100字范文 > 注视 Fixation英语短句 例句大全

注视 Fixation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-23 09:49:24


注视 Fixation英语短句 例句大全



1.Result:The feature of disuse strabismus was loss of monocular fixation,and its most common cause was amblyopia.结果 :废用性斜视以单眼注视功能丧失为特征。

2.While the monkeys gazed on a fixation point (FP) positioned sequentially at different locations on a TV screen, two types of visual stimuli were presented on the same screen: (1) A small light ring flashed repeatedly around the FP or(2) A prefered light bar shifted continuously across the cell s receptive field (RF).当猴注视电视屏幕上25个下同位置的小光点(注视点)时,在屏幕上分别给予两种不同形式的视觉刺激:注视点周围的闪烁圆环和感受野内的移动光条。

3.In Chinese reading,the parameters of eye movement include viewing position,saccade,regression,fixation duration,etc.中文阅读眼动特征的评估参数主要包括注视点停留位置、眼跳、回视和注视时间等。


1.To focus the eyes or attention.注视,凝视集中视力或注意力

2.To look at, especially attentively or continuously.注视,密切注意注视,尤指专注的或不间断的

3.(of the eyes)be wide open with a fixed gaze(指眼睛)睁大注视

4.A steady, fixed look.凝视,注视长久,固定地看

5.an incredulous look, stare, gaze, etc怀疑的神情、注视、 逼视等.

6.To glare at angrily or hatefully.怒视生气或憎恨地注视

7.watchful as a hawk严密地注视, 警惕地监视

8.The act of observing closely or the condition of being closely observed;surveillance.密切注视密切注视的行为或被密切注视的状态;监视

9.a stony stare, glare, look, gaze, etc冷眼注视、 怒视、 观望、 凝视等

10.He fixed his eyes on a watercolor他注视着一张水彩画。

11.We stared at him in amazement.我们惊奇地注视着他。

12.Villefort watched him with alarm not devoid of admiration.维尔福惊奇地注视着他。

13.She stared at me in astonishment.她惊奇地注视着我.

14.I watched the dancers twirling .我注视着跳舞的人旋转.

15.She gazed on me in bewilderment.她迷惑地注视着我。

16.Kept her eye on the forward horizon.她注视着前方的地平线

17.His eyes focused on her.他目不转睛注视着她。

18.Keep a close eye on the development of new technology密切注视新技术的发展。



1.Concepts like “other”,“gaze” are applied into the discussion of the relationship between the “two” medicines.本文运用后现代哲学中的“他者”观念回顾了中西医之间张力的演变,指出在整个过程中“中医”未能摆脱“西医”作为“他者”的注视。

2.Finally experiments are provided to show that image moments as image features for visual servoing are effective and it is possible togaze the dynamic object even on a 5 degrees of freedom robot.利用图像的全局特征描述子—图像矩特征作为图像特征信息 ,从而构成视觉伺服 ,实现对动目标的注视跟踪 。

3.Two kinds of approaches are discussed for the eye togaze the moving object, in order to overcome the drawbacks from visual feedback: (1) small visual field of the eye; and (2) distortions of the eye image plane.给出了为克服摄像机视场小和图像平面存在畸变的缺点而设计的注视运动目标的两种算法,即只改变摄像机空间位置的平移法和只改变摄像机姿态的变姿法,并讨论了它们的优缺点。


1.The Awakening written by Kate Chopin,however,reverses male s authority onwatching,taking the heroine as the master of her own body as well as the subject ofwatching.身体意识的苏醒推动女主人公颠覆了男性的注视特权而成为注视的主体,使其试图摆脱父权话语对女性的禁忌建立在社会空间拥有主体性的身份建构模式。

2.In Kundera′s novels,two kinds of body images signif y the writer′s aesthestic opinon:watching indicates judging of traditional rationalism, and listeni ng indicates love towards others through intuition which seems to be an evolutio n of modern aesthetics.在昆德拉的作品中,两种身体形象代表了作者的美学态度,其中“注视”指传统理 性主义的独断,“聆听”代表以直觉感悟为特征的关爱。

4)visual field of fixation注视视野


6)To gaze intently;stare.凝视;注视


