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人文关爱 Humanization英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-13 15:08:14


人文关爱 Humanization英语短句 例句大全




1.Persist in "Caring About Human Nature, Caring About Human Feelings and Caring About Humanity" Promote the Development of population and Family Planning;坚持“人性关爱,人情关爱,人文关爱”理念,以科学发展观推进人口和计划生育事业

2.Of or relating to Estonia or its people, language, or culture.爱沙尼亚的爱沙尼亚的或其人民、语言或文化的或与之有关的

3.Death and Renewal: Lawrence s Meditations on Human Relationships and Civilization in Women in Love;死亡与新生:劳伦斯在《恋爱中的女人》中对人际关系与文明的思考

4."Gospel of Love" and "Superstition of Violence"--The Relationship between Zhou Zuo-ren and Christianity;“爱的福音”与“暴力的迷信”——周作人与基督教文化关系论之一

5.On D.H.Lawrence s SymbolicImplication inWomen in Love;劳伦斯关于《恋爱中的女人》中象征手法的运用(英文)

6."The fundamental point of departure for literature and art is love, love of humanity."“文艺的基本出发点是爱,是人类之爱。”

7.Taking care of a family is a big responsibility.关爱家人,责任重大。

8.Love means that i care zbout the welfare of the person i love.爱意味着我关心我爱的人的幸福健康。

9.Love and Cultivate People, Love the Person:"Chinese Traditional Culture" Teaching Love Educating People to Explore大爱育人,育大爱之人——《中国传统文化》课程教学中大爱育人的探索

10.And later asked to recall the cuties in the pictures, the students who wrote about their lovers remembered fewer details about the physical appearance of the attractive strangers.之后在被要求回忆照片中人物的外貌特征时,写关于爱人文章的人回忆起来的细节较少。

11.The volunteers who wrote about their partners were six times less likely to admit to thinking of the attractive others than volunteers who wrote about random subjects.写关于爱人文章的志愿者想起那些照片的几率为写其它主题文章的研究对象的六分之一。

12.Their social life differed in many interesting points from the social life of the Aegean and river-valley civilizations.他们的社会生活比起爱琴海文明和河谷文明有着许多令人关注的不同之处。

13.a man with literary leanings对文学有兴趣 [爱好文学] 的人

14.a man with [of] a literary bent爱好文学 [有文学天才] 的人

15.Men of Letters?Love of Liquor Is for Self-intoxication, and Ruanji Love of Liquor Is for Intoxicating Common People;文人好酒求自醉 阮籍爱酒醉世人

16.Many observers harbor misgivings about their telescope.许多天文爱好者关心他们的望远镜。

17.On Relation between Xin(薪) and Marriage in Book of Songs from Cultural Perspective《诗经》“薪”意象与婚爱关系的文化解读

18.Studies on the Relations of "Five Caring About" and Population and Family Planning Work;“五关爱”与人口计划生育工作关系研究


caring about human nature人性关爱

1.The Population and Family Planning Committee of Changchun city took the lead incaring about human nature,caring about human feelings and caring about humanity,namely,the concept of the "Three Caring About".长春市人口计生委率先提出的人性关爱、人情关爱和人文关爱,即“三关爱”理念,体现了一种自外而内、从下到上的追求,勾画出了计划生育文明的思路框架。

3)caring about human feelings人情关爱

1.The Population and Family Planning Committee of Changchun city took the lead in caring about human nature,caring about human feelings and caring about humanity,namely,the concept of the "Three Caring About".长春市人口计生委率先提出的人性关爱、人情关爱和人文关爱,即“三关爱”理念,体现了一种自外而内、从下到上的追求,勾画出了计划生育文明的思路框架。

2.Considering "Caring about human nature,caring about human feelings and caring about humanity" as the soul of population and family planning work accords with the people s vital interests, with the realization of the goal of building a well - off society in an all - round way and with the request for structuring the harmonious socialist society.把“人性关爱,人情关爱,人文关爱”理念作为人口和计划生育工作的灵魂,符合人民群众的切身利益,符合全面建设小康社会的目标,符合构建社会主义和谐社会的要求。

4)On Concern of Humanity from Religion宗教·人性·关爱

5)traditional literati"s viewpoints to love传统文人爱情观

6)a man of literary bias偏爱文学的人


