100字范文 > 古城保护 old city protection英语短句 例句大全

古城保护 old city protection英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-03-12 08:58:19


古城保护 old city protection英语短句 例句大全

古城保护,old city protection

1)old city protection古城保护

1.This article analyzes Suzhou’sold city protectionand reconstruction in the eye of economics within abooming economy.苏州古城保护的必要性与更新发展的必然性,使古城保护的内容和方法不仅包含对古城本身的保存与维护,同时还包含对有机更新的控制与引导。


1.Conservation the Old City of Aleppo the Objectives, Strateges and Practicalities;Aleppo古城保护的理念、策略与实践研究

2.The Interactive Relationship Research between the Protection of Old Cities and the Development of Tourism Industry;古城保护与旅游业发展互动关系研究

3.Protection of Ancient City and Development of Urban Tourism of International Heritage--Suzhou;世界遗产地——苏州的古城保护与城市旅游开发

4.Suzhou Old City Protection and Renewal in the Course of Urban Modernization;城市现代化进程中的苏州古城保护与更新

5.Create Garden City,Strengthen Protection Development and Management of Ancient City创建园林城市 加强古城保护性开发与管理

6.Study on Protection and Development of Fugu Ancient City and Village in Shaanxi Province陕西省府谷古城·古村落的保护与发展

7.Safeguarding and Exploiture of Historic City and Chinese Urban Development;历史古城的保护开发与中国城市发展

8.The Study on the Dynamic Conservation to the Center Historic Area of the Old City in Baoding;保定古城中心历史街区动态保护初探

9.The Dynamic Conservation Strategy of Central Historic Block in Baoding保定古城中心历史街区动态保护策略

10.The Discovery and Protection of the Barbican Entrance of the Ancient Tongzhou古通州瓮城遗址的发现、保护及启示

11.The Protection of Ancient Towns"Styles and Features and Urban Expansion in Modernization Process现代化进程中古城风貌的保护与延伸

12.The Preservation of Landscape and the Development of Tourist in Fenghuang;湘西凤凰古城的景观保护和旅游发展

13.On the Protection and Tourist Exploitation of the Ancient City Langzhong;阆中古城文化的保护与旅游开发研究

14.Analysis on the Protection and Utilization of Ancient Cities in World Heritage Tourism--A Case Study of Pingyao Ancient City;世界遗产地——平遥古城的保护与利用

15.The Special Features and the Protection of the Cultural Landscape of PingYao Ancient City;浅谈平遥古城文化景观的特色与保护

16.Research and the Protection of Wubu Ancient Cave Settlement Pattern吴堡窑洞古城聚落形态的研究与保护

17.A Thinking of Development and Protection of Zhangye Ancient City张掖古城的历史考述与保护开发思考

18.On the Overall Conservation of Chinese Ancient Large-scale City-sites论中国大型古代城市遗址的整体保护


ancient city protection古城保护

1.With Yangzhou as the example,the paper probes into the main methods ofancient city protection and the basic connotation and principles ofancient city protection.加强古城保护,彰显城市个性,激发古城活力,促进古城经济可持续发展,提升城市品质与市民生活水平,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义,这是城市管理者和社会各界共同关心的课题。

2.Theancient city protection experience of earliest European urbanization city is elaborated in this article;accordingly,it is put forth to consider from a macro aspect(i.本文借鉴最早实现城市化的欧洲的古城保护经验,提出了在规划上,从片和面的宏观角度来考虑;在微观层面,我们既要保护名人故居,也要保护寻常百姓家;在管理方面,使用行政和法律手段,为古城的保护提供法律保障。

3)rampart protection古城墙保护

1.Optimization of double multi-arch tunnel construction plan forrampart protection考虑古城墙保护的连拱隧道施工方案优化

4)protection of ancient city古城特色保护

1.It analyzes meaning of urban characteristic,introducesprotection of ancient city、construction of ecological garden city and creation of view according to its characteristic,and puts forward matters need attention to ensure its fast development.分析了城市特色的内涵,根据邯郸市具有的特色,介绍了邯郸市的古城特色保护、生态园林城市的构建、建筑景观的营造,并提出了应注意的有关问题,以保证城市建设得到迅速发展。

5)development and protection of ancient town古城保护与开发

6)How to Preserve the Ancient City of Langzhong阆中古城的保护


