100字范文 > 执政信任 ruling trust英语短句 例句大全

执政信任 ruling trust英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-06-30 05:25:12


执政信任 ruling trust英语短句 例句大全

执政信任,ruling trust

1)ruling trust执政信任

1.Establishment and maintenance ofruling trust requires guiding principles and realization of fair ruling,fine images of rulers and a powerful and workable democratic system to ensure ruling by law.执政信任的形成、实现、巩固和增强,需要执政者追求并实现公正合理的执政理念,树立良好卓著的执政形象,特别需要执政者公正、为民、清廉、诚信;同时还需要执政者建立与健全民主制度,实行法治。

2.The essential factors ofruling trust in modern society can be classified into fundamental factors and related factors.执政信任是执政合法性的基石,是政治文明的重要标志,是执政者的政治灵魂和政治生命。


1.Two Essential Factors of Ruling Trust--Thinking of the Problems Concerning Ruling Trust in Contemporary China;执政信任的两大要素——关于当代中国执政信任问题的初步思考

2.On the Executive Power of Government Petition Accountability System论党政机关信访工作责任追究制的执行力

3.Consul sine collega独任执政官,无同僚的执政官

4.appointed to the consulship被任命为领事或执政官.

anic unify of the two aspects form the governing credit.执政品性与执政能力的有机统一构成执政信用。

6.We will implement the administrative law enforcement accountability system to strengthen and improve administrative law enforcement.加强和改善行政执法,落实行政执法责任制。

7.Any of various two-man executive boards in the Roman Republic双人执政任一罗马共和国各种双人执政机构

8.To Enhance Our Party s Ability of Reins Is CPC s Guarantee to Accomplish Their Vital Task for the Prosperity of Our Country;提高执政能力是党完成执政兴国重任的保证

9.A study of administrative law enforcementresponsibility system of local government;试论我国地方政府的行政执法责任制

10.While she received the support of the ruling party, He is still standing by her vow to step down if water service is not restored to Taoyuan County by Saturday.执政党立委力挺,不过何美玥还是坚持信守承诺,13号没能恢复桃园全面供水,会负起政治责任。

11.Subsequently, during his reign, he set up statues to her.(他继尤利阿努斯担任代执政官,后和他共任执政官,并继之登基为帝。

12.Does British foreign policy remain the same, whichever party is in power?英国任何政党执政,外交政策都继续不变吗?

13.The fund, with the council as its trustee, is administered by a Board of Administrators underpinned by a Management Committee with independent members appointed by the Government.消委会是诉讼基金的信托人,基金由执行委员会在管理委员会的协助下管理,委员则由政府委任。

14.any federal law-enforcement officer.任何一个联邦政府法律执行官员。

15.Reflection on Perfecting Wenzhou Responsibility System of Administrative Enforcement of Law;深化完善温州行政执法责任制的思考

16.An Effective Way to Strengthen System of Job Responsibility in Administrative Enforcement of Archives Law;强化档案行政执法责任制的有效途径

17.Strategic Inquiry into China′s Responsibility System of Administrational Law′s Enforcement Concerning WTO;WTO与中国行政执法责任制对策研究

18.A Study on the Perfection of the Responsibility System of Administrative Execution on Inspection & Quarantine完善检验检疫行政执法责任制的研究


governing mission执政任务


4)governing credit执政信用

anic unify of the two aspects form thegoverning credit.在现代政党政治中,执政信用始终是政党执政的生命所在。

5)governance credit执政诚信

1.It is being an urgent programme for the CPC to improve its governance capability, to achieve which, the CPC should fully realize the important significance of building itsgovernance credit.加强执政能力建设是当前我党面临着的一个紧迫课题,要切实提高我党的执政能力和执政水平,就必须充分认识执政诚信建设的重要意义。

6)Trust in Government政府信任

1.ConsumersTrust in Government and its Impact on Their Acceptance toward Genetically Modified Food;政府信任对消费者行为的影响研究

2.TheTrust in Governments And The Shaping Of Governments;政府信任与政府形象的塑造

3.Currently,the decline of the trust in government has already become the phenomenon almost all over the world.政府信任的式微已经成为世界范围内的现象,它是西方学术界所关注的热点问题之一,国内学者对此关注和探讨的还不多,因此,它是理论研究者应该关注的政治学问题。


