100字范文 > 口译人才 interpreters英语短句 例句大全

口译人才 interpreters英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-08-13 20:49:43


口译人才 interpreters英语短句 例句大全



1.Objective Positioning for interpreting teaching and cultivating the Specialized Interpreters口译教学目标定位与专业型口译人才培养

2.The positioning of the objective of undergraduate interpreting teaching is conducive to alleviating the pressure from lack of professionalinterpreters,optimizing the teaching effect and improving the initiative of the students.随着中国进一步走向国际,对各个层次口译人才的需求将不断扩大。

3.At present,the levels of Englishinterpreters are quite different in China and some with the aging knowledge.为了适应时代发展和社会进步的要求,高校应丰富口译课程的教学形式,增强口译人才的责任感和国际化知识,以培养高素质、职业化的口译人才。


1.Clarifying the Positioning of Interpreting Teaching Objective,Cultivating Multi-level Interpreters;口译教学目标定位与多层次口译人才培养

2.Objective Positioning for interpreting teaching and cultivating the Specialized Interpreters口译教学目标定位与专业型口译人才培养

3.On Strategies of Training Practical Interpreters at Undergraduate Level实用型本科口译人才培养的对策研究

4.On the Training of Legal English Interpreters: Teaching Practice of the Course of Legal Interpreting浅谈法律英语口译人才的培养——法律口译课程的教学实践探讨

5.Standardization of Interpretation Personnel Training Defined by Social Demand;社会需求定位下高校口译人才培养的规范化

6.On the Course Design for Training Conference Interpreters at the Graduate Level--An Analysis of the EMCI Curriculum;试论会议口译人才培养的层次和相关课程设置——欧洲会议口译硕士核心课程分析

7.Strategies for Translating the International Program on Prevention and Cure of Tuberculosis;论结核病防治国际合作项目英汉翻译策略——兼议西部口译人才现状与对策

8.On the Ability of Interpretation and its Influence on the Cultivation of All-round Intellectuals of Foreign Languages;试议口译能力与复合型外语人才的培养

9.To serve as an interpreter for speakers of different languages.作口译给说不同语言人充当口译

10.Knowledge Requirements and the Training for Simultaneous Interpreters;同声传译人才的知识结构与人才培养

11.A translator might also be an interpreter, of course.当然,一个翻译也可能是一名口译人员。

12.Interpreting activities involve three parties, i?e. the source language speaker, the interpreter and the target language audience.口译活动涉及源语发言人、译员和译语听众三方。

13.The Making of a Fine Interpreter;从“翻译人员须知”看口译工作和译员素质

14.One who translates orally from one language into another.口译者口头将一种语言译为另一种语言的人

15.On the Symbolic Characteristics of the Talents of Foreign Languages with Multi-abilities;论复合型外语人才的标志性特征——兼谈高校英语专业学生掌握口译技能的重要性

16.To translate, especially aloud.口译翻译,尤指口译

17.On Guangxi Translating Talent Strategies in New Era新形势下广西人才战略探究——以翻译人才为例

18.English translation of the core terms in renciology:establishing translation theory on renciology人才学核心术语英译探研——兼论创建人才学翻译学


interpretation personnel training口译人才培养

1.This paper tries to explore the standardization ofinterpretation personnel training on the basis of social demand.本研究以社会需求定位为切入,以规范化培养为主题,探讨我国高校口译人才培养中存在的问题及应对策略,以便进行规范化、实效性口译教学,提高口译人才培养质量,满足社会需求的高定位、高规格。

3)English interpreter for a specific field专业型英语口译人才

4)practical interpreters at undergraduate level实用型本科口译人才

5)A man of interpreting ability通译人才

6)translation talents翻译人才

1.Market demands fortranslation talents keep on rising with the rapid development of social economy and substantial progress has been already made in the systematic construction of translation discipline and curriculum,which means real challenges and favourable opportunities for institutions of higher education(especially the local ones).本文作者充分运用翻译教学理论研究的成果,探讨了翻译专门人才培养的特殊性和翻译学科的独立地位,提出翻译专业或专业方向的课程设置既要符合翻译人才培养的一般规律,又要结合区域地理资源环境,经济产业特点,历史文化特色,以发展学生能力为中心,注重学生在翻译教学中的主体地位,引入互动教学、过程教学、模仿真实情景教学等方法,培养更多合格的翻译人才,以满足社会经济发展和对外交流的需求。

2.The scarcity oftranslation talents in all kinds of trades has increasingly become a problem,impeding Chinese economic development.翻译人才,特别是高素质翻译人才的稀缺影响了我国对外开放和国际交往。


