100字范文 > 杨属植物 Populus L英语短句 例句大全

杨属植物 Populus L英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-15 03:59:09


杨属植物 Populus L英语短句 例句大全

杨属植物,Populus L

1)Populus L杨属植物

1.Determination of flavonoids in the male inflorescence ofPopulus L. by HPLC;9种杨属植物雄花序中黄酮类含量的HPLC法测定

2.The Application of the SSR Marker to Research onPopulus L.SSR标记技术在杨属植物研究中的应用


1.The Application of the SSR Marker to Research on Populus L.SSR标记技术在杨属植物研究中的应用

2.Studies on Chemical Constituents from Two Medicinal Plants of Buxus;黄杨属两种药用植物的化学成份研究

3.Ethnobotanical Study on the Plants of Myrica in the West of Guizhou;贵州西部杨梅属植物的民族植物学研究

4.Relief Effects of Acetosalicylic Acid to the Damage of Aquatic Plants under the Stress of Heavy Metals;乙酰水杨酸对水生植物重金属毒害的缓解效应

parative Studies on the Ecological Effects of MyricaL. on Soil Improvement in Guizhou;贵州杨梅属植物土壤改良效应的比较研究

6.Role of Salicylic Acid in Resistance on Heavy Metal Element in Plant水杨酸在植物抗重金属元素胁迫中的作用

7.a fragrant green wax obtained from the wax myrtle and used in making candles.一种绿色芳香的蜡,从杨梅属植物中获取,用于制蜡烛。

8.any of various perennials of the genus Geum having usually pinnate basal leaves and variously colored flowers.水杨梅属植物中的任何一种,通常具有羽状的基叶和不同颜色的花。

9.Absorption and Distribution of Heavy Metal in Populus tomentosa Along Stream Highway河道公路绿化植物毛白杨对重金属元素的吸收与分布

10.Any of various perennial herbs of the genus Geum in the rose family, having often pinnate basal leaves and variously colored flowers with many pistils.水杨梅一种多年生草本植物中的一种,蔷薇科水杨梅属有羽状基叶,花呈各种颜色,含多个雌蕊

11.of or relating to plants or botany.属于、关于植物或植物学。

12.any of various flowers of plants of the genus Dianthus cultivated for their fragrant flowers.芳香型石竹属种植植物。

13."candleberry:any of certain bayberries, the wax myrtle, or the fruit of these plants."蜡杨梅:一种杨梅果实、蜡状桃金娘科植物或这些植物的果实.

14.Any of certain bayberries, the wax myrtle, or the fruit of these plants.蜡杨梅一种杨梅果实、蜡状桃金娘科植物或这些植物的果实

15.any plant of the genus Hibiscus.任何属于芙蓉属的植物。

16.String beans belong to the pea family.菜豆属于豌豆属植物。

17.A plant of the genus Lycopodium, which includes the club mosses.石松属植物一种石松属植物,包括石松

18.Any of certain related plants of the genus Polygonum.拳参一种与蓼属植物同属的植物


Myrica L杨梅属植物

1.According to ecological and soil science principles, the paper studied comparatively the ecological effects on soil improvement of three more economic species inMyrica L.本研究从生态学和土壤学的角度,对贵州三种具有较高经济价值的杨梅属植物的土壤改良效应进行了比较研究。

3)wax myrtle杨梅属之植物


1.Chemical comparison ofArtemisia borealis and three ChineseArtemisia plants;北极蒿与中药常用蒿属植物的化学成分比较(英文)

2.Leaf anatomic characteristics of 12 species ofArtemisia in Mu Us desert;毛乌素沙地12种蒿属植物叶的解剖特征

5)Acer plants槭属植物

1.Acer plants are famed ornamental.我国槭属植物资源丰富,现在主要用在园林绿化上,是世界著名的观赏树种。

2.Acer plants belong to Aceraceae which mainly produced in temperate zone of north earth.槭属植物属槭树科主产于北半球温带地区。



