100字范文 > 中国山杨 Populus davidiana英语短句 例句大全

中国山杨 Populus davidiana英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-02-10 19:22:52


中国山杨 Populus davidiana英语短句 例句大全

中国山杨,Populus davidiana

1)Populus davidiana中国山杨

1.The plus trees ofPopulus davidiana were crossed with P.利用中国山杨优良种源的优树为母本与四倍体美洲山杨进行杂交,获得9个杂交组合的种子,播种育苗后,建立子代测定林。


1.The Study on the Breeding of New Clones of Populus Davidiana×P.tremuloides;中国山杨与美洲山杨杂交种新品系选育研究

2.China"s four major styles of cooking -- Guandong, Shandong, Sichuan and Huaiyang中国四大菜系-- 广东、山东、四川及淮杨

ment on Yang Quyun and Sun Yat- sen in Guangzhou Uprising of 1895评1895年广州起义中的杨衢云与孙中山

4.On the Development of the Style of Chinese Novels through a Case Study of Yang Siwen Met An Old Friend at Yan-Mountain;从文言小说到话本——以《杨思温燕山逢故人》为例看中国小说文体的发展

5.There are abundance wilding plant resources including cypress, poplar, spruce etc.山中野生植物资源丰富,盛产云杉、柏、杨等木材。

6.On the Translator s Gender Identity in Yang Yi s Version of Wuthering Heights;论杨苡《呼啸山庄》译本中译者的性别身份

7.Study on Genetical Variabilities of the Afforestation with Populus bolleana Lauche in Shanxi Province山西省新疆杨造林中其个体基因变异的研究

8.He is Yang Liwei-the first Chinese astronaut in space.他是杨利伟??中国的第一个太空宇航员。

9.What does Yang Dong think of Chinese team in the future?杨东认为中国队未来会怎样?

10.To arrest diarrhea and treat dysentery, please take red BayBerry wine, a Chinese folk recipe.要止泻治痢,请用中国民间土方——杨梅酒。

11.Yang Lihua. He"s a famous conductor in China.杨利华。他是一位著名的中国指挥家。

12.This is Professor Yang of the University of Science and Technology of China .这是中国科学技术大学的杨教授。

13.Correction of the Collated Edition of the Legal Thoughts History of China Written by Yang Hong - lie;“勘校本”杨鸿烈《中国法律思想史》订误

14.Yang Wuzhi--China Contemporary Outstanding Matheducator;杨武之——中国当代杰出的数学教育家

15."Praise and Admiration of Poplar Tree" and Lyrics Prose Transition of Chinese Modern Age;《白杨礼赞》与中国现代抒情散文的转折

16.A comparative study of Chinese rhetorical device" canhu;杨树达《中国修辞学》“参互”修辞格辨析

17.The Relationship between Liuman in Manyoushixtuu and Chinese Zhe Yangliu and the wreath of willow《万叶集》的柳蘰与中国的折杨柳、柳圈

18.Development of the Chinese Narratology;中国叙事学创建述略——兼评杨义《中国叙事学》


Populus davidiana×P.tremuloides中美山杨

1.The Change of 4 Endogenous Hormones during the Rooting Tissue ofPopulus davidiana×P.tremuloides4种内源激素在中美山杨组培生根过程中的变化

3)Chinese famous mountain中国名山

1.Natural landscape is very beauliful and humanistic landscape is very magnifcent inChinese famous mountains.中国名山自然景观优美,人文景观壮丽,且蕴含着地理科学古代思想体系的风水观。

4)Lushan mountain in China中国庐山

5)kingdom ZhongShan中山国

pared with other strong emperors in the same time,the autarchy and centralization of state power ofkingdom ZhongShan s empire was never under the level of the times.中山国王权是战国王权专制的一个缩影。

2.In the Warring States Period, Kingdom ZhongShan was built by the BaiDi nationality.战国时期,白狄鲜虞族建立的中山国,是一个方圆五百里的小国,但是,它在历史上的地位十分重要。

6)mountainous region in China中国山地


