100字范文 > 老城区 old city英语短句 例句大全

老城区 old city英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-07 03:03:27


老城区 old city英语短句 例句大全

老城区,old city

1)old city老城区

1.The application of gradual model preservation and renewal method in the control regulation of theold city;渐进式保留与更新方法在老城区控规中的应用

2.The urban road green area landscape renovation inold city老城区城市道路绿地景观更新

3.Exploration of the related problems of middle and smallold city commercial center district remaking中小城市老城区商业中心改造有关问题的探索


1.Study of the Space Environment Issues in Hangzhou Old Urban District Based on the Idea of Leisure City;“休闲城市”理念下杭州老城区空间环境问题研究

2.Preliminary Probe of the City Space and the Type of Residential Building in Old City Area of Lhasa;拉萨老城区城市空间与居住建筑类型初探

3.Exploration of the related problems of middle and small old city commercial center district remaking中小城市老城区商业中心改造有关问题的探索

4.The kashgar historical and cultural cities protection and old city dangerous house reformation喀什历史文化名城保护与老城区危旧房改造

5.On the Protection of the Historical and Cultural Resources in the Traditional County-Level Old Cities重视传统县级城市老城区历史文化资源的保护

6.Researching of Barkor Street Traditional Feature in Lhasa s Old Area Tibet;西藏拉萨老城区八廓街传统风貌研究

7.He roamed about the old section of the city.他漫步在城市的老区。

munity Support--the New Option of Urban Aged Service Guarantees;社区养老——城镇养老服务保障的新选择

9.The Community of Old People--A New Mode of Providing for the Old People in Future Chinese Cities;老龄社区——未来中国城市养老新模式

10.Investigation on the Healthy Status of the Elderly in Dongyao Community of Urban Area of Liao City聊城城区东姚社区老年人健康状况调查分析

11.Study on Population Aging and the Pattern of Community Service for the Aged in the City;人口老龄化与城市社区养老服务模式探析

12.On Aged-care at Home of Urban Old Persons and Community Care;我国城市老年人居家养老与社区照顾初探

13.On the Community-based Housing Support: The New Choice for the Elderly-care Patterns in Urban Cities in China;论社区居家养老:中国城市养老模式的新选择

14.The Aging of Population and the Construction of Aged Service Networks in Urban Communities;人口老龄化与城市社区老年服务网络建设

15.Research on Community Services System for the Living-Alone Elderly in Urban Area城市独居老人的社区为老服务体系研究

16.Elderly"s Home Care Services in Shanghai Metropolitan上海市中心城区老龄人口居家养老服务研究

17.Research on the City Community Home Aged-care under the Background of Population Aging人口老龄化背景下城市社区居家养老研究

18.The Study on the Quality of Life in Nursing Homes in Xi"an西安市城区养老机构老年人生活质量的研究


Old urban district老城区

1.Study of the Space Environment Issues in Hangzhou Old Urban District Based on the Idea of Leisure City;“休闲城市”理念下杭州老城区空间环境问题研究

2.With a typical case study of a project in an old urban district,this paper introduces the methods and experiences in engineering geological investigation,foundation inspection,ground treatment etc.本文以北京市老城区一典型建设工程为例,介绍了复杂岩土工程条件下的地质勘察、基槽检验和地基处理等方法与经验。

3.Based on the basic characteristics of modern service industry,and considering the status and foreground of modern service industry development in old urban district,the paper lays stress on analyses the distributional conditions of modern service industry,including foundation of economy and society,technical resources,qualified scientists and technicians,infrastructure,system environment.文章基于现代服务业知识密集、技术含量大、新兴性、空间集聚性、开放性的基本特征,结合老城区现代服务业发展的现状及前景,分析了现代服务业的布局条件,包括经济社会基础、技术与人才资源、基础设施、制度环境等,并进一步阐述了老城区现代服务业空间布局与发展的基本对策。

3)old city zone老城区

1.The paper analyzes the characters and problems of theold city zone and architectures in Qingdao.青岛是有着独特历史与城市风貌的年青城市,快速的建设在形成现代化城市面貌的同时也在破坏有价值的历史遗留,探讨了青岛市老城区及建筑的特色和其面临的问题,通过对实例的分析,从文脉入手,就老城区的改造提出可行性见解。

2.According to the features of road denseness,road narrowness, traffic crowd and so on in manyold city zones and taking theold city zone of Suzhou as an example, the paper analyses the necessity of bus priority in theold city zones and studies the development strategies of public traffic on many aspects in theold city zone.针对我国大多数城市的老城区路网密集、道路狭窄、交通拥挤等特点,以苏州市古城区为例,分析论证了老城区大力发展公共交通的必要性,从公交规划、公交票价和政策、公交优先技术等诸多方面对城市老城区公共交通发展的策略和模式进行研究。

3.Based on the survey data and grey relational analysis of traffic accident and affecting factors,the precedence of reconstruction measures of roads inold city zone was proposed.基于某老城区代表性路段几何特征和交通流特征的调查数据及相应交通事故资料,运用灰色关联分析理论确定影响因素与道路交通事故率的绝对和相对关联度,提出道路改善措施优先顺序;为验证上述分析的正确性,运用Pearson相关分析和多元逐步回归分析,建立了事故率与高相关因素之间的简单多元回归模型,利用该模型预测改善后道路安全水平。

4)Old District老城区

1.Innovative Thinking of the Green Space System Planning for theOld Districts of Big Cities——Some Thoughts on Beijing Urban Green Space System Planning (IV);基于大城市老城区的绿地系统规划创新思维——关于北京城市绿地系统规划的研究与实践(四)

2.On the basis of the internationalprojectcollection,the projectcombinesurbanlandscapedesign and renewaldesign for the old districtof Huangbaihezone.以突出宜昌市中心城区整体景观环境和建立城市景观控制体系为目标,在国际征集方案的基础上,综合形成总体景观规划,并为老城区和黄柏河区的详细城市设计提供依据。

3.The paper analyzes the characteristics and functions of city s new district(an area jointing old district and suburb),makes a comparison between new district and traditional old district.在分析研究城市新区特征和现实意义的基础上,与传统的老城区发展相比较,研究城市新区可持续发展的问题,并提出城市新区发展的着力点。

5)old city area老城区

1.Discussion on service apartment design inold city area老城区中的酒店式公寓设计初探

2.Based on the example of planning for women and children\"s center of activity in Xiamen, this article discusses, during the process of renovation and extension of the building inold city area, how to deal with the unity of space, function, streamline, form and structure between the old and new architecture and how to reintegrate the old space environment.该文以厦门市妇女儿童活动中心方案设计为例,探讨了在老城区建筑的改扩建设计中,如何处理新旧建筑在空间、功能、流线、造型、结构等方面的对接,并对旧有空间环境进行重新整合。

6)old and new city areas新老城区

1.Then the authors have categorized three spatial relationships between theold and new city areas:circular layer pattern,pieces-link pattern and segregation pattern.首先分析了这一现状产生的背景及形成原因,并在此基础上结合发展现状总结出三种新老城区空间关系:新旧圈层、新旧连片、新旧相隔。


