100字范文 > 觉知逻辑 Awareness Logic英语短句 例句大全

觉知逻辑 Awareness Logic英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-19 19:03:33


觉知逻辑 Awareness Logic英语短句 例句大全

觉知逻辑,Awareness Logic

1)Awareness Logic觉知逻辑

2)logic intuition逻辑直觉

1.But in man’slogic intuition ,/p∧p/=0 .但是 ,在人们的“逻辑直觉”中 ,/p∧p/=0。


1.Multi-Valued Logic and Logical Intuitions--Do People Go into a Dilemma?;多值逻辑与逻辑直觉——人们陷入了两难?

2.The “And” “Operatos” and “Or”“Operators” of Instuitionstic Fuzzy Logic;直觉模糊逻辑“与”、“或”算子的研究

3.Intuitionistic Fuzzifying Rings Based on L~*-Lattice Valued Logic基于L~*-格值逻辑上的直觉不分明化环

4.Probability Truth Degree of Multi-valued Propositional Logic and Intuitionistic Fuzzy Propositional Logic System;多值命题逻辑和直觉模糊命题逻辑公式的概率α-真度

5.Form the Perceptional Thinking to Local Thinking--A brief discussion on the western logic in China and its impact on the Chinese people;从直觉思维到逻辑思维——浅谈西方逻辑在中国的输入及其影响

6.It is by logic that we prove, but by intuition that we discover. --Henri Poincare我们靠逻辑去证明,但是靠直觉去发现。——普安卡雷

7.Intuitionistic Fuzzifying Convex Sets Based on L*-lattice Valued Logic;基于L*-格值逻辑上的直觉不分明化凸集

8.Resolution Method of Intuitionistic Operator Fuzzy Logic;直觉算子模糊命题逻辑系统中的归结方法

9.Properties of Temporal Logic Operators and Extended Operations on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Singular Rough Sets直觉模糊S-粗集时态逻辑算子及扩展运算性质

10.Cognitive research on relationship between logic thinking and intuitive thinking in sport thinking运动思维中逻辑与直觉关系的认知研究

11.The Logic about Managerial System in the View of Potential Science--Chinese Management from Overall Infuition to Logic Deduction;势科学视域中管理系统的逻辑机制——从整体直觉到逻辑演绎的中国管理学研究

12.Lacking logical order or sense.缺乏逻辑顺序或感觉的.

13.and making decisions and taking actions based on results of logical analyses, as balanced with experience and intuition.基于逻辑分析的结果,权衡经验和直觉,作出决策并采取措施。

14.Revelation of Creation "from Powder to Viagra":the logic and the intuition of creative thinking;从“炸药”到“伟哥”创新历程的启示——科学创新思维中的逻辑与直觉

15.Of the Influence of Different Logic Backgrounds on the Effect of Taekwondo Athletes" Intuition Thinking不同逻辑背景对跆拳道运动员直觉思维效果的影响

16.DCTL [Direct-Coupled Transistor Logic]直接耦合电晶体逻辑

17.direct-coupled transistor logic直接耦合晶体管逻辑

18."In the modern era, this debate for a time divided into three schools of thought :logicism, formalism, and intuitionism"在近代,经过一段时间的争论,分成了三派思想:逻辑主义、形式主义和直觉主义。


logic intuition逻辑直觉

1.But in man’slogic intuition ,/p∧p/=0 .但是 ,在人们的“逻辑直觉”中 ,/p∧p/=0。

3)epistemic logic认知逻辑

1.On some Problems in the Research on Epistemic Logic;试论认知逻辑研究中的若干问题

2.The Problems of the Epistemic Logic and Development认知逻辑存在的问题及发展趋向

3.The present paper deals with the logical omniscience problem inepistemic logic and the methods to resolve it and presents a kind ofepistemic logic called EL, which can avoid the logical omniscience, and gives its semantic rules and its axioms.分析认知逻辑中的逻辑全知问题及其解决方法, 提出一种可以避免逻辑全知的认知逻辑 E L, 并给出其语义和公理系

4)cognitive logic认知逻辑

1.It is because this semantic methodology is tightly coupled with the humancognitive logic.文章指出在语言习得过程中,通过对某个词语的语义进行追根溯源,即沿着它来路的历史痕迹一直探究到它的原始语义,可以更透彻地理解该词语,对它的记忆可以说是终身性的,因为这种语言习得法符合人的认知逻辑。

2.Thecognitive logic of law subject should be like this:firstly the intention meaning should be defined from the nature and then the extention meaning should be defined from the appearance,the extention meaning of law subject is open.法主体的认知逻辑可以是:先从本质层面来界定法主体的内涵,再从现象层面来界定法主体的外延,法主体的外延具有相对的开放性。

5)knowledge logic知识逻辑

1.As an organization base on knowledge,the university should implement selection mechanism based onknowledge logic,which is the key element in faculty-management.作为一个以知识为基础的组织,大学在对教师的管理中,应以知识逻辑为基础进行制度选择,这是做好大学教师管理的关键所在。

2.The present network poem possesses the characteristics of people s culture no matter in such aspects as culture psychology,knowledge logic, current situation and criticism, affirm people s culture its color to take and belittle to their definitely from objective and just angle, but hope on the basis of defining its cultural level .目前的网络诗歌无论在文化心理、知识逻辑、现状与批评等方面都具有大众文化特征,从客观公正的角度上肯定其大众文化色彩绝不是要对其进行贬低,而是希望在明确其文化层次和发展趋势的基础上,对其进行规范、扶植和正确的引导,并对网络诗歌、大众文化等一系列概念予以澄清。

6)the logically new逻辑新知


觉知1.觉察到。 2.知觉。
