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人文学科 humanities英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-21 18:47:44


人文学科 humanities英语短句 例句大全



1.The Current Situation of Offering Humanities Courses In Secondary Medical Schools in Sichuan Province and The Countermeasures;四川省中等卫生学校人文学科开设的现状及对策

2.The knowledge ofhumanities should be added to the education of architecture;建筑学专业教育应增加人文学科的知识

3.The role of guide-book to the classics in the teaching of thehumanities in universities;经典文本导读在大学人文学科教学中的地位


1.interdisciplinary programs in the humanities and social sciences跨学科的人文学科和社会科学

2.Development of Humanities Discipline and Cultivation of Medical Students Humanistic Quality;人文学科发展与医学生人文素质培养

3.A nonscientific branch of learning;one of the liberal arts.人文学科学问的一种非科学分支;文科的一个(学科)

4.History is an arts subject.历史是一门人文学科。

5.Ternary System of Knowledge;知识三元系 自然科学——社会科学——人文学科三元系

6.European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities欧洲艺术、科学和人文科学学院

7.The term“ arts” usually refers to humanities and social sciences.文科”这个词通常指人文和社会科学。

8.The term “arts” usually refers to humanities and social sciences.“文科”这个词通常指人文和社会科学。

9.The Enlightenment of the Humanities Science and its Infiltration in Teaching;人文科学的昭示与教学中的人文渗透

10.The Dimension of Education on History of Science: Cultural Inosculation Between Science and Humanism科学史教育的向度:科学文化与人文文化的融合

11.Synopsis of the Humanitics & Social Sciences人文,社会学科简介

12.UNESCO Prize for Human Rights Teaching教科文组织人权教学奖

13.Social and Human Sciences Sector社会和人文科学部门

14.Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Science荷兰皇家人文和科学院

15.Modern Humanities Research Association近代人文科学研究会

16.Brief Exposition of Humane Science,the Basis of PE Humane Social Science;体育人文社会科学的人文科学基础简说

17.Humanistic Dimension of Science Discussing Humane Implication of Science from Various Angles;科学的人文维度——多侧面认识科学的人文蕴含

18.On the trinity of natural sciences, social sciencesand the humanities and its co-ordinated development;论自然科学、社会科学、人文科学的三位一体关系


the Humanities人文学科

1.A Textlinguistic Perspective on the Study ofthe Humanities;人文学科研究的语篇学视角

2.In the current context of globalization how to realize new developments of the humanities has aroused concern in international intellectural circles.通过对美国的大学和南非的大学中人文学科现状的比较分析,可以发现人文学科所具有的两种依赖性及其所代表的南北差异,人文学科迫切需要在大学及更广的社会体系内保持高度的紧迫感、批评性思考和道德价值;人文学术在今天特殊的有待状态下,仍然可以实现应有的创造。

3.However, the present understanding concerning the humanitiesembodies some misleading conception derived from a duplication of profession vo cationality in modern work division and pragmatic view of technology and function , exemplified respectively by mistakenly taking geometry and astronomy in the “seven arts” as science in discipline division, “archery”.现代性的人文学科有其对应的古典形态,古罗马“七艺”与先秦“六艺”即典型代表。

3)literae humaniores人文科学

1.Results Both natural science andliterae humaniores are attributes of Geoherbs.结论自然科学与人文科学的结合是道地药材研究的必由之路,与地理标志的接轨有利于揭示道地药材的文化属性,连续变异的理念是揭示道地药材科学内涵的钥匙。

2.With respect to the structure of modern science system, this article, based on the evolvement order of the external world, namely"from nature to human to society",puts forward a new idea that it should be framed withliterae humaniores as the main body and sided with natural science and social science.关于现代科学体系的门类结构问题,本文从客观世界的"自然—人—社会"的演化次序提出以人文科学为主体、自然科学和社会科学为两翼的新观点,并从研究对象上揭示了社会科学与人文科学的联系和区别,阐述了自然科学通过人文科学到社会科学的一体化。


1.Arts and humanities: a new section in medical education;艺术与人文科学:医学教育新的组成部分

2.Relation between Marxist scientific development view and the humanities;马克思主义的科学发展观与人文科学的关系

3.The overall instructional design has been constructed according to the characteristics of medical immunology discipline by using humanities teaching method to create an environment beneficial to students learning and enable students to use their rich imagination.根据免疫学学科特点进行整体教学设计,用人文科学的讲授方法创设促进学生学习的情景、发挥学生丰富的想象力,可有效激发学生对免疫学的学习兴趣,提高和发展学生的发散思维、综合分析能力,有助于进一步提高教学质量。

5)the humanities人文科学

1.From the viewpoint of culture and morality,the paper studies the relation betweenthe humanities and architectonic education and points out that the humanity has a great influence upon architects.本文从文化和道德角度阐述了人文科学与建筑学教育的关系,以及人文科学对建筑从业人员的巨大影响,同时倡导以健康进步的人文精神塑造建筑学学生的人格修

2.In accordance with the existing problems of giving more emphasis to hardware than software in construction of laboratory in university,specially the problem of ignoringthe humanities construction of laboratory.针对我国高校实验室建设中存在着重"硬件"轻"软件"的问题,特别是忽视实验室人文科学的建设问题,提出转变观念、树立良好精神风貌、激发培养危机意识、加强周围环境建设的措施,切实做好实验室文化建设,让学生真正受到大学文化的熏陶。

3.Based on an analysis of the technological and cultural form of the modern world ("Leodardo World"), problems which arise from this duality with regard to the cooperation ofthe humanities with other sciences and to questions arising from a two cultures myth and the so-called compensation theory ofthe humanities are discussed.文章通过对现代世界 (“雷奥那多”世界 )之技术形态和文化形态的分析 ,从人文科学和其他科学相互合作的角度探讨了那些根源于现代世界之双重性的问题 ,以及那些与双重文化之谜及所谓人文科学补充论有关的问题 ,并认为 ,人文科学的独特任务在于分析世界的文化形式并推动其发展。

6)human science人文科学

1.From epistemology to existetiale——The change of perceptive view of the relationship between natural science andhuman science;从知识论到生存论——自然科学与人文科学关系研究视角的转换

2.There is very magnificent meaning in considering natural science,social science andhuman science as scientific view on trinity because it is good for completely understanding the meaning of science and it can put into full play science function and promote overall development,coordinating development and sustainable development of natural science,social science andhuman science in effect.树立自然科学、社会科学、人文科学三位一体的科学观,对于完整理解科学的涵义、充分发挥科学的功能和有效促进自然科学、社会科学、人文科学的全面发展、协调发展和可持续发展都具有十分重要的意义。

3.There are always two approaches of psychology: nature science andhuman science.心理学中一直存在自然科学和人文科学两种研究取向,前者是主流,后者是非主流。


《标准化是一门新学科》《标准化是一门新学科》Standardization-a New DisciplineB心卫hunhua Shi Yimen XinxLJek6《标准化是一门新学科》(%26翔叨阮心必以蜘一aN‘JD改动红配)首次较系统地论述标准化是一门学科的著作。印度囚C.魏尔曼著,1盯2年发表。由苏锡田、张玉麟等译成中文,科学技术文献出版社于1980年出版。全书共26章。主要内容包括:标准化的目的和作用,标准化的领域和内容,企业、行业、国家、地区和国际各级标准化的组织和工作程序,标准的计划、编制和贯彻执行,计量制度和单位,质量认证标志与说明性标签,标准化教育与训练,标准化的经济效果,标准化的数理手段,发展中国家和消费者标准化问题等。同时,对未来标准化工作的发展也作了展望。(赵全仁崔华)
