100字范文 > 统治思想 ruling thought英语短句 例句大全

统治思想 ruling thought英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-19 22:27:48


统治思想 ruling thought英语短句 例句大全

统治思想,ruling thought

1)ruling thought统治思想

1.Elements of Minben(people are the foundation of a nation)in the Ruling Thought in the Qin Dynasty from a Perspective of General Social Consciousness;秦朝统治思想中的民本思想因素——以全社会普遍意识为视角

2.The people-based thought is regarded as theruling thought by the rulers in the Eastern Han Dynasty.东汉统治者将民本思想作为其定国安邦的统治思想,他们以“天应民心”为理论依据,提出“制君限臣”的实践理念,“足民”、“保民”、“治民”的实践措施,以及“以农为本”的操作原则,最终构建了民本思想的理论体系。

3.The thought of giving priority to the people was an important part of Chinese traditionalruling thoughts.“民本”是传统统治思想中的一个重要组成部分,是专制统治维护其政治合法性的政治符号。


1.The Dominion Thought and Administrative Policy of Mongol Empire and Yuan Dynasty;蒙元经营西南边疆的统治思想及治策

2.The ruling ideas of each age have ever been the ideas of its ruling class.任何一个时代的统治思想始终都不过是统治阶级的思想。

3.On Changes of Ruling Philosophy in Early Han Dynasty and Its Reasons;论西汉前期统治思想的变化及其原因

4.Conflict of Traditional Chinese Political Thought and Villagers Autonomy;中国传统政治思想与村民自治的冲突

5.From Chinese Traditional Moral Thoughts to the " Running a Country according to the Morals;从中国传统德治思想到“以德治国”

6.On the Traditional Confucian Philosophy of Rule by Virtue and Modern Political Development从传统儒家“德治”思想到现代政治发展

7.Reflections upon Traditional Theory of Rule by Law in China;中国传统法治思想反思——兼谈法治与人治、礼治、德治

8.Jurisprudence Analysis of the Mass-based Thoughts in Chinese Traditional Political and Legal Ideas;传统政治法律思想中民本思想的法理学分析

9.Enhance ideological and political work under the guidance of the important thought of "Three Represents";用“三个代表”重要思想统领高校思想政治工作

10.On ideological and political work guided by the important thought of Three Represents;用“三个代表”重要思想统领思想政治工作

11.Political Ethics or Ethical Politics--Comment on Chinese Traditional Rule of Virtue;政治道德还是道德政治——评我国传统的德治思想

12.A Survey on the Modern Concept of Ruling the Country by Morality;以德治国思想是对中国传统德治思想的继承和超越

13.The Relationships between Ideological and Political Education through Internet and Traditional Ideological and Political Education;互联网思想政治教育与传统思想政治教育的关系

14.Love That Doth Reign and Live Within My Thought爱统治着我并且活在我的思想里

15.So long as the people of the whole country achieve unity of thinking, inflation will not be difficult to overcome.只要全国人民思想统一,治理也不难。

16.The reign of the Latin mind was now drawing to an end.拉丁人思想的统治现在即将结束。

17.People"s thought is the Core of the theory that traditional Chinese run the country.民本思想是中国传统治国理论的核心。

18.Research and Analysis in Chinese Traditional Psychotherapist Ideas and Conceptions;中医学传统心理治疗思想与理念探析


ruling ideology统治思想

1.Emperor Hanwu took the Confucianists thought as his governmentruling ideology, and un- der the direction of it, he took the a series of measures of to uphold his rule and strengthen the Centraliza- tion of state power so as to set up a "unified" state.汉武帝以儒家思想作为西汉王朝的统治思想,并在儒家思想的指导下,实施一系列旨在维护皇权统治、加强中央集权、建立“大一统”帝国的举措,由此带来中国封建社会第一个盛世的出现和迅速由盛而衰。

3)tradition political thinking传统政治思想

1.The Chinesetradition political thinking is containing some positive reasonable factors,these factors construct the socialist democracy politics regarding China under the new historical condition,the development socialism politics civilization have the profound inspiration and the model significance.中国传统政治思想中包含着一些积极合理的因素,这些因素对于中国在新的历史条件下建设社会主义民主政治,发展社会主义政治文明具有深刻的启迪和借鉴意义。

4)the governance of patriarchy父权制思想统治

1.This paper emphatically explores women s deep love of nature and their determined revolt againstthe governance of patriarchy,so as to reveal the implied idea of eco-feminism.本文从生态女性主义视角解读美国现代经典小说《蜜蜂的秘密生活》,从分析男主人公缇瑞对一只蟑螂的肆意摧残入手,延伸到他对大自然及他身边女性的无情压迫和征服,着重探究了女性对自然的挚爱和对父权制思想统治的坚决反抗,揭示了作品蕴含的生态女性主义思想。

5)basis of ideological rule思想统治基础

6)the patriarchal concept男权统治思想

bining with age characteristic the story reflected, the essay exploresthe patriarchal concept and the heroine s feminine consciousness in the novel.本文结合文本所反映的时代特征,探索和挖掘作品折射出的男权统治思想与文本隐含的女性意识。


人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people"s army, thought ofrenmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j
