100字范文 > 欧美杂种山杨T89 Populus tremula×P.tremuloides Michx-cloneT89英语短句 例句大全

欧美杂种山杨T89 Populus tremula×P.tremuloides Michx-cloneT89英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-07 14:14:38


欧美杂种山杨T89 Populus tremula×P.tremuloides Michx-cloneT89英语短句 例句大全

欧美杂种山杨T89,Populus tremula×P.tremuloides Michx-cloneT89

1)Populus tremula×P.tremuloides Michx-cloneT89欧美杂种山杨T89

2)Populus tremula ×P. tremuloides欧美杂种山杨

1.The leaves, stems and leafstalks of adult Populus tremula ×P.以成年欧美杂种山杨(Populustremula×P。

3)hybrid aspen欧美山杨杂种

1.In this study,hybrid aspen (Populus tremulaxP.本研究以欧美山杨杂种(populus tremula×P。


1.Factory Production Technique for Culture of Populus Tremla×P.Tremuloides;欧美山杨杂种组培工厂化育苗技术研究

2.Genetic Variation Among the Hybrid Clones of P.tremula ×P.tremuloides in Several Physiological Characteristics under Low Temperature Stress;欧美山杨杂种无性系低温胁迫下几种生理指标的遗传变异

3.Establishment of Callus System of Populus Tremula ×P.tremuloides and Analysis of the Somaclonal Variation;欧美山杨杂种愈伤组织再生系统的建立及体细胞无性系变异的分析

4.The Study on the Breeding of New Clones of Populus Davidiana×P.tremuloides;中国山杨与美洲山杨杂交种新品系选育研究

5.Cross-breeding and Hybrid Analysis by SSR Markers between Populus Nigra and P.szechuanica, P.yunnanensis;欧洲黑杨与川杨、滇杨杂交及杂种苗的SSR分析

6.Contrastive Study on New Breeds of Occidental Poplar in North Henan豫北地区欧美杨新品种对比试验研究

7.Tissue Culture of Populus Davidiana × P.tremuloides and the Effect of Several Physiological Characters to the Seedling s Rooting;中美山杨杂种的组织培养以及几种植物生理指标对试管苗生根的影响

8.Artificial Hybridization and Seedling Traits Test、Select of Populus Deltoides and P.Cathayana美洲黑杨与青杨人工杂交及杂种苗苗期性状测定、选择研究

9.One-year-old seedling traits of Populus deltoides hybrids with P. cathayana,P. szechuanica,and P. purdomii美洲黑杨与青杨、川杨和卜氏杨人工杂交及杂种苗生长和抗病性状测定

10.Photosynthetic characteristics of hybrid clones of Populus deltoides and P. ussuriensis美洲黑杨与大青杨杂种无性系苗期光合特性研究

11.Studies on Embryogenesis and Polyploid Induction of Populus Deltoides Hybrids美洲黑杨杂种胚胎发育及多倍体诱导的研究

12.European hawkweed introduced into northeastern United States; locally troublesome weeds.美国东北部引入的欧洲山柳菊;不易根除的杂草。

13.Study on Populus Deltoides Hybridization and Genetic Variations of Seedling Important Traits of Hybrids;美洲黑杨杂交试验及杂种苗期重要性状变异研究

14.The Study on Hybridization between Populus Alba and (P.Alba×P.Glandulos)、P.Tomentosa and Original Selection of Hybrid Seedling;银白杨与84K杨、毛白杨杂交及杂种苗的初选研究

15.Distribution Pattern of Growth Strain of Poplar 107 Clone Tree (Populus ×euramericana cv. Neva)欧美杨107杨立木生长应变分布规律

16.any of several voles of mountainous regions of Eurasia and America.欧亚大陆和美洲多山地区的几种田鼠。

17.Proteomic Analysis of Four Coniferous Tree Species and Populus×euramericana cv. "74/76" under Drought and High-temperature Stress;四种针叶树与欧美107杨响应干旱与高温胁迫的蛋白质组研究

18.Genetic Diversity of Aspen Hybrid Clones by Using Simple Sequence Repeat DNA Marker;利用SSR分子标记研究山杨杂种无性系的遗传多样性


Populus tremula ×P. tremuloides欧美杂种山杨

1.The leaves, stems and leafstalks of adult Populus tremula ×P.以成年欧美杂种山杨(Populustremula×P。

3)hybrid aspen欧美山杨杂种

1.In this study,hybrid aspen (Populus tremulaxP.本研究以欧美山杨杂种(populus tremula×P。

4)Populus tremula ×P.tremuloides欧美山杨

5)Populus deltoides CL."Zhongjia 8"欧美杨杂交种"中嘉8"

6)hybrid aspen(Populus tremula×P. tremuloides)杂种山杨


