100字范文 > 正念训练 Mindfulness training英语短句 例句大全

正念训练 Mindfulness training英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-30 07:41:27


正念训练 Mindfulness training英语短句 例句大全

正念训练,Mindfulness training

1)Mindfulness training正念训练

1.A Case report about treatment of depression by mindfulness training正念训练治疗抑郁症案例报告

2)training theory训练理念


1.Integrating the training concept of SAQ into young soccer trainingSAQ训练理念寓于我国青少年足球训练的探讨

2.Development of world 110m hurdles training on basis of training concept of Sun Hai-ping;从孙海平教练的训练理念看当今世界110m栏运动训练的发展

3.Development of Training Concept--Collision of Tradition and Innovation;训练理念的发展——传统与创新的碰撞

4.A Study of Concept Innovation for Physical Stamina Training in China"s Basketball中国篮球运动体能训练理念创新研究

5.Potential Development and Deepening of the Dance Training Concept of "Whole-brain"潜能开发与“全脑型”舞蹈训练理念深化

6.The Thought Of Relativity Reappear In The Theory Of Training;相对论思想在运动训练理念中的萌发——茅鹏运动训练理论研究

7.A Study of Elite 400m Runners Effective Training Load--With Similarity and Difference in Training Concepts of China and USA;高水平400m运动员有效训练负荷研究——兼论中美400m训练理念之异同

8.Research on the Difference of Youth Training Theories Betueen China s and Holland s Football System;中荷青少年足球训练理念的差异性研究

9.Practical Characteristics of Training Ideas in Football of Chinese Adolescent;中国青少年足球战略性训练理念的实践特征

10.Research on the Football Training Theory of the Teenagers and the Athletes Cultivating;青少年足球训练理念与足球后备人才培养

11.Practical Characteristics of the Training Ideas of Chinese Teenager Football Players;中国青少年足球操作性训练理念的实践特征

12.Training Conception-the Medium in Sports Training Theories Guiding Practice;训练观念——运动训练理论指导实践的中介

13.New concept of modern training现代运动训练新理念——以刘翔的110m栏训练为例

14.Expounding the New Conception of the Specific Strength Training of Swimming Events;阐述游泳项目专项力量训练的新理念

15.Rethink on Ideas and Practice of our Dash Training关于我国短跑运动训练相关理念与实践的反思

16.Discussion on the Postmodernism Theory of Outward Bound Training;论野外拓展训练中后现代主义教育理念

17.A Review of Some Ideas on Volleyball Training in China;对中国排球运动训练实践中若干理念的反思

18.On the New Conception for the Training of Modern Chinese Athletic Gymnastic;当代中国竞技体操运动训练新理念探讨


training theory训练理念

3)faith training观念训练

4)Silence thinking默念训练

5)training ideas训练理念

1.It has been well recognized that the reason that the Chinese football fell behind the worldwide level can be due to the out-datedtraining ideas of Chinese football.中国足球在世界大赛上的表现使国人痛苦的意识到,今天中国足球的落后源于几十年来青少年训练的落后,源于中国足球训练理念的落后。

2.In order to improve the Chinese teenager\"s training soccer level,the author tries to find out the advanced soccertraining ideas and put for ward some practical suggestions,by summarizing the trend of the development contemporary soccer as well as discussing problems existing in china\"s soccer training.本文试图通过总结现代足球运动的发展趋势,提炼现代足球先进的训练理念,针对我国足球训练实践中存在的脱离实战问题,通过整理归纳有关符合足球实战需要训练的思路,提出改进训练的建议,以期尽快提高青少年的足球训练水平。

6)training idea训练理念

1.This article with the utilization literature,observation and mathematical statistic and expert consultation,analyzed thetraining idea of leading performance countries in the field antagonism collective ball games,simultaneously discussed the training characteristic of collective ball games with the field antagonism and conforms to the needs of actual competition.运用文献资料分析,观察与数理统计和专家咨询等研究方法,并对同场对抗性集体球类项目成绩优异国家训练思想与方法和手段进行研究分析,探讨同场对抗性集体球类项目这一项群的训练特征和符合实战需要训练理念的理论基础。

2.The increasing difference of football in China and abroad is an inevitable result of the counter of the backward and advancedtraining idea.训练理念决定训练行为,影响现状水平。

3.pioneering, developmental, post-stagnation recovery, peak and landslide stages; handballtraining idea evolved from simple imitation and learning in the fifties, to "training should be hard, strict and geared to the needs of actual combat and be carried out with intensive load" in the sixties, to application of scientific training.采用问卷调查、专家访谈、观察等研究方法,认为我国手球运动经历了创业、发展、停滞后恢复、高峰、滑坡5个阶段;手球训练理念从50年代的简单模仿、学习,到60年代的"三从一大",70年代的科学训练理论应用于实践,一直到高峰阶段的系统、规范、独特,既拥有欧洲球队的高大队员、扎实的基本技战术,又具备亚洲球队快速、灵活、多变、以我为主的风格。


善的理念(见理念)善的理念(见理念)idea of goods卜an deljnian善的理念(idea of good)见理念。
