100字范文 > 旁中心注视 aside central fixation英语短句 例句大全

旁中心注视 aside central fixation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-09 23:17:00


旁中心注视 aside central fixation英语短句 例句大全

旁中心注视,aside central fixation

1)aside central fixation旁中心注视

1.Therapeutic efficacy for treatingaside central fixation of amblyopia旁中心注视弱视的临床疗效观察


1.Effect of afterimage therapy in treatment children’s eccentric fixation amblyopia后像法治疗儿童旁中心注视弱视的疗效分析

2.contemplate one"s navel.注视着自己的中心问题。

3.the visual field defect was chiefly of central or pericentral scotoma; and the color sensation was severely affected.视野缺损主要为中心暗点或旁中心暗点 ,色觉障碍严重。

4.pericentriolar body中心粒旁体(中心粒随体)

5.The hastily assembled group of spectators watched from below.匆忙赶来的旁观者在下面注视着。

6.Preferred Retinal Loci in High Myopic Eyes with Central Scotomas;高度近视中心视力丧失后偏心注视优势位置的研究

7.Eeffects of shenfu injection on myocardial protection in patients undergoing open heart surgery心脏直视手术中参附注射液的心肌保护作用

8.Hypodermic injection of compound anisodine around superficial temporal artery in 37 patients with optic neuritis复方樟柳碱颞浅动脉旁注射治疗视神经炎37例

9.Dynamic Attention and Mental Scanning in Poetry Translation诗歌翻译中的动态注意力和心理扫描透视

10.To focus the eyes or attention.注视,凝视集中视力或注意力

11.To look at attentively and thoughtfully.注视专心和留意地看

12.Removal of Tiny Metal Foreign Body in Orbitalis Side by Gas Injection under X-Ray MonitoringX线电视监视下行眼眶小金属异物旁注气取出术探讨

13.The other stood lounging with his foot upon a chair, and regarded him with a contemptuous sneer.另外那一位立在旁边,一只脚翘到椅子上,鄙夷地冷笑着注视他。

14.The efficacy analysis of the treatment on the optic nerve contusion by subcutaneous injecting the compound anisodine besides the superficial temporal artery颞浅动脉旁皮下注射复方樟柳碱治疗视神经挫伤的疗效分析

15.We"d better take the bypass to avoid the traffic in the centre of town.我们最好避开市中心车辆而走旁道。

16.If we take the bypass we"ll avoid the town centre.我们走旁道, 就能避开市镇的中心.

17.a plan to bypass the town centre在市镇中心外围开辟旁道的计划.

18.We took the bypass to avoid the town centre.我们走旁边的道路绕开市中心。


paracentral vision旁中心视力

3)parafoveal vision中心窝旁视觉

4)central fovea中心注视点

5)eccentric fixation amblyopia偏心注视

1.Observation of the therapeutic effect of Haindinger brush,afterimage and red flicker oneccentric fixation amblyopiaHaidinger刷联合后像及红光闪烁治疗偏心注视性弱视的疗效观察

6)paracentral scotoma旁中心暗点


