100字范文 > 山杨 Populus davidiana英语短句 例句大全

山杨 Populus davidiana英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-27 05:34:12


山杨 Populus davidiana英语短句 例句大全

山杨,Populus davidiana

1)Populus davidiana山杨

1.Ⅰ.CHEMIMECHANICAL PULPS FROMPopulus davidiana;Ⅰ.山杨制化机浆工艺技术的试验室研究

2.Litter decomposition processes in the pure birch (Betula platyphlla) forest and the birch and poplar (Populus davidiana) mixed forest;长白山白桦(Betula platyphlla)纯林和白桦山杨(Populus davidiana)混交林凋落物的分解

3.Fungi s dynamic development during the period ofPopulus davidiana stump decomposition in the broadleaved-Korean pine forests;阔叶红松林山杨伐根分解过程中真菌动态研究


1.The Study on the Breeding of New Clones of Populus Davidiana×P.tremuloides;中国山杨与美洲山杨杂交种新品系选育研究

2.Study on the Establishment of the Rapid Propagation System of Triploid European Aspen;三倍体欧洲山杨快速繁殖体系的建立

3.Study on Intraspecific and Interspecific Competition of the Populus davidiana Secondary Forest in Mao"ershan Mountains Area帽儿山地区山杨次生林林木竞争关系的研究

4.He picks a place with plenty of food he likes--the inner bark of aspens, willows, poplars, cottonwoods, or birches.它所选的筑巢地还应有大量它所喜爱的食物----山杨、柳、白杨、三角叶杨或桦树的内皮。

5.Factory Production Technique for Culture of Populus Tremla×P.Tremuloides;欧美山杨杂种组培工厂化育苗技术研究

6.Where willows harmonize the wind And green hills lighten the cares of the world.杨柳散和风, 青山澹吾虑。

parative Study on Morphological and Physiological Indices of New Shanhaiguan Poplar Variety and Populus canadensis Moench cv. "Shanhaiguanensis"新山海关杨与普通山海关杨形态和生理指标的比较

8.On the hillside, aspen trees present a similar picture.山坡上的白杨树也有类似的情况。

9.The palm and may make country houses gay,杨树绿山楂灿烂,齐把农舍巧装扮;

10.China"s four major styles of cooking -- Guandong, Shandong, Sichuan and Huaiyang中国四大菜系-- 广东、山东、四川及淮杨

11.Studies on Tissue Culture and Rapid Propagation of the Cultivar MD110 of Populus Maximowiczzi×P.deltoides;山地杨的组织培养和快速繁殖的研究

12.On An Error Word in Xiushan Folk Song Chinese Little-leaf Box Shoulder Pole ;析秀山民歌《黄杨扁担》的一字之误

13.Study of Agrobacterium-mediated Transformation of Shanxinyang for Bt and Spider Insecticidal Peptide Gene山新杨转Bt+蜘蛛杀虫肽基因的研究

14.Analysis on the Transgenic Populus Davidiana×P.bolleana with Genes Concerning Resistance to Adverse Condition转耐盐相关基因山新杨的抗逆性分析

15.Transformation of Populus davidiana×P. bollena with Bt+spider Toxin Gene山新杨转Bt+蜘蛛杀虫肽基因的分析

ment on Yang Quyun and Sun Yat- sen in Guangzhou Uprising of 1895评1895年广州起义中的杨衢云与孙中山

17.High Mountain versus Torrent:On Lu Xun and Bo Yang"s Personality“高山”与“激流”——鲁迅与柏杨的人格建构

18.Growth Analysis for Introduced Poplar and Selection for Preferential Cultivers in Changbai Mountain Area;长白山山地引种杨树生长分析及适宜品种筛选


Populus davidiana Dode山杨

1.Propagation techniques on root turion sprout browse ofPopulus davidiana Dode;山杨根蘖萌生嫩枝扦插繁殖技术(英文)

2.Selection of Superior Provenance ofPopulus davidiana Dode Pulpwood;山杨纸浆材优良种源的选择


1.Report on Renew the Destroyed Wood GraftingAspen Applying the Stump;杨树伐根嫁接山杨改造虫毁林试验简报

2.Studies on Drought-resistance of Transgenic Tobacco Expressing Betaine Synthetase Gene and Agrobacterium-tumefacience Mediated Gene Transformation ofAspen (Populus Davidiana Dove);转CMO和BADH基因烟草抗旱性及山杨转基因研究

4)moutain poplar山杨

1.Identification of root rot pathogenetic bacteria ofmoutain poplar;山杨根腐病病原菌的鉴定方法

5)YANG Shao-shan杨少山

1.The Collection of the Chief Physician of TCMYANG Shao-shan s Experiences in Treating Syndrome Patterens of the Spleen and Stomach;杨少山名老中医脾胃病诊疗经验撰要

2.This article explored professorYANG Shao-shan s clinical experiences in treating senile diseases with ointment.杨少山教授临证擅长运用膏方调治老年疾病,主张补肾益精,重在养阴抑阳;补益脾胃,主张"清养";兼顾祛邪,重在化痰、祛瘀;调治精气神三宝,不可偏废。

6)Yang Shaoshan杨少山

1.Clinical Therapy Experience ofYang Shaoshan: Cases of Pediatric Difficult Diseases;杨少山诊治儿科疑难杂病验案举隅

2.Dr.Yang Shaoshan’s Clinical Experience in Treating Elderly Intractable Diseases;杨少山临证诊治经验——老年疑难病症验案举隅

3.Mr.Yang Shaoshan s Experience on Diagnosing and Treating Angina of Coronary Heart Disease;杨少山诊治冠心病心绞痛的经验


山杨山杨介绍 山杨 (Populus davidiana)科属: 杨柳科 杨属别名: 形态特征: 幼叶红艳美丽分布与习性:东北及黄河流域温带针阔叶混交林区(主要城市:哈尔滨、牡丹江、鹤岗、鸡西、双鸭山、伊春、佳木斯、长春、四平、延吉、抚顺、铁岭、本溪)北部暖温带落叶阔叶林区(主要城市:沈阳、葫芦岛、大连、丹东、鞍山、辽阳、锦州、营口、盘锦、北京、天津、太原、临汾、长治、石家庄、秦皇岛、保定、唐山、邯郸、邢台、承德、济南、德州、延安、宝鸡、天水)南部暖带落叶阔叶林区(主要城市:青岛、烟台、日照、威海、济宁、泰安、淄博、潍坊、枣庄、临沂、莱芜、东营、新泰、滕州、郑州、洛阳、开封、新乡、焦作、安阳、西安、咸阳、徐州、连云港、盐城、淮北、蚌埠、韩城、铜川)温带草原区(主要城市:兰州、平凉、阿勒泰、海拉尔、满洲里、齐齐哈尔、阜新、丹东、大庆、西宁、银川、通辽、榆林、呼和浩特、包头、张家口、集宁、赤峰、大同、锡兰浩特)喜光,耐寒性强,耐干旱瘠薄,根系发达,抗风力强繁殖与栽培:暂无应用:山地造林图片:
