100字范文 > 执政 ruling英语短句 例句大全

执政 ruling英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-04 15:52:14


执政 ruling英语短句 例句大全



1.Some reflections onruling cost;关于执政成本问题的若干思考

2.On Mao Ze-dong sruling thoughts during China s Anti-Japanese War;抗日战争时期毛泽东执政思想研究

3.Legitimacy foundation of the CPC Sruling from 1949 to 1956;1949-1956年中国共产党执政的合法性基础


1.The ruling political party or coalition of political parties in a parliamentary system.执政党国会里的执政党或联合执政党

2.Exercising the State Power according to the Law Is the Correct Choice for Ruling Party S Scientific Administration;依法执政:执政党执政方式的科学化

3.Be in power with scientific methods、democraticmethods and be in power by laws;解读科学执政、民主执政、依法执政

4.Political Ethics:The Ethic Basis of the Administering Notion of the Governing Party;政治道德:执政党执政理念的伦理基础

anic unify of the two aspects form the governing credit.执政品性与执政能力的有机统一构成执政信用。

6.Governing Scientifically,Democratically and by Law: Dialectical Unify;论科学执政、民主执政和依法执政之辩证统一

7.Connotation and Relation: Scientific Governing and Democratic Governing and Governing by Law;科学执政、民主执政、依法执政的内涵及其关系

8.Understanding The Philosophical Connotation of "Scientific Ruling, Democratic Ruling ,and Ruling by Law";解读“科学执政、民主执政、依法执政”的哲学内涵

9.The Law on Administrative Licenses and the Government s Law -Based Administration;科学执政、民主执政中的依法执政基本途径

10.The Construction of Ruling Abilities & Ruling Legality and Ruling Ethics;执政能力建设与执政合法性及执政伦理

11.The Conservative Party now had its innings.保守党现在执政 。

12.On the Dialectic and Transform about the Cost ang Benefit of Reign--Also on zhe Construct of zhe Reign Party s Ability;执政成本与执政效益的辩证及转化——兼论执政党的执政能力建设

13.Perfecting the Ruling Mode by Ruling Scientifically, Democratically and Legally;坚持科学执政民主执政依法执政完善党的执政方式

14.A party that falls back to power again一个重新执政的政党

15.Which political party is in power now?现在是哪个政党执政?

16.Which political party is in office in your country?贵国是哪一个政党执政?

17.for the duration of this government本届政府执政期间.

18.The Government has been in power for two years.这届政府已执政两年.



1.A Study on the Governance Strategy of the Communist Party of China in the New Period;新时期中国共产党执政方略研究

2.Environmentalgovernance plays a critical role in environmental protection.环境执政能力建设是环境保护的重要环节。

3.Therefore,this paper,by analyzing the historical and logical premise of CPC,its theoretical and realistic foundation,points out the similarities and differences between leading andgovernance,so that the analytical and research base can be clarified.由于对中国共产党的领导与执政双重身份的不重视或者不了解,导致在一些学者的研究中,出现了一些有待澄清的地方。

3)in power执政

1.The so-called executive legitimacy implies that the Partyin power can lead people to hold the view that the existent political system is a belief state of the social most eligible system.所谓执政合法性,是指执政党能使人们产生和坚持现存的政治制度是社会的最适宜制度的信仰状态。

2.Leadership of the Communist Party of China and it’sin power are two concepts of connection and division.中国共产党的领导和中国共产党的执政是两个既相区别又有联系的概念,党的领导通过党的执政来体现,党的执政通过党的领导来实现。

4)Being in Power执政

1.The benefit of Party and the mass:logical analysis on the leadership of Party and being in power;党的利益与人民群众的利益:党的领导、执政的逻辑分析

2.We should strength the construction of the Party s advancement being in power to build an advanced Marxism ruling party.先进性是中国共产党最鲜明的特征,加强党的先进性建设是党的新的伟大工程,在执政实践中加强党的先进性建设,把我们党建设成为一个先进的马克思主义政党。

3.Because being in power and participating in government and political affairs have the mutual political basis and common interest goal, and they all can be operated in an incorruptible way, so they are identical in these aspects.执政与参政具有共同的政治基础、共同的利益目标、政治操作上的清廉性,因而具有一致性。


1.The party sadministration notion is where the purpose of the party sadministration,and is the collective embodiment of the party sadministration regularity.党的执政理念是党执政的宗旨所在,是党的执政规律的集中体现。

2.To improve the ability ofadministration of the Party,the important thing is to improve the ability of the Party to deal with five kinds of relationships well:economic development and anti-corruption,efficiency and impartiality,tradition and modernization of the guideline,our country and foreign countries,and inside and outside of the Party.提高党的执政能力,关键是要提高执政党处理好经济发展与反腐败、效率与公平、指导思想的传统化与现代化、国内和国际、党内和党外五大关系的能力。

6)ruling principle of a party in power执政党执政规律


执政1.掌管国家政事。 2.掌握国家大权的人。 3.主管某一事务的人。犹执事。 4.宋金某些高级官员的通称。 5.北洋军阀时期的官职名。1924年第二次直奉战争后,皖系军阀段祺瑞组织临时政府,任"执政"。 6.执正,主持正义。
