100字范文 > 固色率 fixation英语短句 例句大全

固色率 fixation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-31 08:01:02


固色率 fixation英语短句 例句大全



1.Nicotinic acid was used as a catalyst in neutral-bath dyeing of silk with monochlorotriazine reactive dye and the effect of nicotinic acid a-mount,dyeing temperature,dyeing time and concentration of electrolyte on exhaustion andfixation was discussed,respectively.将叔胺类化合物烟酸用于一氯均三嗪型活性染料中性浴上染真丝绸,探讨了烟酸用量、染色温度、染色时间及电解质浓度对上染率和固色率的影响。

2.The applications of the substitutive alkali SL to dip dyeing with reactive dyes were studied,and the differences between SL and soda infixation and effects were compared.7 g/L时与碳酸钠20 g/L固色作用相当;且固色碱SL具有扩散性能好、加料方便、提高固色率、染色后易清洗等优点。

3.Reactive dyeing process of silk fabric with nicotinic acid as a catalyst is carried out , dye uptake andfixation in neutral and weak alkali conditions are compared with those of conventional dyeing process.以环境友好型的烟酸为催化剂,采用活性染料对真丝进行染色,比较了中性浴和弱碱性浴催化染色与常规染色的上染率和固色率。


1.Determination of colour absorption and fixation rate for reactive dyesGB/T2391-1980活性染料吸色率和固色率的测定方法

2.testing method for thermal fixation properties of disperse dyes分散染料的热固色率的测定方法

3.Uniform Dyeing Technology with High-fastness and High Color Fastness for Quaternized Silk季铵化真丝绸高固色率高色牢度匀染技术

4.Studies of Saltless Dyeing with High Fastness Rate for Cation-Modified Silk改性阳离子丝绸高固色率无盐染色研究

5.Determination of colour fixation rate in printing reactive dyesGB/T2393-1980活性染料印花固色率的测定方法

6.When the percent content of magnetic powder in toner was between 20%~30%, the fixation of disperse dyes was up to 80%, the color was rather deep.当磁粉含量为20 % ~30 %时,分散染料固色率达80 %,颜色较深;

7.The result shows that the dyetransferring percentage and dye-fixing percentage are all over90%, and the color fastness is very good.试验结果表明,活性染料的转移年和固色率都达到90%上,染色牢度很好。

8.Study on Improving Fixation of Monochlorotriazine Reactive Dyes on Silk Fabric by Using Tertiary Amines;叔胺类化合物用于提高一氯均三嗪型活性染料在真丝绸上固色率的研究

9.Adhesion Property of Dyeing Veneer with High Moisture Content and Fixation Veneer湿固化胶粘接高含水率染色和固色桦木胶接性能探讨

10.The Study of High Power 532nm All Solid State Laser for Photoselective Vaporization of the Prostate (PVP);用于前列腺选择性光汽化术的全固态大功率532nm绿色激光的研究

11.Effects of ultraviolet aging on color and translucency of composite resin cements紫外线照射老化树脂黏固剂对色度值及相对透明率的影响

12.dye strike rate染色上色率,染料瞬染率

13.fixed ratio schedules固定比率时间表 固定比率时间表

14.GLS (Gas-Liquid-Solid Chromatograph)气-液-固体色谱法

15.The optimal reaction conditions were as follows; the main factors which affect the decolouring ratio were acid con centration, solid - liquid ratio , temperature and activation time.研究结果表明,影响活性白土脱色率的主要因素为酸度、液固比、温度和活化时间。

16.fixed-rate pacemaker固定频率心脏起搏器

17.ratio of net worth to fixed assets净值对固定资产的比率

18.sales to fixed assets ratio销售与固定资产的比率


color fixing rate固色率

3)fixation rate固色率

1.It mainly discusses the effect of process conditions(quantities of Na2CO3,quantities of NaCl and temperature) onfixation rate of reactive dyes.选用两类活性染料(Cibacron Red LS-2G,Cibacron Blue FN-R)对蚕蛹蛋白纤维长丝染色,讨论了工艺条件(Na2CO3的用量、NaCl的用量、温度)对两类活性染料固色率的影响。

2.It researches on the effect of process conditions(quantity of Na_(2)CO_(3),quantity of Na_(2)SO_(4) and temperature) on exhaustion rate andfixation rate of reactive dyes by orthogonal experiments.用正交实验的方法,探讨工艺条件(碱剂的用量、促染剂的用量、温度)对吸尽率、固色率的影响。

3.In order to solve the problem of lowfixation rate,the application of crosslinking agent OL-F1X60D in reactive dye crosslinking dyeing was studied.通过用交联剂对织物进行染色前预处理的方法,提高了活性染料的固色率,使活性染料利用率低的问题得到有效解决,并最终确定了交联剂OL-F1X60D预处理的最佳工艺条件。

4)fixation yield固色率

1.On the basis of the dyeing principle of reactive dyes,this thesis has made a comparison and analysis tofixation yield of the two dyeing technology and pointed out that presharpen dyeing can improve the dyes"fixation yield.通过对各自固色率的分析比较,并从活性染料的染色原理进行分析,指出预减法染色可以提高活性染料的固色率。

2.The optimal dyeing process of siik with reactive dyes was investigated through related experiments and study of dyeing conditions (determination offixation yield cure and dye uptake cure).通过对活性染料在蚕丝上的染色条件相关实验(固色率曲线、上染率曲线的测定)及研究,探讨活性染料在蚕丝纤维上的最佳染色工艺。

5)high fixation高固色率

6)colour fixation rete固色速率


