100字范文 > 非文学性 non-literature英语短句 例句大全

非文学性 non-literature英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-07 08:18:52


非文学性 non-literature英语短句 例句大全



1.Rooting in cabinet political foundation and lixue academic basis,cabinet-style literature in Ming Dynasty has three mutually related characteristics: politicization in literary tradition,non-literature in literary concept,monopoly and cabinet style in literary writing.根源于台阁政治基础和理学学术基础,明代台阁体文学表现出相互联系的三大特点:文统上的政治性、文学观念上的非文学性、文学写作上的独占性和台阁气。


1.A Non literary Proposition--An Analysis of the Limitations of the Concept “Twentieth Century Chinese Literature”;一个非文学性命题——“20世纪中国文学”观局限分析

2.Music and Literature:Cultural Connotations in Absolute Music and Non-Literary Nature in Program Music“纯音乐”的人文内蕴和“标题性音乐”的非文学性指向

3.Literary Creation: the Aesthetic Personification of Non-literary Factors;文学创作:非文学因素的审美性人格化

4.On the Non-literariness and Boundary of Literature;论文学的非“文学”性——也谈文学的边界问题

5.Mass Media and Unacademic Trend of Literatura Criticism;大众传媒与文学批评的非学理性倾向

6.Lu Xun s Well Balanced View and Practice Toward Both Literary Utilitarianism and Non-Utilitarianism;鲁迅对文学功利性和非功利性的把握

7.Discussing the Chinese Teaching s Non-linear Thought and Its Strategy;试论语文教学的非线性思维及其策略

8.Irrationalism Fairy Tales in the Modern Degenerating Literature;新时期颓废文学中的非理性主义神话

9.A Study on the Character and Stylistics Meaning of “Shuolin” in “Hanfeizi”;论《韩非子·说林》的性质与文体学意义

10.Reconstruction of Chinese Non-literary Texts in English Translation Process;汉语非文学类文本英译时结构重组的必要性

11.The "Nondirective Teaching s" Illumination to the Chinese Reading Teaching in Senior High School;“非指导性教学”思想指导下的高中语文阅读教学

12.Science,Subconsciousness and Diversity of Culture--Probe into Nonrational Problems科学、潜意识与文化多样性——非理性问题探讨

13.Off-resonant Third-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of Fullerene-doped Inorganic-organic Hybrid Materials富勒烯有机-无机杂化材料的非共珍三阶非线性光学特性(英文)

14.Cultural Identification and Inter-Subjectivity--The Non-material Cultural Heritage of the Pumi Ethnic People from the Perspective of Cultural Anthropology文化认同与主体间性——文化人类学视野中的普米族非物质文化遗产

15.About the Non-material Attribute of Intangible Cultural Heritage--One of the Philosophical Issues of Intangible Cultural Heritage论非物质文化遗产的非物质性──关于非物质文化遗产的若干哲学问题之一

16.The Afro-American Women Images in Contemporary American Literature现当代美国文学中的非裔女性形象刍议

17.The Study of Conotative Culture-loaded Words and the Acquisition of Them by Foreign Students;非显性文化词语及留学生习得情况考察

18.Irrational Writing--Study on the Literary Aesthetics Splitting in the Latter 20th Century;非理性抒写——20世纪下半叶文学审美断裂探微


Non-literary Intertexts非文学性互文本

3)literature of irrationalism非理性主义文学

4)Non-literary Discourse非文学文本

5)Non-utilitarian teleology in literature非功利性的文学目的论

6)Non-classical works of literature非经典性文学作品


连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)连续性与非连续性(见间断性与不间断性)continuity and discontinuity11an父ux泊g四f“山。麻以角g、.连续性与非连续性(c。nt,n琳t:nuity一)_见间断性与不间断性。and diseo红ti-
