100字范文 > 注视时间 fixation duration英语短句 例句大全

注视时间 fixation duration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-19 02:04:21


注视时间 fixation duration英语短句 例句大全

注视时间,fixation duration

1)fixation duration注视时间

1.the main effects offixation duration and fixation times of pictures location are significant.插图位置的注视时间与次数的主效应显著;2。

2.The results show that (1) the firstfixation duration of the balanced ambiguous words were significantly higher than that of the biased ambiguous words.歧义词的意义通达仅受歧义词意义的相对频率影响,不受语境的影响;(2)在偏向句子语境中,当语境支持歧义词的次要意义时,被试对偏向歧义词的解歧信息的注视时间显著高于其他两类目标词,体现了语境对歧义词意义的整合作用。

3.The results show that:(1)firstfixation duration and gaze duration on phonological mediation priming words were longer than that of on control words;(2)much more totalfixation duration were spent on word pairs as well as on phonological mediation words when the frequency of the mediation words is low;(3)the correction rate of the p.结果发现:(1)被试对语音中介词的首次注视点持续时间、凝视时间均显著高于控制条件;(2)当语音中介词为低频词时,被试对语音中介启动词的总注视时间显著高于控制类型;(3)语音中介类型的正确率显著低于控制类型;(4)实验结果表明,汉语词汇识别中存在语音中介效应。


1.The influence of Viewing Time on the Perceptual Interference Effect in Chinese Characters注视时间对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响

2.How Starting Point of Blurred Cues and Viewing Time Influence the Perception Interference Effect on Chinese Characters;线索起点模糊水平和注视时间对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响

3.The Effects of Stroke Number and Viewing Time of Cues on the Perception Interference Effect in Chinese Characters Identification学习、笔画和线索注视时间对汉字知觉干扰效应的影响

4.She was embarrassed at being ogled at so persistently.长时间地被人注视,她感到很窘迫。

5.British people normally look at the other person"s eyes much longer when they are listening than when speaking.通常英国人在倾听的时候注视对方的时间要比讲话的时候长一些。

6.To look at, especially attentively or continuously.注视,密切注意注视,尤指专注的或不间断的

7.Can you look attentively at the eyes of a Chinese when talking with him or her?你在与中国人谈话时,是否可以长时间地注视着对方的眼睛呢?

8.You"ve been watching TV for hours non-stop ? you"ll have square eyes if you"re not careful.你已连续几小时不间断地看电视??如果不注意,你会患直角眼的。

9.Weeks, it is true, would sometimes elapse, during which Pearl"s gaze might never once be fixed upon the scarlet letter;确实,有时一连几个星期过去了,其间珠儿再没有注视过一次红字;

10.He didn"t even bother to read any more, but seemed to spend his whole life just watching time slip away.他连读书的兴致也没有了。好像生命的全部只是注视着时间的流逝。

11.Note: Introduction of Facility Function of grade-A office( Video) will be played after lunch, please enjoy yourself at that time.注1:午间休息时间播放金茂大厦甲级办公楼介绍(视录像)届时各位学员可以观赏.

12.vacantly advstare,look,gaze,etc vacantly into space木然地注视、观望、凝视...着空间.

13.Men will spend hours dressing up to go out, and then they"ll go out and spend more time checking out other men.男人在出门前将花费数小时化妆,然后他们出门,花更多时间注视其他男人。

14.Please do not gaze at the eyes of a Chinese for a long time when talking to him or her, but you should not only stare at the ceiling either.在与中国人交谈时,请不要长时间注视中国人的眼睛,但是,你也不要只看着天花板说话,

15.For the rest of the evening I gazed at Dora as she played and sang to us.晚上其余的时间,当多拉为我们载歌载舞时,我一直目不转睛地注视着她。

16.All this time Roger Chillingworth was looking at the minister with the grave and intent regard of a physician towards his patient.在这段时间里,罗杰-齐灵渥斯始终用医生审视病人的那种严肃而专注的目光盯着牧师。

17.For a long time we neglected to develop the productive forces, so now we are paying special attention to attaining high material standards.过去很长一段时间,我们忽视了发展生产力,所以现在我们要特别注意建设物质文明。

18.Advance booking is required and availability will be subject to status upon reservation. Please quote and present your ADA/VIP Card upon reservation and check-in.请预先订房,优惠视乎房间供应而定。请于订房及入住酒店时注明及出示安利直销商/优惠顾客咭。


re-fixation duration再注视时间

3)Dwell time of the interest area区域内注视时间

4)first fixation duration首次注视时间

5)teeming time注入时间

1.The simulation experiment shows that the shorterteeming time is,the less air entrainment of tapping is;the lower teeming height is,the less air entrainment of tapping is.模拟实验结果表明,注入时间愈短,注流带入的气体量愈少;注入高度愈低,注流带入的气体量愈少。

6)infilling time充注时间


