100字范文 > 执政党 ruling party英语短句 例句大全

执政党 ruling party英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-26 14:59:49


执政党 ruling party英语短句 例句大全

执政党,ruling party

1)ruling party执政党

1.On Stalin s Theory of Ruling Party s Construction and Its Modern Value;论斯大林执政党建设理论及其当代价值

2.On the Supervision of Democratic Parties to the Ruling Party;论民主党派对执政党的监督

3.Deng Xiaoping s thoughts on the supervision of theruling party;邓小平执政党监督思想探析


1.The ruling political party or coalition of political parties in a parliamentary system.执政党国会里的执政党或联合执政党

2.Exercising the State Power according to the Law Is the Correct Choice for Ruling Party S Scientific Administration;依法执政:执政党执政方式的科学化

3.at present, this party is in power.这个党目前是执政党。

4.The ins against the outs.执政党与在野党的对立

5.The Ruling Party and the Participating Party in the Relationship of Cooperative Political Party;合作型政党关系中的执政党与参政党

6.CPC s Exploration to the Ruling Regulation of the Ruling Party;中国共产党对执政党执政规律的探索

7.Political Ethics:The Ethic Basis of the Administering Notion of the Governing Party;政治道德:执政党执政理念的伦理基础

8.The administrative activities of the party in power definitely need expenses.执政党的执政活动必须支出成本。

9.Analyze the Connotation and Resources of Ruling Party s Governance Rationality;执政党执政合法性的内涵与资源探析

10.A Moral Dimensional Dialysis on Enhancing Governance Capability of Ruling Party;提高执政党执政能力的道德维度透析

11.The Conservative Party now had its innings.保守党现在执政 。

12.The Democrats are out, the Republicans in.民主党下野,共和党执政。

13.The Raise of the Ability of the CPC’s Power From Summing up the Experence;总结党的执政经验,提高党的执政能力

14.To improve the way of holding power to advance the abilityof holding power;改进党的执政方式 提高党的执政水平

15.A party that falls back to power again一个重新执政的政党

16.Which political party is in power now?现在是哪个政党执政?

17.Which political party is in office in your country?贵国是哪一个政党执政?

18.The party fell back to power again.这个政党重新执掌政权。


the Ruling Party执政党

1.To Build up Perpetuallythe Ruling Party "A Forwarding-thinking Pioneer of the Times"——To Commemorate the 30th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up;建设一个始终走在时代前列的执政党——纪念改革开放30周年

2.Chen Yun s strategic thought of keeping the advancement of the ruling party——for the 100th birthday s anniversary of Chen Yun;陈云关于保持执政党先进性的战略思考——纪念陈云同志诞辰100周年

3.A Thorough Analysis on the chief problems of the construction ofthe ruling party——Discussion on our inspinationfrom the disbandment of the communist party of sovret union;透视执政党建设的核心问题——兼谈苏共解体给我们的启示

3)party in power执政党

1.A Perspective of Deng Xiaoping s Thinking of Combating Corruption by the Party in Power;邓小平关于执政党反腐败思想的透视

2.The cognizance of people s interests in making public policy for the Party in power;执政党政策制定中群众利益的认定

3.The development of modern media has not only had far-reaching influence on the knowledge of the public, but also greatly altered the relation between the public and theparty in power.现代传媒的发展不仅对公众的认识产生了深远影响,而且深刻地变革了公众与执政党间的关系。

4)the party in power执政党

1.“Three Represent ”Thought and Bring Forth New Ideas in Mechanism of the Party in Power;论“三个代表”思想与执政党运行机制创新

2.Whether a harmonious socialist society can be realized or how the degree of realizing it depends onthe party in power.和谐社会能否实现及实现的程度到底有多大关键取决于执政党。

3.Raising the ability of governing fromthe party in power requires that the governing way should be admitted into the constitutional government,and only by this can the democratic rights be guaranteed.提高执政党的执政能力,需要把执政党的执政方式纳入到宪政的轨道,惟其如此方能真正保障人民民主权利。

5)governing party执政党

1.The historic contribution of Dun Xiaoping′s thought- -The thought change from revolutionary party togoverning party;从革命党到执政党的思想转折——邓小平思想之历史贡献

2.“Three Representatives”and the building ofgoverning party;“三个代表”与执政党建设

3.The Research on Jiang Zemin s Ideology of Governing Party Building;江泽民执政党建设思想研究

6)The Party"s wielding power党执政


