100字范文 > 杨属 Populus英语短句 例句大全

杨属 Populus英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-18 00:45:55


杨属 Populus英语短句 例句大全



1.Discussion on the Record of Sect.Populus ofPopulus Linn Distribution in Henan;河南杨属白杨组植物分布新记录

2.Application of Nuclear DNA inPopulus Genetics;细胞核DNA在研究杨属植物遗传中的应用

3.Application of Genetic Marker Technique to Genetic Evolution and Classification inPopulus;遗传标记在杨属植物遗传进化及分类研究中的应用


1.Study on Genetic Diversity in Populus Yunnanensis and Differentiation among Sections in Populus;滇杨遗传多样性与杨属派间遗传分化研究

2.A Molecular Genetic Linkage Map for Hybrid Population of Populus Adenopoda×P. Alba and a Comparative Map in Populus;响叶杨×银白杨遗传图谱构建及杨属图谱比较研究

3.Studies on Chemical Constituents from Two Medicinal Plants of Buxus;黄杨属两种药用植物的化学成份研究

4.The Application of the SSR Marker to Research on Populus L.SSR标记技术在杨属植物研究中的应用

5.Any of several trees of the genus Populus having leaves attached by flattened leafstalks so that they flutter readily in the wind.白杨一种树白杨属,叶长在扁平的叶柄上,因此易于随风飘动

6.Genetic Diversity Evaluation and Cultivars Identification with Fingerprinting Based on AFLP in Five Sections of the Genus Populus;杨属AFLP遗传多样性研究和杨树品种分子指纹图谱构建

7.Of or relating to one of these trees.白杨属这些树的一种或与这些树的一种有关的

8.The Study and Establishment of Database Management Information System for Known Poplar Varieties;杨属已知品种数据库管理信息系统的研建

9.Protection and Utilization of Populus Resources on the Ergis River Watershed额尔齐斯河流域杨属资源的保护与利用

10.CAI Software Development on Measuring Young s Modulus of Tinsel by Pulling and Stretching Method;拉伸法测金属丝杨氏模量CAI课件开发

11.Effects of Carambola (Averrhoa carambola) Plantation on Heavy Metal Content in Soil and Heavy Mental Accumulation in Fruits杨桃对土壤重金属元素的吸收与富集

12.They identified it as a member of the genus Salix but could not determine the species他们确定它是杨柳属,但无法确定是哪一种。

13.Measuring the Young Modulus of Metallic Thread by Optical Fiber Displacement Sensor用光纤位移传感器测量金属丝的杨氏模量

14.Characteristics of Soil Heavy Metal Pollution and Efficiency of Phytoremediation Using Poplars in the Southern Beijing京南地区土壤重金属污染特征与杨树修复效应

15.Adsorption Behaviors of Metal Ions on Collagen Fiber Immobilized Bayberry Tannin;胶原纤维固化杨梅单宁对金属离子的吸附研究

16.Studies on Polyhydroxy Salicylhydrazine Schiff Base and Their Metal Complexes;多羟基水杨酰肼席夫碱及其金属配合物的研究

17.Relief Effects of Acetosalicylic Acid to the Damage of Aquatic Plants under the Stress of Heavy Metals;乙酰水杨酸对水生植物重金属毒害的缓解效应

parative Studies on the Ecological Effects of MyricaL. on Soil Improvement in Guizhou;贵州杨梅属植物土壤改良效应的比较研究


Populus L杨属

1.The Geographic Distribution and Origin ofPopulus L.;杨属地理分布与起源初探

2.and the subfamily Salicoideae consists of three genera,i.杨柳科包含2个亚科、5个属、约500种;杨亚科由杨属和胡杨属组成,柳亚科由原柳属、钻天柳属和柳属组成;该科广泛自然分布于大约从北纬82度至南纬52度的非洲、欧洲、亚洲、南美洲和北美洲。

3.The plants ofPopulus L.本文对杨属植物的化学成分和药理作用作了全面、系统的综述,为杨属植物药用价值的开发利用提供了科学的依据。


1.Studies on Chemical Constituents from Two Medicinal Plants ofBuxus;黄杨属两种药用植物的化学成份研究

2.The interrelations among three genera,Buxus, Pachysandra , and Sarcococca were discussed.本文讨论了黄杨科植物甾体生物碱成分的结构特征 ;以甾体生物碱作为化学分类学的特征物质 ,初步探讨了黄杨科植物化学分类学的依据和系统位置 ;同时讨论了黄杨属 (Buxus)、板凳果属 (Pachysandra ,又称富贵草属 )和野扇花属 (Sarcococca) 3属间的相互关系 。


1.Progress in Research of Root Nodule and Nitrogen-fixing Symbiosis with Actinomycetal Endophytes ofMyrica;杨梅属植物共生结瘤固氮研究进展

2.The extraction and separation of chemical constituents from the bark ofMyrica rubra, the structure modification of diarylheptanoids, the active test of the compound named rubanol, studying the content of myricanol in the bark of M.18 %;第五部分是对杨梅属植物化学成分及活性研究文献的综述。


6)Populus L杨属植物

1.Determination of flavonoids in the male inflorescence ofPopulus L. by HPLC;9种杨属植物雄花序中黄酮类含量的HPLC法测定

2.The Application of the SSR Marker to Research onPopulus L.SSR标记技术在杨属植物研究中的应用


