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人文性 humanity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-04-07 17:47:55


人文性 humanity英语短句 例句大全



1.Simply analyse thehumanity of the new campus landscape design of the university;大学新校园景观的人文性设计

2.Influene Educatuon To Student’s Personality in Humanity Sponts Teaching;人文性体育教学对学生人格教育的影响

3.Thehumanity research in the integration of the information technolegy and the chinese language teaching;信息技术与语文教育整合中的人文性研究


1.On the Relationship between the Concept "Yuwen" and Humanism & Humanity;“语文”概念与人文及人文性之关系

2.Humanities:Man and Culture;何谓“人文性”:人文与文化——兼谈语文新课标的“人文性”表述问题

3.Integrating Implemented Education and Humanistic and Aesthetic Education into Chinese Course;融工具性、人文性和审美性于大学语文教学

4.Construction of moral character thinking with technological tool and humanities;建构技术工具性与人文性的德性思维

5.China s Contemporary Literary Trend and the Humanity in Education;中国当代文学思潮与教育中的人文性

6.Another discussion on "humanism" in Chinese courses--simultaneously evaluating paraphrase mistakes about "humanism" in The New Targets of Chinese Course and Ci Hai;再论语文课程的“人文性”——兼评语文新课标及《辞海》等对“人文”释义之误

7.On Humanity and Humanistic Care in Sports Reports;体育新闻报道的人文性及其中蕴涵的人文关怀

8.On Individuality of Humanistic Education and Individualized Humanistic Education;论人文教育的个性和个性的人文教育

9.Western Women Literature in Light of Humanism;人文主义文化语境中的西方女性文学

10.Human, Human Individuality, Literature--The Early View of Literature of Zhou Zuoren人·个性·文学——论周作人早期的文学观

11.New Scholar s Painting: Modern Transformation of Traditional Scholar s Painting;新文人画:传统文人画的现代性转换

12.The Human-nature Hypothesis of Teacher as "Cultural Worker" in School Culture;学校文化中教师“文化人”的人性假设

13.a man of fine [coarse] fiber性情文雅 [粗鲁] 的人

14.Humanity: a cultural conception related to human being-On ancient and current conceptions of humanity;人文:一个与“人和人性”有关的文化概念——古今“人文”考

15.Human-Machine and Humanism--Discussion of Humanity in Product Design人机与人文——产品设计的人性化探讨

16.Using Land Humanistic Attributes to Display the Plant Cultural Connotation;因借用地人文属性 彰显植物文化内涵

17.Literariness and Humanism Dimension of the Film;雾失楼台:电影的文学性与人文维度

18.Literature characteristic prominent reason of communication activity insideactivities of the literary group under Ye;建安后期文人活动文学性彰显的原因



1.Humanism in Chinese Classroom Teaching;高职语文要凸现人文性特色

2.A comparative study ofhumanism and instrument features of Chinese Textbooks -a case study of Two exercise systems of Chinese textbooks;语文教材中人文性和工具性的比较研究——以人教版新课标前后两套初中语文教材的练习系统为例

3.Apart from academic characteristics,academic journals of liberal arts in higher institutions should pay special attention to the manifestation ofhumanism.高校文科学报在充分体现学术性、具有独特性的同时,还必须注重体现人文性,这不仅是其自身生存与可持续发展应有之意,也是构建和谐社会的需要。


1.On the Humanities of Digital Library试论数字图书馆的人文性

2.The political,science,humanities are three lifelines of the lesson in Marxism political theory today.政治性、科学性、人文性是当今我国高校马克思主义思想政治理论课程三条生命线;立足政治性,发展科学性,弘扬人文性,则是高校思想政治理论课教育教学的三个基本规律。

3.It is different from Language & Literature Education both in high schools and colleges,and focuses more onhumanities.高职语文是一门比较特殊的学科,它有别于中学语文而又不同于普通高校的大学语文,更侧重于人文性教育,也就是将人类优秀的文化成果通过知识的传授以及学生的自身实践,内化为人格、气质和修养。


1.Political and ideological education will become more effective when itshumanistic aspects have been fully considered—always putting people first,fostering human subjectivity,strengthening self education,and promoting people s free and full development.全面贯彻以人为本理念,弘扬和培育人的主体性,加强自我教育,促进人的全面而自由的发展,彰显人的“属人”特性等,都具有鲜明的人文性特征;而凸显人文性特征有助于提高思想政治教育工作的成果。

2.The design of tasks should meet communicative,humanistic and variable principles, and have the corresponding evaluating method.结合教学实践,分析了任务型课堂导入是否有利于提高学习者学习兴趣,提高他们运用语言的能力,论述了在设计导入任务时,必须满足交际性、人文性和多样性等原则,并采用相对应的评估方法。

3.It must consider "basic" as the starting point, "humanistic" as the core and "developmental" as the terminal point.笔者认为基础教育评价应以基础性为起点 ,以人文性为核心 ,以发展性为归宿。


1.The medical science is endowed with dual attributes, natural science and humanism.医学具有自然科学和人文科学的双重属性 ,而中医学的人文属性更加强烈。

6)human rationality人文理性

1.The thought of Junzi has a prominent position in the Confucian concept which characteristic has powerful performance ofhuman rationality.君子思想在儒家思想中有突出的地位,其特点是人文理性强势彰显,既表现出对天道、社会和个体身心修养的关切与关注,也体现对人自身个性的削减和对创造性的压抑。

2.This article,cutting from several major war in which Jin as a war party described in "ZuoZhuan",explores the contradictions reflected inevitably betweenhuman rationality and mysterious providence,between moral decisions and density control,whose rising and falling,not only manifests the new ideology in this period,but also embodies writter\"s contradictions between destiny and history concept.从《左传》对前后几次重大战役中晋人作为参战一方的战争胜负描写切入,探讨这个过程不可避免地体现出人文理性和神秘天意,道德决定和天命控制的矛盾和交织。


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
