100字范文 > 音乐文学性 Music literariness英语短句 例句大全

音乐文学性 Music literariness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-17 13:49:45


音乐文学性 Music literariness英语短句 例句大全

音乐文学性,Music literariness

1)Music literariness音乐文学性

2)musical literature音乐文学

1.All types of literature with musicality can be calledmusical literature.音乐文学是介于音乐与文学之间的一门交叉学科。

2.With the opening and development of the Three Gorges area and the great achievements of the construction of the modern hydropower project,the production inmusical literature has been brought to a boom.三峡词家群落的崛起,是三峡音乐文学繁荣的主要标志。


1.Artistic morphology:a choice of ways in defining musical literature;艺术形态学:音乐文学界定的方法选择

2.Ancient Musical Scores from the Tang Dynasty and Issues Relatedto Musical Literature;唐传古乐谱和与之相关的音乐文学问题

3.New Trends in Ethnomusicology:Diaspora Musical Cultures;音乐人类学新研究:“离散”音乐文化

4.Music Education at Schools and the Succession of Folk Musical Culture;学校音乐教育与民族音乐文化的传承

5.The cultural perspective for musicology--A review of the fifteen years study in Guangdong;音乐学的文化学视野——音乐文化学岭南概览

6.music and literature.音乐和文学方面的场所。

7.a music, theatre, literary, etc critic音乐、 戏剧、 文学等评论员

8.Doctor of Music [Chinese University of Hong Kong]音乐博士〔香港中文大学〕

9.Master of Music [Chinese University of Hong Kong]音乐硕士〔香港中文大学〕

10.The Aesthetic Thoughts in Poetique Musical by Igor Stravinsky;斯特拉文斯基《音乐诗学》的音乐美学思想

11.Discussed History of the Western Music in the Teaching Should Study the Specialized Foreign Language in Music Glossary;谈《西方音乐史》教学中外文音乐词汇的学习

12.The comparative study of music of different cultures.比较音乐学对不同文化音乐的比较研究

13.On Feasibility of the Inheritance of Local Music Culture in Musical Education in the Schools;本土音乐文化在学校音乐教育中传承的可行性

14.Review on the Collected Papers Music in Art;音乐学研究的新视野——《艺术中的音乐》论文集简评

15.The human field of vision of music culture--Poverty of “European music central theory”;音乐文化的人类学视野——“欧洲音乐中心论”的贫困

16.Building a Bridge Between Music and Literature --On Complementation & Interaction Between Music and Literature from the Perspective of Their Origins;架构音乐与文学的桥梁——从音乐与文学的渊源谈二者的互补互动

17.A Skillful Combination of Literature and Music -- A Study of the Musicalness of Thomas Hardy s Literary Works;文学与音乐的奇妙结合——论哈代文学作品中的音乐性

18.Improving College Students’Humanist Quality Through Musical Teaching as an Elective Course;大学音乐公选课教学与人文素养培养


musical literature音乐文学

1.All types of literature with musicality can be calledmusical literature.音乐文学是介于音乐与文学之间的一门交叉学科。

2.With the opening and development of the Three Gorges area and the great achievements of the construction of the modern hydropower project,the production inmusical literature has been brought to a boom.三峡词家群落的崛起,是三峡音乐文学繁荣的主要标志。

3)Music Literature音乐文学

1.Rise and Fall of Ancient Poetry from Perspective ofMusic Literature;从音乐文学的角度看古诗歌之兴衰

2.<Abstrcat>This paper expounds the influence of music on literature through reading and analyzing the theory of music, works of music literature and related historical material in the Wei and Jin Dynasties.这里通过对魏晋时期乐论、音乐文学作品及相关史料的解读与分析,阐述了音乐对文学发展的影响。

3.As following the prosperity of music enterprise and the thorough development of education reform, "the Chinese music literature" starts to walk into the university classroom.伴随着音乐事业的繁荣和教育改革的深入发展,“中国音乐文学”开始走进高校课堂。


5)music culture studies音乐文化学

1.In the construction of the theory system ofmusic culture studies, the basic ideas, methods and key issues must be properly dealt with, music culture resources are to be integrated, and the relationships between various theories should be straightened out, i.构建音乐文化学理论体系必须把握好基本思路、方法和关键问题,整合音乐文化资源,理顺各种理论关系,坚定不移地走中西融合之路。

6)musical philology音乐文献学

1.The academic conception ofmusical philology had been proposed more than 21 years, and the research achievement were remarkable.在我国,音乐文献学的学科概念已提出,对此有不同阐释。

2.In the name of Musical Philology, there are two definitions to the subject of Musical Philology in the music circle: the Chinesemusical philology based on the Chinese ancient philology, and the Musical Library Informatics, which is to manage as well as extract and edit the musical literature with the modern administer method.在“音乐文献学”的名义下,音乐界对“音乐文献学”学科有两种界定:一是继承中国古典文献学传统的中国音乐文献学;一是运用现代文献的管理方法对音乐文献进行科学管理与编录的“音乐图书情报学”。


