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心智觉知 Mindfulness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-26 13:56:54


心智觉知 Mindfulness英语短句 例句大全



1.Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy:From Zen Meditation to Clinical Psychotherapy;心智觉知认知疗法:从禅修到心理治疗的发展

2.And related studies indicated that the mindfulness-based intervention leaded to significant declines in depression,anxiety and othe negative affect,to increase positive affect and levels of mindfulness, to improve the well-being.从二十世纪七十年代至今,越来越多的西方心理学家、精神病学家等研究者们关注一项源于佛教的冥想训练——以心智觉知为基础的训练方法。

3.2、Apply the mindfulness-based intervention into the cancer patients,to study whether it can be effective in helping patients to better regulate their emotions,and enhance the degree of mindfulness and improve patients\" mental health.随着医学治疗模式从单纯的医学模式向生理—心理—社会模式的转变,人们也越来越多的关注到患者的心理健康状况,心智觉知干预方法就是在此背景下出现的,本研究基于此而展开。

2)perceptual distraction知觉分心

1.We hypothesized that inhibitory control ofperceptual distraction may be an importa.采用四类图片类比映射任务,考察了知觉分心对90名4岁、5岁、6岁儿童类比推理能力发展的影响,并进一步阐释影响儿童类比推理能力发展的可能机制。


1.Children s Development of Analogical Reasoning from the Perspective of Perceptual Distraction Task;从知觉分心任务看儿童类比推理能力的发展

2.stereoscopic perception立体知觉(心理学)

3.The Relationship between Self-differentiation and the Perceived Stress, Mental Health in College Students;大学生自我分化与压力知觉、心理健康的关系

4.I always thought Huei-fang was rather stubborn, but I realize now that she"s quite easily led!"不过前回觉得四姊很固执,现在却知道她又十分心活

5.A Study on the Intellectuals Exercise Level and Their Physical and Psychological Self-consciousness;知识分子健身水平与其身体和心理自我感觉的研究

6.An analysis of the "consciousness","reaction and reaction time" of Taekuondo athletes and their psychological characteristics;对跆拳道运动员“感知觉”“反应和反应时”及心理特征的分析

7.perceptional intuitionalism知觉直觉说 知觉直觉说

8.hallucination of perception知觉性幻觉 知觉性幻觉

9.loss of sensation in a small area of the body (as when a local anesthetic is injected for a tooth extraction).身体一小部分失去知觉。

10.A study on the classification of knowledge work based on subjective perception analysis;基于知觉分析的知识性工作分类研究

11.Be careful not to slide into a bad habit.当心不要不知不觉地就染上坏习惯。

12.insensibly back into the concerns of this life again.不知不觉地关心起眼前的现实来。

13.The triple helix brings you into the feeling center.三倍数螺旋带你们进入知觉中心。

14.zonk their patients with tranquilizers(Psychology Today)用镇静剂使病人失去知觉(今日心理学)

15.Sense Psionics. You sense psionic powers and effects.感知灵能:你感觉到心灵异能及效果。

16.a mental disorder involving loss of sensitivity in the hand and wrist.由于心理的原因而导致手失去知觉。

17.Cognitive Psychology and Visual Design in the Web-based Course;认知心理学与网络课程中的视觉设计

18.On the Relation between Perceptions and Mental Capacities in Hume s Philosophy;论休谟哲学中知觉与心灵能力的关系


perceptual distraction知觉分心

1.We hypothesized that inhibitory control ofperceptual distraction may be an importa.采用四类图片类比映射任务,考察了知觉分心对90名4岁、5岁、6岁儿童类比推理能力发展的影响,并进一步阐释影响儿童类比推理能力发展的可能机制。

3)perception psychology知觉心理

1.The study of the role ofperception psychology in the changing of art form has great meaning in the art critics and aesthetic education.对"形"的知觉心理在艺术形式建构过程中的作用研究,在艺术批评和审美教育中深具意义。

4)perceptual set知觉心向

5)visual perception psychology视知觉心理

6)perceptual curiosity知觉好奇心


觉知1.觉察到。 2.知觉。
