100字范文 > 人化 humanization英语短句 例句大全

人化 humanization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-02 11:34:55


人化 humanization英语短句 例句大全



1.From alienation tohumanization——about the meaning of Max s the alienation concept for constructing the harmonious society;从异化走向人化——浅谈马克思的异化概念对于构建和谐社会的启示

2.At present,human beings are limited in humanizing mainly the surface of the earth,and thehumanization scope and extent are very slight compared .人类目前主要还局限于地球表面的人化方面,人化的范围和程度对苍茫的宇宙来说,还是十分微不足道的。

3.This article talks about thehumanization of "God"in Greek mythology.本文对古希腊神话中的“神”之人化加以论述。


1.The act of personifying.拟人化,人格化拟人化的行为

2.To ascribe human characteristics to things not human.使人化使非人的事物人格化

3.To endow with personal qualities;personify.赋予人的性格,拟人化

4.(old)Father Time,ie this process personified时间老人(拟人化用法).

5.Personalized Poetry Writing and "Non-personalized" Poetics Theory;个人化诗歌写作与“非个人化”诗学理论

6.Human s Deification and Deity s Humanization──A comparison of 《Jiu songs》and《Zhou s Ode》;人的神化与神的人化──《周颂》、《九歌》比较

7.Natural Humanization and Natural Person--Introspection on Atheletic Sports;“自然的人化”与“人的自然化”——人类对体育的反思

8.socialization of personality人格社会化 人格社会化

9.uncannily human robots.神秘的人性化机器人。

10.Man has evolved from the ape.人是从类人猿进化的。

11.digestive system, human消化系统(人类的)

12.The Human-nature Hypothesis of Teacher as "Cultural Worker" in School Culture;学校文化中教师“文化人”的人性假设

13.Modernization of the people: the Dimension of Human studies of Shenzhen s Modernization;人的现代化:深圳现代化的人学维度

14.Developmenting Chinese Population Culture and Construction of Population Culture;发展中国人口文化与人口文化学构建

15.Study on Culture, Population Culture and Population Culture of Nationalities;文化、人口文化与民族人口文化研究刍论

16.A Probe into the Cultivation of Internationalized,Professional and Individualized Talents;培养“国际化、职业化、个性化”人才的探索

17.Socialization internationalization and globalization──Which are the steps of human progress;社会化、国际化、全球化──人类进步的阶梯

18.On the Industrialization Marketablization and Professionalization of Adult Education;谈成人教育的产业化、市场化、职业化



1.Literature s Personalization and Persons Literaturalization;文学的人化与人的文学化──孟子荀子文学思想之比较

2.The nature spersonalization stated by Marx is neither the product of purely spiritual activity stated by Hegel,nor that of purely sensational activity stated by Feuerbach,but that of productive labor with which mankind transform the nature.马克思讲的“自然的人化” ,既不是黑格尔所说的纯粹的精神活动的产物 ,也不是费尔巴哈所说的单纯的感觉活动的产物 ,而是人类所进行的改造自然的生产劳动的产物。


1.The symbols and metaphors of the myths are closely linked with linguistics;the key to revealing the essence of the myths is to probing into the process of "personification" and its culture.神话的产生虽然与人类征服自然力的愿望有关,但神话乃是人类无意识的产物,其符号性与隐喻性更与语言学息息相关,探究神话的"人化"过程及其文化性,是揭开神话本质的关键。

4)people influenced by culture化人

5)fossil man[人]化石人

6)literatization and humanization文人化和人格化


(1-甲基亚丙基)-二-(1,1-二甲基乙基)过氧化物CAS:2167-23-9分子式:C12H26O4分子质量:234.33熔点:880580℃中文名称:2,2-二(叔丁基过氧化物)丁烷;(1-甲基亚丙基)-二-(1,1-二甲基乙基)过氧化物英文名称:Peroxide, (1-methylpropylidene)bis [(1,1-dimethylethyl); 2,2-bis(tert-Butylperoxy)butane; peroxide, (1-methylpropylidene)bis[(1,1-dimethylethyl); 2,2-di(tert-butylperoxy)butane; 2,2-di-(tert-butylperoxy)butane; Peroxide,(1-methylpropylidene)bis [(1,1-dimethylethyl)
