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人文观 humanism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-10 18:42:27


人文观 humanism英语短句 例句大全



1.From the angle of differentiation of Hu Shi and Ibsen shumanism, it shows the true colors of Ibsenism and reveals restriction of cultural tradition and c.本文选取胡适曾大力倡扬的“易卜生主义”为考察对象,从辨析胡适与易卜生人文观的角度,来揭示“易卜生主义"的真实面相,展示文化传统与时代语境对胡适人文观的制约,并由此见出胡适对西方人文精神的解读策略。


1.On Liu Xie s View of Humanities from His ArtisticCriticism·Relation between Literature and Morals;从《文心雕龙·原道》看刘勰的人文观

2.From Literature of HUMAN to LITERATURE of Human--An Essay on ZHOU Zuo-ren′s View of ″Literature of Human″;从“人”的文学到人的“文学”——论周作人的“人的文学”观

3.Human, Human Individuality, Literature--The Early View of Literature of Zhou Zuoren人·个性·文学——论周作人早期的文学观

4.Longnan has unique natural and man-made landscape.陇南有独特的自然景观和人文景观。

5.Zhou Zuo-ren s Early Study of Children and Children s Literature;周作人早期儿童观、儿童文学观研究

6.The Changes of Aesthetic View on Personality in Tang Dynasty and their Literary Reflection唐代人物审美观的嬗变及其文学观照

7.From "Hominine Literature" to "People s Literature"--GUO Mo-ruo s New Theory of Succession about Literature View;从“人的文学”到“人民文学”——郭沫若文学观嬗变新论

8.Mark Twain: Nature, Civilization and Humanism;试论马克·吐温的自然观、文明观与人文主义精神

9.College Chinese Educational Reform under “Humanism” Notion;“人文”观照下的大学语文教育改革

mon Idea of Literature in the Editorial Thoughts of the Anthology of“Wen Yuan Ying Huo”in Song Dynasties;从《文苑英华》的编辑看宋人的文学观念

11.Zhou Zuo Ren s Pure Literature View and Chinese Cultural Tradition;周作人的“纯文学”观与中国文化传统

12.Wu Mi s "Morality" Literature View of New Humanism;吴宓新人文主义的“道德”的文学观

13.On the essential factors of Chinese traditional culture outlook on life and its influence on modern outlook on life;中国传统文化人生观要素对现代人生观的影响

14.On Traveling and Value of Life;游观于人生之价值——古代“游观·人生·文学”论之三

15.Turning Religious Culture into Humanistic Culture-Researching Confucian Concept of Spirits and Gods;化宗教文化为人文文化——孔子“鬼神”观探微

16.Mutual effects of literal assessment and literal concept of fianian scholars;建安文人的文学品评与文学观念的相互影响

17.Literary Creation in the Early Jian An Period and the Emotional Experience of Scholars in literary ideas;建安前期文学创作与文人文学观念的情感深化

18.The Study of "Science-Humanity" Conformity Sports View from Humanistic Perspective.;从人学视角探讨“科学—人文”整合体育观


humane landscape人文景观

1.Thehumane landscape resources status quo for Shenguang Mountain State Forest Park as well as the culture characteristics in the Hakkas district are introduced.介绍神光山国家森林公园人文景观资源现状,以及客家地区文化特点,提倡森林公园开发建设中要重视人文景观资源的保护,充分挖掘文化资源的内涵,科学合理地利用。

2.Basin landscape includes three types of natural landscape, agricultural landscape andhumane landscape and the ir planning and design should be conducted according to the principles of entire ty, different essence, ecological law, aesthetics, optimization, sustainable dev elopment, coordinated ecological relationships and integrated ecological, econom ic and social benefits.流域景观包括自然景观、农业景观和人文景观三种类型 ,其规划设计应遵循整体性、异质性、生态规律、美学、优化、可持续发展、生态关系协调、生态经济社会三大效益统一等原则。

3)humanistic landscape人文景观

1.In accordance with the requirements of developing humanistic education,carrying out humanistic traveling on campus and creating regional civilization,this paper points out the significance of constructinghumanistic landscape on campus and discusses its landscape strategy in content and landscape.通过分析在开展人文教育、实现校园人文旅游和创造地域文明的要求下,提出了建设校园人文景观的意义;从校园文化内涵的挖掘、校园人文景观的规划途径两方面探讨了校园人文景观的规划策略,并以河北省实验中学校园景观规划加以佐证。

2.Its unique natural conditions bred a wealth of valuablehumanistic landscape and landmarks.其独特的自然条件,孕育了丰富珍贵的人文景观、名胜古迹。

4)Humanities Landscape人文景观

1.Construction of TheHumanities Landscape for Modern Campus;现代校园人文景观的营造

2.Construction of the humanities landscape of modern campus;大学校园人文景观的设计

5)Cultural landscape人文景观

1.The Development of Cultural Landscape in the Elbtal Dresden;德累斯顿滨河人文景观之发展

2.Presentation was made on rich resources of cultural landscape in Zhejiang.介绍了浙江丰富的人文景观资源及人文景观的涵义、组成和特点,结合浙江森林旅游开展的实际情况,分析人文景观的作用,提倡森林旅游开发建设中要重视人文景观资源的保护和科学合理的利用。

6)human landscape人文景观

1.Building ecological environment assorting withhuman landscape in construction;构筑与工程人文景观协调共生的生态环境

2.Blending of natural landscape andhuman landscape自然景观与人文景观的交融


