100字范文 > 党治 rule by party英语短句 例句大全

党治 rule by party英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-06 23:08:28


党治 rule by party英语短句 例句大全

党治,rule by party

1)rule by party党治

1.In general the human society goes through the stages of primitive democracy,the rule by man,therule by party,the rule of law to finally arrive at the ideal society of the rule by the people.就一般规律而言,人类社会发展经历了原始民主制、人治、党治、法治几个阶段,最终应走向理想的民治社会。


1.On the Evolvement of GMD Governing China as only a Party;国民党大陆统治时期“党治”演变述论

2.Relations between the Nationalist Party (Guomindang) and the Government:Party Rule at Local Levels (1927-1937);党政关系:国民党党治在地方层级的运作(1927—1937)

3.Analysis of KMT s failure for "Governing the Country by Political Parties";国民党“以党治国”实践失败的原因分析

4.the party system,ie government based on political parties政党制度(即政党统治).

5.State affairs cannot be well managed without good Party building. So we must be strict in Party discipline.治国必先治党,治党必须从严。

6.To do this, we must be strict with the Party members.治国必先治党,治党务必从严。

7.To administer the state with morals we must administer the party with morals in advance, severe in administering the party;“以德治国”必先“以德治党”、从严治党

8.Run the Party strictly,Strengthen effectively the education in Party Conduct, Party Discipline and Party Spirit of colleges and universities;从严治党,切实加强学校党风党纪党性教育

9.a political party, debate, crisis政党、 政治论战、 政治危机

10.To Rule the Party and Manage It Strictly before Running a Country--Thoughts on Learning Regulation on the Supervision inside the Communist Party of China;治国必先治党 治党必须从严——学习《中国共产党党内监督条例》有感

11.Analysis on Stratagem of Chinese Political Development;治民·治政·治党——中国政治发展战略解析

12.On Jiang Zeming s Party Building Thought;治国必先治党 治党务必从严——江泽民的党建思想论略

13.multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of Communist Party共产党领导下的多党合作与政治协商

14.The Development of India Party Politics and the Rise and Fall of India National Congress;国大党的兴衰与印度政党政治的发展

15.The Necessity and Status Quo of and the Path to Realize "Ruling the Party by Party Constitution";“依党章治党”的必要性、现状及实现路径

16.The Influence of Political Marketing on the Inner-party Democracy of Major Political Parties in Europe;政治推销对欧洲政党党内民主的影响

17.The political Rationality of the Report On the Party and the Value of C.P.C.;《论党》的政治理性与党建价值目标构建

18.Analysis on the Phenomenon of Parties in Power in Russian Party Politics;俄罗斯政党政治中的“政权党”现象分析


Party running治党

1.Theories fromParty running to state running is a striking feature of "Three Represents" thought which logically results from theoretical innovation and practical development of socialist theory with Chinese characteristics and embodies contemporary Chinese Communists remarkable wit.由治党及治国的理论,是“三个代表”重要思想的显著特点。

3)party politics政党政治

1.A comparative study of American interest group politics andparty politics;美国利益集团政治与政党政治关系比较研究

2.On new changes of post Cold War worldparty politics;试论冷战后世界政党政治的新变化

3.Russia s Party Politics in the Transition;转型中的俄罗斯政党政治

4)political parties政党政治

1.Based on the studies of the documents on the relationship betweenpolitical parties and the media inrecent years,this paper summarizesthe historical development of the relationship,and discusses the influenceof the media topolitical parties structure,function,concept transmission,etc.本文通过对近年来政党政治与媒体关系的文献研究,概括了政党政治与媒体关系的历史发展脉络,梳理了近十年来媒体对政党结构、功能、理念传递方式、意识形态等等显著乃至细微的影响变化,最后作者对不同意识形态政党应对媒体挑战的战略对策进行了分类综述。

2.As economic globalization and the development of a multipolar world,the worldwide exchange and cooperation unprecedentedpolitical parties activepolitical parties in various countries have undergone some changes in the ideological,organizational forms,community-based,operate in the emergence of new features.随着经济全球化和世界多极化的发展,世界范围内政党政治交流和合作空前活跃,政党政治在各个国家发生了一些变化,在意识形态、组织形式、社会基础、运作方式等方面出现了新的特点。

5)chieftain politics党魁政治

1.The reform deeply touched the American two-party system and cracked down thechieftain politics pervasive in municipal and state political reforms.改革深刻触及了美国的两党政治,在市政、州政改革中沉重打击了一度泛滥的党魁政治,在一定程度上革除了政治腐败的温床,推动了美国的两党政治的变革,也推动了美国政治民主化的进程。

6)politics of party政党政治

1.From the angel ofpolitics of party, the cooperation between the two parties lacked firm foundation, effective cooperative means and clear goals, which became the important factors of .从政党政治的角度看,两党的这次合作缺乏稳固的基础、没有采用恰当的合作方式,缺乏明朗的前途,这些成为导致合作最终破裂的重要因素。

2.The article discusses the relationship betweenpolitics of party and authority of party.文章从政治学的视角 ,从分析政府权威与政党政治的关系入手 ,论述了新中国政党制度的若干特点 ,指出处在现代化进程中的发展中国家政党政治的理想模式应是由一个强有力的政党执政 ,在政治稳定的前提下 ,稳步推进国家的现代化进


