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固色 fixation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-26 20:28:10


固色 fixation英语短句 例句大全



1.Epoxy crosslinking agent EH aidedfixation of brazilwood vegetable dye;环氧交联剂EH对苏木植物染料的固色作用

2.Effects of parameters in preparing aqueous si-sols on direct black GFfixation by the sol-gel process;溶胶制备工艺对直接黑GF的Sol-Gel法固色影响

3.Laundering,fixation after reactive dye dyeing and auxiliaries;活性染料染色后的洗涤、固色处理和助剂


1.alkali shock method[活性染料]碱快速固色法

2.cold fix method[活性染料]冷固色法

3.electrofixer rapid ager电热固色快速蒸化机

4.cationic after treatment resin阳离子后处理树脂(染色固色剂)

5.Non-formadehyde Fixing Agent DM-7 in Dyeing无甲醛固色剂DM-7在染色中的应用

6.colour fastness to curing耐焙烘色牢度,耐焙固色牢度,耐干热定形色牢度

7.The fixing performance of TEOS/ TBB blend sol and the effect of fixing conditions were discussed.讨论了正硅酸乙酯溶胶和钛酸丁酯溶胶混合溶胶的固色效果及固色工艺对固色效果的影响。

8.Eco-Flash process易固发色工艺(德国BTM公司开发的经济型高温固色工艺)

9.A Study on the Technology of Tannin/Tartar Emetic Fixing Process试论单宁酸/吐酒石固色工艺条件与固色效果的关系

10.Adhesion Property of Dyeing Veneer with High Moisture Content and Fixation Veneer湿固化胶粘接高含水率染色和固色桦木胶接性能探讨

11.Determination of colour absorption and fixation rate for reactive dyesGB/T2391-1980活性染料吸色率和固色率的测定方法

12.If you do not want the colors to fade, the photographs should be fixed.如果你不想照片褪色,就应该给它们固色。

13.The Application of Quaternary Ammonium Salt Polymer PDA on Dye Fixation Process for Pigskin Suede Leather季铵盐聚合物PDA在绒面革染色固色中的应用

14.Uniform Dyeing Technology with High-fastness and High Color Fastness for Quaternized Silk季铵化真丝绸高固色率高色牢度匀染技术

15.Studies of Saltless Dyeing with High Fastness Rate for Cation-Modified Silk改性阳离子丝绸高固色率无盐染色研究

16.GLS (Gas-Liquid-Solid Chromatograph)气-液-固体色谱法

17.These are his inherent qualities.这才是他固有的本色。

18.Serving to fix colors in dyeing.媒染在染色中用于固定颜色的



1.Fixing and Negative Air Ion Effect on Silk by Sol-Gel Process;溶胶凝胶法对真丝绸的固色及负离子效应

2.Application of one-bathfixing and softening process for pure cotton knitted fabric;固色和过柔一浴整理法在纯棉针织布染整中的应用

3.New alkali auxiliary S is one of the newfixing agent used in reactive dyeing.新型碱剂S是主要用于活性染料固色的一种新型碱剂。

3)dye fixation固色

1.Application of a high performancedye fixation and dye transfer inhibition agent in laundry detergents;高效固色及抗染料转移剂在洗涤用品中的应用

2.The quaternary ammonium salt polymer PDA was applied ondye fixation process for pigskin suede leather on the basis ofdye fixation principle of quaternary ammonium salts.利用季铵盐的固色原理,将二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵与丙烯酰胺的聚合物PDA应用于绒面革固色。

4)dye fixing染色固色

5)cross-linking fixation交联固色

6)fixing agent固色剂

1.Research of afixing agent for ramie fabric;水性聚氨酯固色剂对苎麻色织物的固色研究

2.Synthesis and application of formaldehyde-freefixing agent JXH;无甲醛固色剂JXH的合成与应用

3.Fixing and stripping of silkfixing agent LTG-S6F;丝绢固色剂LTG-S6F的固色与剥除


