100字范文 > 执政力 ruling power英语短句 例句大全

执政力 ruling power英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-28 09:48:04


执政力 ruling power英语短句 例句大全

执政力,ruling power

1)ruling power执政力

1.This article studies theruling power,leaderhship power and executive power of Communist Party of China.根据党的性质、主旨、作用与任务,根据社会主义事业发展规律和基本要求,不仅要加强执政力建设、领导力提高和执行力提升,更要注重三者的相互联系,熔汇贯通,有机整合,创新集成。


1.On the Integrated System of Ruling Power,Leadership Power and Executive Power;执政力、领导力与执行力集成一体化研究

anic unify of the two aspects form the governing credit.执政品性与执政能力的有机统一构成执政信用。

3.The Construction of Ruling Abilities & Ruling Legality and Ruling Ethics;执政能力建设与执政合法性及执政伦理

4.On the Dialectic and Transform about the Cost ang Benefit of Reign--Also on zhe Construct of zhe Reign Party s Ability;执政成本与执政效益的辩证及转化——兼论执政党的执政能力建设

5.A Moral Dimensional Dialysis on Enhancing Governance Capability of Ruling Party;提高执政党执政能力的道德维度透析

6.The Principle of Government for the People: The Stand of the Improvement of the Party s Capacity for Assuming Power;执政为民是党执政能力建设的落脚点

7.Strengthen ruling power construction of CPC and raise its ruling level;加强执政能力建设 提高党的执政水平

8.The Raise of the Ability of the CPC’s Power From Summing up the Experence;总结党的执政经验,提高党的执政能力

9.Democratic Supervision: the Foundation for the Ruling Party to Improve the Abilities of Administration;民主监督:提高执政党执政能力的基础

10.The Premise for Improving the Governing ability of the Party:Consolidating the basis of Governing;提高党执政能力的前提:巩固执政基础

11.Increasing the Ability to Rule by Law Means Increasing the Ability to Rule by Constitution;提高依法执政能力实质是提高依宪执政能力

12.Enhance the Construction of Ruling Ability Raise the Enforcement Level of The People s Police;强化执政能力建设 提高民警执法水平

13.On the construction of capability of governance from the legitimacy of the political power;从政治权力的合法性看执政能力建设

14.Cultural Ruling and Ruling Culture On the Construction of the Party’s Ruling Culture;文化的执政与执政的文化——党的文化执政能力建设初探

15.Middle Force And The Set-up Of CPC Position To Take Power--From The Analyses Sight Of The Resources Of The Party In Power;中间势力与中共执政地位的确立——试从执政党执政资源的角度分析

16.Building the Party for the Interests of the People and Assuming Power for the People-Demanded Essentially by CPC in the Law and Abilities of Administration;立党为公 执政为民——中国共产党执政规律和执政能力的本质要求

17.Verification of Legal Ruling and Enhancement of Ruling Capability;执政合法性的证明与执政能力的提高——马克思主义执政党提高执政能力的路径选择问题

18.Ruling Ability Construction Is a Basic Construction after Reign of Our Party执政能力建设是党执政后的一项根本建设


Governing ability执政能力

1.Perfecting the Performance Audit,Improving the Governing Ability of the Government;完善绩效审计,提升我国政府执政能力

2.Historical experience to enhance the governing ability construction of CPC;加强党的执政能力建设的历史经验

3.Administration according to law is an important concept in improving our party s governing ability;依法行政是提高党的执政能力的重要内容

3)ruling ability执政能力

1.Improve the Ruling Ability of Health Administration Through Function Transformation;从转变职能入手 提高医政工作的执政能力

2.To strengthen the party sruling ability construction have to pay great attention to the ruling cost research;加强党的执政能力建设必须注重执政成本研究

3.Understand and hold era intension of theruling ability construction of our party in an all-round way;党的执政能力建设的时代内涵

4)ability of administration执政能力

1.Try hard to improve theability of administration of leading group of vocational school;努力提高中等职业学校领导班子执政能力

2.Insisting the leader of the party is the key of the socialist political civilization,and the level of theability of administration of the party is the key factor whether the party could fully play a leading role and strengthen its legitimacy of ruling status.坚持党的领导是社会主义政治文明的核心所在,而党执政能力的高低又是党能否充分发挥领导作用,增强其执政地位合法性的关键性因素。

3.It is an important respect of theability of administration of the Party to structure the harmonious society at present,which is also a great challenge.当前构建和谐社会是党的执政能力的一个重要方面,同时也是一个巨大的挑战。

5)governing capacity执政能力

1.On the Importance of the Building-up of the Party s Governing capacity;论加强党的执政能力建设的重要意义

2.To Strengthen the Construction of the Party Governing Capacity We should always Hold to the Truth-Seeking Spirit;加强党的执政能力建设必须始终坚持和做到求真务实

6)administrative ability执政能力

1.The fostering ofadministrative ability and leaders becoming talents in their posts;执政能力建设与干部“适职成才”

2.A Study on the Construction of Administrative Ability of Party;中国共产党执政能力建设研究

3.A Study on the Construction of Administrative Ability of County"s Party Committee;县级党委执政能力建设研究


赤力力1.亦作"赤历历"。 2.象声词。
