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固着 fixation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-04 06:26:49


固着 fixation英语短句 例句大全



1.Sericin Fixation Effect of bichloro-s-triazine Reactive Dyes;二氯均三嗪活性染料对蚕丝丝胶的固着作用

2.Study on Fixation Mechanism of CuAz Preservatives in Bamboo by ATR-FTIR应用ATR-FTIR研究铜唑类防腐剂在竹材中的固着机理

3.The testing results show that the hygroscopicity and antistatic ability of polyester fabrics are greatly improved after being processed by sericin and glutaralde-hydefixation, which almost remain the same with the increasing of washing time.测试结果表明:涤纶织物经丝胶处理和戊二醛固着后,其吸湿性能和抗静电性能均有明显改善,且几乎不随洗涤时间的增长而发生变化。


1.(of an object)be removed from a place where it is fixed(指物体)(从固着处)除掉

2.quick-setting ink快干油墨, 快固着油墨

3.Sessile organisms, such as algae and small crustaceans, that live attached to surfaces projecting from the bottom of a freshwater aquatic environment.固着生物固着生物体,如海藻和小型甲壳动物,固着在突出淡水水底环境的表面上

4.Holdfast(hapteron) In algae, the cell or organ that attaches the plant to the substrate.固着器:是藻类植物具有的一种起固着作用的细胞或器官。

5.To form a fixation;become attached to in an immature or neurotic way.固着,依恋形成固着心态;不成熟地或神经质地与…联系

6.infrared fixation of reactive dyeing or printing活性染料红外[线]固着印染法

7.hold firmly and tightly.稳固地或紧紧地拿着。

8.He wedged the door open.他用楔子固定使门开着。

9.extracellular cholesterinosis红细胞外胆固醇沉着症

10.As friendships solidify, ties strengthen.随着友谊日益巩固,友谊的纽带也更加坚固。

11.He looked down at the floor on either side of him in the old manner, looked up in the old manner, and repeated in the old low voice:他以固有的方式盯着两侧的地板,以固有的方式搜寻着,并以固有的细声重复着:

12.Independence doesn"t mean separateness from others or being blind to advice from other people.独立不意味着与人隔绝,不意味着固执己见.

13.Seawater is pure water plus dissolved solids and gases.海水里面溶解着固体和气体。

14.Turning to Tu Chu-chai, he repeated obstinately:他转眼看着杜竹斋,很固执地说:

15.The patient"s broken leg was secured with plaster bandage.病人的断腿用石膏绷带固定着。

16.a device that is worn to hold a hernia in place.戴着让疝气固定在原位的装置。

17.be at an idle end (=be at loose ends)没有固定工作,闲着,无所事事

18.One gets free from the galleys, but not from the sentence.他固然出了牢狱,但仍背着罪名。



1.Effect of surface characteristics of carbon fiber onimmobilization of facultative and anaerobic aerobes;碳纤维表面特性对兼性及厌氧微生物固着的影响

2.Effect of surface oxygenic functional groups of modified carbon fibres onimmobilization of denitrifying becterium;改性碳纤维及表面含氧官能团对反硝化菌固着化的影响

3.Effect of surface characteristics of carbon fiber onimmobilization of denitrifying bacterium;碳纤维表面特性对反硝化菌固着化的影响


1.On purpose to improve the silk fiber performances, the sericinfixing agent containing rare earth metal ions was used to fix the sericin to weight the silk fibers.以改善真丝纤维的性能为目标,采用含稀土金属离子的丝胶固着剂来固着丝胶,达到了增重真丝纤维的目的。

2.The structure changes of silk fiber with different weight gain, by using sericinfixing agent containing rare earth metal ion, were studied in this paper.用稀土金属离子通过形成配位结合来固着丝胶 ,制备了不同增重率的丝纤维 ,研究了增重丝纤维结构变化。

3.The main aim of this study is to improve the properties of silk fibre ,and the purpose of weighting silk fiber was achieved by using sericinfixing agent containing rare earth metal ion .本文以改善真丝纤维的性能为目标,采用了含稀土金属离子的丝胶固着剂,达到了增重真丝纤维的目的。


1.In this study, a series of experiments about intensifying of chitosanconcretion on cotton fiber were carried through according to physical and chemical properties of chitosan.根据壳聚糖的物理化学性质,进行了壳聚糖在棉纤维上固着的系列化组合实验。

5)fixing technique固着技术

6)copper fixation铜固着


固着固着fixation固着(ti xation)在心理一性发育过程中,个体的力比多或内驱力部分地停留于某一较早的发育阶段,不再随着年龄的增长而发展。这一现象,便被称作固着。按照经典的精神分析学说,固着是正常发展的不可避免的特点,但也可成为疾病或适应不良行为的根源。过分的刺激和驱力的不适当的满足或过分受挫,都可引起固着,从而影响人格的发展。弗洛伊德在两种意义上应用这个术语,其一指记忆、思想或症状的固着,其_才旨力比多停留于某个阶段或某一类事物。他认为固着是“压抑”的第一个阶段,是“倒退”的终点。固着于心理一性发育各期的人,分别有其相应的性格特点。力比多的固着有助于个体摆脱困境,故固着也被看作是一种自我防御机制。(梁宝勇撰徐俊觅审)
