100字范文 > 人文化成 Humanization英语短句 例句大全

人文化成 Humanization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-26 08:32:48


人文化成 Humanization英语短句 例句大全



1.The Value Ideal ofHumanization in Yizhuan;《易传》“人文化成”的价值理想

2.An Indigenous Psychological Exploration of ChineseHumanization Thought中国人文化成思想的本土心理学探究


1.Tradition of “Nurturing of Humanities” and Humanistic Spirit of Chinese Aesthetics;“人文化成”传统与中华审美人文精神

2.Let Children Grow Freely--On Children Culture VS. Adult Culture;让儿童自由的成长——论儿童文化与成人文化

3.Characters and figures are the two most essential factors in any visual media.文字是人类文化重要的组成部分。

4.The Japanese have built a civilization and culture of their own.日本人已经形成了自己的文明和文化。

5.Culture Connotation of the Tang and Song Dynasty Scholar-tea and Its Forming Process;唐宋文人茶的文化意蕴及其形成过程

6.The Formation of Cultural Transmission Network and Role of Literati;晚明文化传播网的形成与文人的作用

7.On Chen Yuan"s Cultural Personality,Literary Achievements and Education Contributions陈源的文化人格、文学成就与教育贡献

8.Filial Culture:the Mechanism that Influence Personality孝文化与中国人人格形成的深层机制

9.Initial results have been achieved in our efforts to develop socialist population and childbearing cultures.社会主义人口文化、生育文化建设初见成效。

10.The Formation of New Cultural Intermediaries and Their Culture Strategy;论新型文化媒介人的形成及其文化策略

11.Mass Culture have a Influence on the Phenomenon that Children Literature have Tend to Be Adult;试论大众文化对儿童文学成人化的影响

12.Argumentation of China s Culture Development Today and Construction of University Campus Culture;当代中国文化发展中的成人高校校园文化建设

13.Focusing on Humanism and Emphasizing the Value of Humanity in Modern Management;以人为本 文以化成——现代管理中的“文化管理”

14.Both Science and arts are important parts of human culture.科学和人文都是人类文化的重要组成部分。

15.Function of Adult Institution of Higher Learning Promoting the Development of Creative Cultural Industry;成人高校应成为文化创意产业的“孵化器”

16.On the Cultural Lack of Adult Education-Reflections--On the Quality of Adult Education;论成人教育文化之缺失——成人教育质量的反思

17.These greart people in the Chinese history and the silk culture, writing brush culture, tea culture and dietary culture have composed a unique, glamorous tourist resources of humanity and history.这些连同绸文化、笔文化、茶文化、饮食文化等共同构成了湖州独具魅力的人文资源。

18.not very intelligent or interested in culture.不太伶俐或在文化上有成见的人。


adult culture成人文化

1.Insights for College Education from the Generational Conflict between College Culture and Adult Culture;大学生文化与成人文化的冲突给学校教育带来的启示

pared toadult culture, children culture has some different features and also has some common features, which is whole-felt, of poet logic and game spirit.儿童文化与成人文化具有异同性,它是整体感知反应的、诗性逻辑的、具有游戏精神的文化。

3)adult sub-culture成人亚文化

1.Viewing from culture point of view, conflict between teachers and students is actually two kinds of culture conflicts betweenadult sub-culture of teachers and adolescent sub-culture of students in school education.学校教育中的师生冲突,从文化角度来看,是以教师为代表的成人亚文化与以学生为代表的青少年亚文化之间的冲突。

4)culture of adult education成人教育文化

1.The core of this construction is to make clear the connotation and structure ofculture of adult education.成人教育文化建设的核心是廓清成人教育文化的内涵与结构,重点是解决成人教育文化建设过程中存在的现实问题。

5)adult higher school culture成人高校文化

6)coming into realization of the human culture人的文化生成


