100字范文 > 解释 interpretation英语短句 例句大全

解释 interpretation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-10 11:28:55


解释 interpretation英语短句 例句大全



1.Characteristics of oil & gas show and discussion oninterpretation method for Liyuan area;栗园地区油气显示特点及解释评价方法探讨

2.The recognition of the gas logging characteristics andinterpretation & evaluation method for water bearing reservoir in Liaohe Depression;辽河坳陷含水储集层气测录井特征及解释评价方法的认识

3.Application of the relative permeability analytical technique in theinterpretation and evaluation for Puxi region;相对渗透率分析技术在葡西地区储集层产液性质解释评价中的应用


1.`Explain all that," said the Mock Turtle.“你解释解释。”素甲鱼说。

2.The act or process of interpreting.解释解释的行为或过程

3.To provide(an expression or a text) with a gloss or glosses.下注释,作解释,加注解

4.a strict understanding, interpretation明确的了解、解释.

5.Review on Supreme Court Interpretation No. 17评法释[2002]17号司法解释

6.To interpret incorrectly;misunderstand.误解错误地解释,误解

7.susceptible of solution or of being solved or explained.易解答、解决或解释的。

8.At best, philosophers can merely interpret life, themselves and texts.哲学家至多只能解释人生,解释自己,解释文本。

9.2. Explanatory Notes2.解释性说明:

10."Miss T"ang, let me explain-"“唐小姐,让我解释——”

11.A Study of the Three Methods to Interpret Constitution--Doctrinalism, Historictism and Precedentism;宪法解释中学说解释、历史解释和先例解释方法研究

12.Of or relating to exegesis;critically explanatory.注释的注释的或同注释有关的;批评性的解释

13.You have not understood; allow me to elucidate.你没理解, 让我解释一下.

14.His explanation was incomprehensible to me.他的解释我无法理解。

15.a muddled explanation which was scarcely intelligible难以理解的胡涂解释.

16.a series of annotations or explanations.一系列注解或解释.

17.capable of being understood or interpreted.可以被理解或解释的。

18.The explanation is not far to seek, ie is very clear.这种解释不难理解.



1.The Response Signal of Transient Shocking Pile Foundation with a Hammer and Its Explanation;桩基瞬态锤击响应及其信号解释

2.Explanation on Why Zero-Probability Event May Not Be Impossible Event;对为什么概率为0的事件不一定是不可能事件的解释


1.Application research of horizontal well testexplain method水平井试井解释方法及应用研究

2.Making use of sound wave measuring well data in triaxiality earthquake exploreexplain in Banji well,increaseexplain accuracy and get the verification in practice.在板集井田三维地震勘探解释中充分利用井田内的声波测井资料,以提高解释精度,并在实践中得到验证。

3.In order to obtain to fish for result goodly,the exaltation collects the result and earthquake toexplain a personnel of comprehensiveexplain an ability is count for much.在陆相煤系地层地震勘查中,由于地层的岩石类型不稳定,给采集和解释工作带来很大不便,大大的影响了勘查效果,为取得良好的勘查效果,提高采集效果和地震解释人员的综合解释能力是非常重要的。


1.And then, the structure of STLinterpreting program and the technique of lexical analysis and syntax analysis are discussed.介绍了 PLC编程语言——语句表的结构和特点 ,讨论了语句表解释程序的词法分析和语法分析技术 ,以及运用面向对象的编程思想、构造语句表解释程序 ,实现内嵌式 PLC等问

2.Based on the analysis of research work all over the world, aninterpretative TPS based on semantic-oriented method was proposed.通过对国内外研究工作的分析,提出了面向语义的解释型测试程序集描述方法。

3.By analyzing physical character of Trona ore,the article emphatically discuss how to choose parameters in well logging to evaluate andinterpret trona ore on its exploitation,especially in ascertaining trona from vertical well and horizontal well.通过天然碱矿的物性特征分析,着重论述了测井工作在天然碱矿的勘探开发中如何选择测井参数对天然碱矿进行评价解释,特别对垂直井和水平井中天然碱矿的定性、定量解释方法。


1.Educational Hermeneutics is a hermeneutics which research object is interactiveinterpreting-understanding among teachers and students in teaching.教育解释学是以教-学中师生互动的解释-理解为对象的解释学。

2.Thus,translating is redefined asinterpreting.从这个角度看,翻译就是解释。



