100字范文 > 拉萨老城区 Old City Area of Lhasa英语短句 例句大全

拉萨老城区 Old City Area of Lhasa英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-26 09:57:09


拉萨老城区 Old City Area of Lhasa英语短句 例句大全

拉萨老城区,Old City Area of Lhasa

1)Old City Area of Lhasa拉萨老城区

1.Preliminary Probe of the City Space and the Type of Residential Building inOld City Area of Lhasa;拉萨老城区城市空间与居住建筑类型初探


1.Researching of Barkor Street Traditional Feature in Lhasa s Old Area Tibet;西藏拉萨老城区八廓街传统风貌研究

2.Preliminary Probe of the City Space and the Type of Residential Building in Old City Area of Lhasa;拉萨老城区城市空间与居住建筑类型初探

3.The Historic Quarter of the City of Colonia del Sacramento移民城市萨克拉门托的历史地区

4.Analysis on Influence of Fireworks Burning on Lhasa Urban Air Quality烟尘对拉萨城区空气质量的影响分析

5.Research on Total Quantity of Water Pollutants in City Areas of Lasa;拉萨市城区段水环境污染总量控制研究

6.Eco-Construction Deserving Stress in the Process of Integrated Control of Urban Segment of Lhasa River;拉萨河城区段综合整治应注重生态建设

7.On the Change of Tibetan Community in the Urbanization Process--A Case Study of R Village of Lhasa城市化进程中的藏族社区变迁——以拉萨R村为例

mnuity Governance Mode Choice and Perfecting the Commnuity Management Countermeasures of ChengGuanQu in Lhasa拉萨市城关区社区治理模式的选择及完善社区治理的对策建议

9.A city of northeast Texas, an industrial suburb of Dallas. Population, 180, 650.加兰德克萨斯州东北部的一城市,达拉斯的一个郊区工业区。人口180,650

10.The Research for the Protect and Development of Lhasa City Identity Based on New Regional Geography;基于新区域地理的拉萨市城市个性维护与发展研究

11.Application of open-reinforced stone-gabion to flood control project of middle reach of Lhasa River within municipal area开放式钢筋石笼在拉萨河城区中段防洪工程中的应用

12.Major Cities: Lusaka, Kitwe, Ndola, Chingola, Mufulira, Kabwe, Luanshya.主要城市:卢萨卡、特韦、多拉、戈拉、富利拉、布韦、安夏。

13."a city of north-central alabama northeast of Tuscaloosa. The largest city in the state, it is in a mining and industrial region. "美国亚拉巴马州中北部一城市,位于塔斯卡卢萨东北。该州最大城市,位于矿业和工业区。

14.A city of northeast Texas south-southeast of Dallas. It is in an oil-producing region. Population,22, 911.科西卡纳城德拉斯东南偏南,得克萨斯东北部一城,位于石油生产区。人口22,911

15.On her way home Sara came across an old friend of hers.在回家的路上,萨拉遇见一位老朋友。

16.Now she heads Lasa"s eastern district.她现在是拉萨东区的区长。

17.Lhasa, at an elevation of 3, 650 meters aBove sea level, is the highest city in the world.拉萨海拔3,650 米,是世界上最高的城市。

18.Study on the City Images of Lhasa in the First half of the 20th Century;20世纪上半叶的拉萨城市面貌研究


Urban district of Lhasa拉萨城区

3)Lhasa the Ancient City古城拉萨

4)Lhasa area拉萨地区

1.Based on the results of the first land use survey in Tibet Autonomous Region carried out in the late 1980s, land use map ofLhasa area in 1990 was compiled for the main agricultural area in Lhasa valley using aerial photos obtained in April, May and October 1991 and Landsat imagery in the late 1980s and 1991 as remotely sensed data sources.根据1990年、1995年和2000年3期西藏拉萨地区土地利用现状调查数据,利用GIS空间分析方法,系统地分析了1990年至2000年间拉萨地区的土地利用时空变化特征。

2.5 and PM1 (collectively called atmospheric particles hereinafter, when possible) made in over theLhasa area of China, leading to some aspects of their variations in, and inherent correlativity between, atmospheric particles and BC there.通过对我国拉萨地区黑碳气溶胶、PM10、PM2。

5)the suburbs ofLhasa拉萨郊区

6)Lhasa urban district拉萨市区


