100字范文 > 正念禅修 Mindfulness Meditation英语短句 例句大全

正念禅修 Mindfulness Meditation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-13 17:33:56


正念禅修 Mindfulness Meditation英语短句 例句大全

正念禅修,Mindfulness Meditation

1)Mindfulness Meditation正念禅修

1.Mindfulness Meditation and Its Application in Psychotherapy and Medicine正念禅修在心理治疗和医学领域中的应用


1.Mindfulness Meditation and Its Application in Psychotherapy and Medicine正念禅修在心理治疗和医学领域中的应用

2.The Comparison Between Buddhist Ideas and Contemporary Action-art;禅宗修证与现当代观念行为艺术之比较

3.Meditation is to know what you are doing.她告诉我们,“禅修是了知你所正在做的事情。

4.Next, not desiring the wealth of this life, they will endure meditation in the mountains through their ascetic discipline and energy.他们对世间的财富不起眷念,能在山中精进地苦修各种禅定。

5.But in the Zen meditation hall, they would meditate on the Zen, and they have even achieved advanced levels of meditation.但在禅堂里,就只说禅,而在禅修功夫非常精进。

6.To integrate meditation in action is the whole ground and point and purpose of meditation.把禅修与生活结合是禅修的重点和目的。

7.One of the young monks went there, and all day long he sat crosslegged, with his hands cla sped before him in an attitude of prayer, and murmured" Amita-Buddha!一名年轻和尚来此修行,他整天盘腿坐禅,双手合十,口中喃喃念着「弥陀佛!

8.One of the young monks went there, and all day long he sat crosslegged, with his hands clasped before him in an attitude of prayer, and murmured“ Amita-Buddha!一名年轻和尚来此修行,他整天盘腿坐禅,双手合十,口中喃喃念著「弥陀佛!

9.One of the young monks went there, and all day along he sat cross-legged, with his hands clasped before him in an attitude of prayer, and murmured "Amita-Buddha!一名年轻和尚来此修行,他整天盘腿坐禅,双手合一,口中喃喃念着“阿弥陀佛!

10.This is a great dulusion. It requires the maturity that only years of listening, contemplation, reflection, meditation, and sustained practice can ripen.这是个很大的谬误。事实上,要经过多年持续的闻、、、想和禅坐,修行才能成就正果。

11.Modification of the Concept of Public Field by Network Communication;网络交流对“公共领域”概念的修正

12.Bayesian Game with Sequential Belief Revisions in Supply Chain;供应链中序贯信念修正的Bayes博弈模型

13.The Revisionist State:The Concept,Criterion and Implications;解读修正主义国家:概念、指标及涵义

14.The Dislocation and Amendments to the Relationship between the Concepts of China"s Anti-monopoly Law我国反垄断法概念关系的错位及修正

15.Qing s Scholars Perplexity on and Shortage of Zen Notions--On Ji Yun s View on Zen;清代文人禅宗观念的困惑与缺失——纪昀禅宗观念的视角

16.If you are busy, then busyness is the meditation, she tells us.“如果你忙,那么工作就是禅修”。

17.NVOCC, which was first appeared in American 1936 Reversion of 1916 Shipping Act, is evoloved from the international freight forwarder.其概念首次见于美国《19航运法(1936年)修正案》。

18.The Similar-Consistency of the Judgment Matrix in Uncertain AHP and the Modified IEM Arithmetic;不确定型AHP的准一致性概念及修正特征根算法


amendments to Chan method of Mazu马祖禅法修正

3)belief revision信念修正

1.Description of thebelief revisions based on the propositional model sets;基于命题模型集的信念修正描述

2.Belief Revision for Rational Fully Introspective Agents;理想自省主体的信念修正

3.A uniform treatment for the operations ofbelief revisions and belief base revisions in Belief Revision and the operation of reconstructions in Open Logic is given by using the total partition structure.基于全序划分结构给出了信念修正理论中的信念修正操作、信念基修正操作及开放逻辑中的重构操作的统一定义,分析了三者之间的内在联系及本质差别,证明了在原知识库为逻辑封闭语句集且忽视操作结果的逻辑封闭性的情形下,3种运算的操作结果一致。

4)amending idea修正理念


1.An Intervention Research on Occupational Burnout among Psychological Counselor byMeditation;禅修对心理咨询师职业耗竭的干预研究

6)belief base revision信念基修正

1.A uniform treatment for the operations of belief revisions andbelief base revisions in Belief Revision and the operation of reconstructions in Open Logic is given by using the total partition structure.基于全序划分结构给出了信念修正理论中的信念修正操作、信念基修正操作及开放逻辑中的重构操作的统一定义,分析了三者之间的内在联系及本质差别,证明了在原知识库为逻辑封闭语句集且忽视操作结果的逻辑封闭性的情形下,3种运算的操作结果一致。


