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冥想 meditation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-01 23:35:17


冥想 meditation英语短句 例句大全



1.Chen Zhanmin s novels feature records of hardship to narrate the village life withmeditations to show the villagers optimism not without some sort of helplessness.描述苦难以记述乡民的生存,叙写冥想以显示乡民精神上的达观与略带无奈的精神自乐是陈占敏小说创作的重要特色。

2.Because of the structural relationship between plot andmeditation,Henry Miller expressed his thought through texts.情节与冥想之间消解与建构的结构关系使米勒的思想在文本中得到表述,同时也反映出现代主义对以情节为主的传统叙事手段既超越又固守的内在矛盾。


1.Questioner: All teachers advise to meditate. What is the purpose of meditation?问:所有导师建议冥想。冥想的目的何在?

2.Characterized by or prone to meditation.沉思冥想的以沉思冥想为特点的,爱沉思思冥想的

3.It was a lucky recollection.这是个幸运的冥想。

4.Meditation has little to do with escaping problems or thinking about nothing.冥想并不是逃避问题或什么都不想。

5.Let us acquaint ourselves with the concept behind the origin of meditation.让我们先来熟悉一下冥想的起源和有关冥想的一些概念。

6.To be cheerful and playful during meditation is the sure recipe for success.在冥想中保持喜乐状态和浓厚的兴趣是成功冥想的可靠处方。

7.They all have need for me, and I have no time to brood over the after-life他们都需要我,我没有时间去冥想来生。

8.and she again tried to think what it could be.于是她现出一种苦思冥想的样子。

9.Such brooding didn"t make him any saner.然而,苦思冥想并没有使他头脑清醒。

10.He meditates away eight or ten hours every day.他每天花8或10小时作沉思冥想。

11.Sought divine guidance through meditation.通过冥想来寻求神的指引

12.fortify oneself by prayer and meditation通过祈祷和冥想增强自己的信念.

13.I meditate in order to relax.我沉思冥想藉以松弛精神.

14.During meditation, the cells of the mind become aware of the life in the spirit.冥想时,大脑细胞会感知到灵魂的生活。

15.Seek a teacher in meditation and learn from them.在冥想中寻找一位老师并向他们学习。

16.Their activities are to be done away with, through the meditation process.这些可以通过深入冥想而令其消除。

17.The best time for meditation are towards the morning and the evening.最适合做冥想到时间是清晨和黄昏。

18.All this constitutes meditation with seed.所有的这些皆依“种性”的冥想而体现。


religious meditation宗教冥想

3)meditative poems冥想诗

1.Hismeditative poems are his supreme achievement,many of which have become classics.他的冥想诗成就相当高,很多已经成为传世之佳作。

4)Winter"s Meditation冬日冥想


1.They are notmeditators who are away from the mundane world, but real actors who save the world.他们既是哲学冥想者,更是思想践行者。

6)philosophical meditations哲学冥想


冥想1.深沉的思索和想象。 2.深切的想念。
