interpreting studies

1)interpreting studies口译研究

1.by thus,focusing on the dissimilarities ofinterpreting studies between China and the West,the paper makes an intensified investigation into the factors behind those differences,ending up with some concrete suggestions for the future ofinterpreting studies in China.文章从宏观角度对中西口译研究的差异进行了详尽的考察与分析,着重剖析了中西口译研究差异的内在原因,并针对中国口译研究的未来发展方向提出了具体的建议。

2.This paper reviews the major approaches and methods ofinterpreting studies throughout its history, from which we can see thatinterpreting studies are developing towards interdisciplinarity and the research methodology is evolving from objective speculation based on experience to objective description and empirical analysis based on data.从目前国内期刊上发表的文章来看,我国的口译研究仍处在初级阶段,不少文章仍以主观推测和实践经验总结为主,尤其是研究方法不够科学,研究结果往往未经过系统的理论推演或实证分析的方式进行验证。

3.And more importantly,interpreting studies has benefited from other more established disciplines such as psychology, sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, pragmatics, text linguistics, neurophysiology and so on, which have been broadening and deepenin.在口译研究相对短暂的历史进程中,呈现出不断壮大、集中的特点和趋势。


1.Strengthen the research and teaching of oral interpretation in the foreign languages major in colleges and universities;高校外语专业应加强口译研究与口译教学

2.Interpreting Studies from a Text-Linguistic Perspective: Textual Awareness in Conference Interpreter Training;口译研究篇章语言学视角:译员的语篇意识与会议口译培训

3.The Interpretive Theory of Translation in the Context of Modern Interpreting Studies;当代国际口译研究视域下的巴黎释意学派口译理论

4.Approaches and Methods of Interpreting Studies: Retrospect and Prospect;口译研究的路径与方法——回顾与前瞻

5.The Current Research on Interpretation in China from the Aspect of Le Modèlé Interprétatif;从释意理论的发展看我国的口译研究

6.Studies on Quality Evaluation in Speech Interpreting and Dialogue Interpreting演说口译和对话口译的质量评估研究

7.A Study of the Interpreter"s Qualities and Its Influence on Interpreting Teaching口译员素质研究及其对口译教学的影响

8.English-Chinese Simultaneous Interpretation Research and the Optimization of English Major Interpreting Training英汉同声传译研究与优化专业英语口译教学

9.A Cognitive Study of Sight Translation;视译过程的认知研究对本科口译教学的启示

10.Research on the Interpreting Curriculum Model Aiming at the Development of Interpreter Competence;以发展译员能力为中心的口译课程模式研究

11.A Cognitive Approach to Consecutive Interpretation--Instructions on Interpretation Training;交替传译的认知研究及其对口译训练的启示

12.Programs Currently Offered and Research Projects Currently Conducted in Major Tertiary Institutions in the World;世界各地高校的口笔译专业与翻译研究机构(上)

13.Non-interpreting-major Students" Language Choice in Note-taking for Consecutive Interpreting非口译专业学生交替传译笔记语言的研究

14.Strategies of C-E Translation of Slogan Signs标语口号类公示语汉译英翻译策略的研究

15.An Empirical Study on Differences in Grammatical Correctness between Professional Simultaneous Interpreters and Interpreting Candidates;职业译员与口译学员同声传译语法准确性差异的实证研究

16.On Interpretation of the Cultural Factors from Chinese to English in Press Conferences;记者招待会汉译英口译中的文化因素及其翻译策略研究

17.Dynamic Interpretation Researches and Compilation of Interpretation Coursebook;跨学科口译动态研究理论在《英语口译教程》编写中的应用

18.A Comparative Study of Videoconference Interpreting and Audioconference Interpreting and Coping Strategies可视会议口译和电话会议口译的对比研究及应对策略


dynamic interpretation research口译动态研究

3)Interdisciplinary studies on interpretation口译跨学科研究

4)interpreting studies in China国内口译研究

1.Analyzing these articles in terms of the central concern addressed, the theme developed and the research method adopted, the co-authors identify the existing problems and the developmental trends, and explore the approaches to improveinterpreting studies in China.本文以过去30年的期刊口译论文、著作以及历届全国口译大会上的提交论文等为数据,考察国内口译研究的发展概况,分析国内口译研究的研究数量、研究主题和研究方法。

5)Analysis of the Audience of Conference Interpretation会议口译听众研究

6)translation studies译学研究

1.The two names can be seen as metaphors of two approaches totranslation studies.从译学研究的思维方式看,“通天塔”与“巴别塔”就不仅是个译名问题了。

2.Gu Zhengkun’s theoretical achievements intranslation studies in perspective of his scholastic career and academic insight with an intent to prove that the achievements Mr.本文从辜正坤先生的治学生涯和学识大略入手,对辜先生的译学研究理路进行探讨。


