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口译员 Interpreter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-04-16 00:21:43


口译员 Interpreter英语短句 例句大全



1."Communicative Equivalence" and Its Application in the Communicative Course between the Speaker and theInterpreter in Conference Consecutive Interpretation for Political Figures;“交际对等”及其在政府政要会议接续口译中演讲者与口译员交际过程中的运用

2.During the process of interpretation,there is communication among the speaker,the interpreter and the audience.口译是一种传递与交流信息的交际行为,在口译过程中,演讲者、口译员与听者三方之间均存在着信息交流,其中对演讲者与口译员之间的交流的研究有着十分重要的意义,且这一交流因文化模式的不同而有所不同。

3.So interpreters should not only pay attention to the linguistic barrier, but also the cultural difference between both sides in interpretation.因此,口译员不仅应该在口译中注意双方的语言障碍,而且还应关注双方的文化差异。


1.International Association of Conference Interpreters国际会议口译员协会(口译协会)

2.Fostering Professional Interpreters & Professionalism in the Interpreting Market;专业口译员的培养和口译市场的职业化

3.A Study of the Interpreter"s Qualities and Its Influence on Interpreting Teaching口译员素质研究及其对口译教学的影响

4.On Interpreter s Memeory Load and Approaches to Improving Interpreter s On-The-Spot Performance;论口译员的记忆压力及提高口译员现场表现力的方法

5.There is an active demand for interpreter during the trade fair.在贸易洽谈会期间,对口译员需求很大。

6.Courtroom Interpreters Decision Making in Information Processing;法庭口译员在信息处理过程中的决策

7.Foreignization: Still a Caution Line for Interpreters;翻译异化之潮:口译译员应慎重对待

8.Exhibition Interpreting and Training of Interpreters in Xiada Model会展口译及厦大口译训练模式下的译员培训

9.The Making of a Fine Interpreter;从“翻译人员须知”看口译工作和译员素质

10.A translator might also be an interpreter, of course.当然,一个翻译也可能是一名口译人员。

11.International Association of Conference Interpreters and Translators国际会议口译和笔译员协会

12.On Strengthening the Interpreters Intercultural Competence;浅论提高口译译员的跨文化交际能力

13.Further Exploration on Active Roles of Interpreters in Interpretation;进一步探索译员在口译中的积极作用

14.Interpreting activities involve three parties, i?e. the source language speaker, the interpreter and the target language audience.口译活动涉及源语发言人、译员和译语听众三方。

15.Interpreting Studies from a Text-Linguistic Perspective: Textual Awareness in Conference Interpreter Training;口译研究篇章语言学视角:译员的语篇意识与会议口译培训

16.From interpreting competence to interpreter competence--A tentative model for objective assessment of interpreting;“口译能力”评估和“译员能力”评估——口译的客观评估模式初探

17.A Tentative Study on Sports Interpreter"s Competence--An Approach of the Assessment Models of Interpreting and Interpreter Competence以“口译、译员能力”评估模式浅议体育口译应具备之能力

18.Interpreters Competence in Transnational Movie Co-Productions-An Approach of Assessment Models;从“译员能力”评估模块浅析跨国电影合拍片口译、译员能力培养



3)person who interprets, esp. as a job口译者;译员


1.With the further development of relationship between China and foreign countries in almost every field,there is an urgent need ofinterpreters with high quality.随着中国在各个领域与国外关系的加深,对于高级口译人员的需求也日益迫切。

2.This paper tries to probe the pragmatic failure in business and trade English translation of theinterpreters.本文根据作者的商贸翻译教学与实践 ,探讨了各类商贸口译人员存在的一个较普遍的问题即商贸口译中的语用失误问题 ,从语言、文化、翻译理论与技巧以及商贸英语自身特点等四个方面透视了商贸口译中语用失误产生的原因 ,进而提出了商贸口译人员所应具备的较完善的知识结构和必要的业务素

5)interpreting candidates口译学员

1.This paper deals with an empirical study on differences in grammatical correctness between professional simultaneous interpreters andinterpreting candidates.本文旨在对同声传译职业译员与口译学员语法准确性的差异进行实证研究。

6)sports interpreters体育口译译员

1.Thereforesports interpreters, who provide interpreting service for foreign players or foreign coaches, just come into being as time requires.鉴于体育口译的独特,要想成为一名合格的体育口译译员就必须具备专业的能力和素质。


