100字范文 > 中美山杨 Populus davidiana×P.tremuloides英语短句 例句大全

中美山杨 Populus davidiana×P.tremuloides英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-26 17:24:50


中美山杨 Populus davidiana×P.tremuloides英语短句 例句大全

中美山杨,Populus davidiana×P.tremuloides

1)Populus davidiana×P.tremuloides中美山杨

1.The Change of 4 Endogenous Hormones during the Rooting Tissue ofPopulus davidiana×P.tremuloides4种内源激素在中美山杨组培生根过程中的变化


1.The Change of 4 Endogenous Hormones during the Rooting Tissue of Populus davidiana×P.tremuloides4种内源激素在中美山杨组培生根过程中的变化

2.Tissue Culture of Populus Davidiana × P.tremuloides and the Effect of Several Physiological Characters to the Seedling s Rooting;中美山杨杂种的组织培养以及几种植物生理指标对试管苗生根的影响

3.The Study on the Breeding of New Clones of Populus Davidiana×P.tremuloides;中国山杨与美洲山杨杂交种新品系选育研究

ment on Yang Quyun and Sun Yat- sen in Guangzhou Uprising of 1895评1895年广州起义中的杨衢云与孙中山

5.Factory Production Technique for Culture of Populus Tremla×P.Tremuloides;欧美山杨杂种组培工厂化育苗技术研究

6.China"s four major styles of cooking -- Guandong, Shandong, Sichuan and Huaiyang中国四大菜系-- 广东、山东、四川及淮杨

7.There are abundance wilding plant resources including cypress, poplar, spruce etc.山中野生植物资源丰富,盛产云杉、柏、杨等木材。

8.On the Translator s Gender Identity in Yang Yi s Version of Wuthering Heights;论杨苡《呼啸山庄》译本中译者的性别身份

9.Study on Genetical Variabilities of the Afforestation with Populus bolleana Lauche in Shanxi Province山西省新疆杨造林中其个体基因变异的研究

10.They sacrifice on the mountaintops and burn offerings on the hills, under oak, poplar and terebinth, where the shade is pleasant.在各山顶,各高冈的橡树,杨树,栗树之下,献祭烧香,因为树影美好。

11.Genetic Variation Among the Hybrid Clones of P.tremula ×P.tremuloides in Several Physiological Characteristics under Low Temperature Stress;欧美山杨杂种无性系低温胁迫下几种生理指标的遗传变异

12.Analysis of the Aesthetic Characteristics of the Tourism Resources of Mt.Yangxianling;风水历史文化名山杨仙岭旅游资源的审美特征分析

13.Taking a boat ride along the willow-lined waterways, the visitor will definitely have a good time here.绿水轻舟,杨柳拂堤,园中美景让人们流连忘返。

14.Study on Distribution & Transportation of the Salt Ions in the System of P.Popularis & Soil;土壤—小美旱杨系统中盐分离子分布与运移

15.Aesthetic Tendency and Cultural Meaning of "Willow" in "Ci" of Song Dynasty;宋词中杨柳意象的审美取向和文化内涵

16.Expound Kerean Image of Yangshuo"s Works about the Literature of Kerean War论杨朔抗美援朝文学作品中的朝鲜形象

17.On English Translation of Protrait Description in Hongloumeng美的传达—论《红楼梦》杨译本中的人物外貌描写

18.There are faBulous wildflowers in the hills.山中有极美的野花。


Populus tremuloides美洲山杨

3)Populus tremula ×P.tremuloides欧美山杨

4)Populus davidiana中国山杨

1.The plus trees ofPopulus davidiana were crossed with P.利用中国山杨优良种源的优树为母本与四倍体美洲山杨进行杂交,获得9个杂交组合的种子,播种育苗后,建立子代测定林。


1.Studies on Tissue Culture ofPoplar-Zhonglinmeihe and Transformation with the Salt-tolerant Gene(NHX)Mediated by Agrobacterium Tumefaciens;中林美荷杨组织培养及农杆菌介导的耐盐基因(NHX)遗传转化的研究

6)Populus tremula ×P. tremuloides欧美杂种山杨

1.The leaves, stems and leafstalks of adult Populus tremula ×P.以成年欧美杂种山杨(Populustremula×P。


