100字范文 > 执政理念 Ruling Idea英语短句 例句大全

执政理念 Ruling Idea英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-15 01:11:23


执政理念 Ruling Idea英语短句 例句大全

执政理念,Ruling Idea

1)Ruling Idea执政理念

1.To put forward showing the party affairs to the public, is not only a new breakthrough of the party’s ruling idea, but also the inevitable request of strengthening the party’s ruling ability, construction and advanced nature construction.推进党务公开是党的执政理念的新突破,是加强党的执政能力建设和先进性建设的必然要求,对于积极构建和谐社会具有十分重要的意义。

2.Taking the people s livelihood as principal is the CCP s most basic and most core ruling idea,because this idea has clearly indicated our Party s value orientation.以民生为本是中国共产党最根本、最核心的执政理念,因为这一理念清楚的表明了我党的价值取向。

3.In the ruling practice in the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region,the Communist Party of China acquired a series of ruling ideas,which provided scientific answers to the questions:for whom the party set up the government and by whom and how the party performed ruling.中国共产党在陕甘宁边区的执政实践中,对于为谁执政、依靠谁执政、如何执政等问题作出了科学的回答,形成了一系列的执政理念,包括立党为公、执政为民的公仆理念,执政兴国的发展理念,特殊条件下的革命理念(武装斗争理念)等。


1.Political Ethics:The Ethic Basis of the Administering Notion of the Governing Party;政治道德:执政党执政理念的伦理基础

2.Discusses about "Humanist" the Ruling Concepts and the Development Concepts谈“以人为本”执政理念和发展理念

3.Focus on Improving People s Livelihood Exhibits the Party s Governance Idea and Capability;关注民生彰显党的执政理念和执政能力

4.View on the "Human Being-in-itself" Notion of Reign from the Construction of Communist Party s Reign Ability;论党的执政能力建设和“以人为本”的执政理念

5.Establishing New Principles of Governing Is the Guarantee of Improving the Ability to Govern;确立新的执政理念是提高执政能力的根本保证

6.The Administrative Concept and Principle Of the CCP in a Society with Legal System法治社会下党的执政理念及施政原则

munist Party of China "People-oriented" Concept of Governing;中国共产党“以人为本”的执政理念初探

8.A Study on Ruling Thoughts of "People First" of CPC;中国共产党“以人为本”执政理念研究

9.On People-oriented Governing Concept of Chinese Communist Party;试论中国共产党以人为本的执政理念

10.On the Systematic Methods of Jiang Zemin Governing Concept;江泽民执政理念中的系统方法论探析

11.Chinese philosophical basis of "harmonious society" ′s ruling idea;“和谐社会”执政理念的中国哲学基础

12.Scientific Viewpoint of Development Is a Leap in the Ruling Idea of the Communist Party;科学发展观:共产党执政理念的飞跃

13.Seeking the "3 Unitication" of the Party-building and Innovating in the Ideology of Being in Power;探寻党建“三个统一” 创新党的执政理念

14.On the Formation and Development of CPC"s Administrative Notion论中国共产党执政理念的形成和发展

15.Change of the Party s Ruling Idea and the Ideological and Political Work in the New Century;新世纪党的执政理念转变与思想政治工作

16.On the Construction of Service Government under the Approach of People-first论“以人为本”执政理念下的服务型政府建设

17.Cultivation Approaches of Government Service Spirit under the People-oriented Ruling Concept“以人为本”执政理念下政府服务精神的培育路径

18.The Development of Chinese Communist Party s Administration Concept and Methods Since the Practice of the Policy of Opening and Reform (Ⅰ);改革开放30年中国共产党执政理念和执政方式的发展(上)


ruling concept执政理念

1.In essence,it includes theruling concept,purpose,methods and measures of the Party,the ways to deal with practical problems and the vision for future development.究其本质,包含了我们党的执政理念、执政宗旨、执政方式、执政手段以及处理现实问题的途径和今后发展的愿景等。

2.Man-centered principle,presenting Marxist point of view is communist s values trend and thinking mode,proposed after reflection on China s reform and opening-up and modernization constructing,which is also a restoration and sublimation of China s communist party sruling concept and the start and stay of all party s work.以人为本体现了马克思主义的观点,是共产党人的价值取向和思维方式;是对中国改革开放和现代化建设进行反思后提出的新理念;是中国共产党执政理念的复归和升华;是党的一切工作的出发点和落脚点。

3.The development of theruling concept is closely related to the cultivation of government service spirit.执政理念的发展与政府服务精神培育关系紧密,当前"以人为本"的执政理念要求政府重视培育政府服务精神。

3)governing concept执政理念

munist Party of the Soviet Union has departed from "humanist" in thegoverning concept.从以人为本执政理念新视角重新审视苏联解体、苏共垮台的原因可知,苏共在执政理念上背离了"以人为本",在实践上表现为未能切实保障好人们的经济、政治和文化权益。

2.The core and essence ofgoverning concept is the Value orientation of the ruling party,while the basic issue ofgoverning concept is why to govern and whom to govern for?Thegoverning concept of the Chinese Com- munist Party is to stick to the People-oriented principle inside as well as to pursue independence,prosperity and strength external.执政理念的核心和本质是执政党的价值取向,其基本问题是为什么执政和为谁执政的问题。

3.This paper focuses on the innovation in thegoverning concept of the Communist Party of China.这一发展过程,是与时俱进的中国共产党的正确选择,是中国社会现实发展的必然要求,是我党对中国传统文化中优质资源的创造性运用,体现了党执政理念的创新,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史影响。

4)governing idea执政理念

1.Study on the Humanist Governing Idea Since the 16th National Congress of Communist Party of China;十六大以来党的以人为本执政理念研究

2.The Party sgoverning idea is the value judgement and the localization manifested during the Party s governing process.执政理念是一个执政党在执政过程中体现出来的价值判断与定位,执政能力建设在不同理念指导下就会体现出不同的形态和结果。

3.This paper will expound Deng Xiaoping s governing thinking fromgoverning idea,governing base and governing fashion.邓小平执政思想主要体现在执政理念、执政基础、执政方式等三个方面。

5)ruling ideology执政理念

1.Theruling ideology embodies the essential element of the ability of a ruling party,and it embodies the existence premise and ruling aim of the working class political party.执政理念是执政党执政的指导思想,主要是党执政的宗旨、目的和应有的价值取向,是执政党执政能力的基本要素体现。

2.Ruling ideology is a basic category of the theory for party building of Marxism.执政理念是马克思主义建党学说的一个基本范畴,它具有阶级性、实践性、相对稳定性、创新性和系统性等特征。

6)Governing philosophy执政理念

1.As the governing philosophy of the Chinese Communist Party(CPC) in the new period, the scientific concept of development has abundant scientific connotation.执政理念是执政党以执政宗旨为核心的一整套执政观的价值判断,是执政党对执掌政权的宗旨、目的和任务,以及实现这一任务所需的执政方针、执政手段等方面的理性认识。

2.In order to constantly improve the Party\"s governing capability,he actively explored the Party\"s governing philosophy,style of governance and the Party\"s self-construction,and put them into a great deal of profound exposition,putting forward many new ideas.为了不断提高党的执政能力,他对党的执政理念、执政方式及作为执政主体的党的自身建设问题进行了积极探索,做了大量而深刻的阐述,提出许多新思想。


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
