100字范文 > 透过率曲线 the transmittance curve英语短句 例句大全

透过率曲线 the transmittance curve英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-15 05:06:56


透过率曲线 the transmittance curve英语短句 例句大全

透过率曲线,the transmittance curve

1)the transmittance curve透过率曲线

1.Optimization of the prism monochromator in measuringthe transmittance curve of a filter;滤波片透过率曲线测量中棱镜单色仪参数的选取

2)spectral transmittance curves分光透过率曲线

1.The paper analyzes the change of the exit light from a circular polarizing filter used inversely according to the interference theory of polarized light, measures thespectral transmittance curves with the combining of circular polarizing filter and linar polarizing filter, and summarizes the photographic performance of the circular polarizing filter used inversely.将圆偏振镜与线偏振镜组合 ,并使 1 4波片位于线偏振镜之间 ,测定出线偏振镜和圆偏振镜相对旋转至不同方位时的分光透过率曲线 ,探讨了入射光为线偏振光时出射光因偏振光的干涉而相应出现的强度和色度变化 ,并以此为模型 ,对圆偏振镜反向使用时的摄影性能进行研究和总结。

3)Breakthrough curve透过曲线

1.The dynamic experiment and theoretical simulation results showed that the simulation breakthrough curves were in g.动态吸附实验和模拟结果表明:模拟透过曲线与实验透过曲线比较吻合,所建立的模型能够较好地描述苯胺在2种大孔吸附树脂填充柱上的吸附透过过程。

2.The adsorption equilibrium capacity and the breakthrough curves of the solution containing sodium fluoride were measured in the adsorbent of activated aluminium oxide .以活性氧化铝为吸附剂,测定了NaF溶液的平衡吸附量和透过曲线。

3.The adsorption isotherms and breakthrough curves for NaF solution and water of calcium were determined.实验测定了NaF水溶液和“钙水”的吸附等温线和透过曲线,结果表明:Freundlish方程能很好地关联实验数据,“钙水”静态和动态吸附容量远远低于NaF水溶液。


1.A method to analyze insertion loss of electroabsorption-modulator using photocurrent and power transmission vs.wavelength一种利用光电流和光透过曲线测量电吸收调制器插入损耗因素的方法

2.passing light without diffusion or distortion.能透过光线而且不会发生漫射或扭曲。

3.a line that passes through the center of curvature of a lens so that light is neither reflected nor refracted.穿过曲面透镜中心的光线不会反射和折射的线。

4.drainage relative permeability curve排泄相对渗透率曲线

5.The Study on Determining Both Breakthrough Curve and Blowing Out Curve of TiCl_4 on r-A1_2O_3;TiCl_4穿透曲线和吹扫曲线评价研究

6.In some splines, the curve does not pass through any of the points that define the curve.在一些曲尺中,曲线不经过定义曲线的任何点。

7.Opacity: Degree of obstruction to transmission or reflection of light.不透明度:阻碍光线透过的程度。

8.Materials through which no radiation is propagated are called opaque.辐射线不能透过的物质叫不透明体。

9.connecting curve耦合[过渡,连接]曲线

10.The Study of Sodium and Ultrafiltration Profile and Midodrine to Prevent Hypotension in Hemodialysis;可调钠曲线与超滤曲线及口服米多君预防透析相关低血压的研究

11.To copy by following lines seen through a sheet of transparent paper.描摹通过描绘透过透明纸张的线条进行复制

12.A trace is automatically recorded of the resistance of the elastomer to penetration and the depth of penetration.弹性体对于穿透的阻力和穿透深度曲线自动记录下来。

13.Effect of Sodium Combining with Ultrafiltration Profiling Hemodialysis on Hemodialysis-related Symptoms;钠与超滤曲线透析防治血透相关并发症的临床观察

14.Application of Low Temperature Dialysate and Sodium Profile Combined with Ultrafiltration Profile in Preventing Intradialytic Hypotension透析致低血压患者低温联合钠及超滤曲线透析的护理观察

15.Effect of Sodium Combining with Ultrafitration Profiling Hemodialysis on JH3038 Machine;国产血透机钠与超滤曲线合理使用的临床观察

16.Research of Using and the Experiment Method for Relative Permeability Curve of Polymer Flooding聚合物驱相对渗透率曲线测定方法与应用研究

17.Effect of Aflatoxin B_1 on mitochondrial membrane permeability of liver in Broiler黄曲霉毒素B_1对肉鸡肝线粒体膜通透性的影响



spectral transmittance curves分光透过率曲线

1.The paper analyzes the change of the exit light from a circular polarizing filter used inversely according to the interference theory of polarized light, measures thespectral transmittance curves with the combining of circular polarizing filter and linar polarizing filter, and summarizes the photographic performance of the circular polarizing filter used inversely.将圆偏振镜与线偏振镜组合 ,并使 1 4波片位于线偏振镜之间 ,测定出线偏振镜和圆偏振镜相对旋转至不同方位时的分光透过率曲线 ,探讨了入射光为线偏振光时出射光因偏振光的干涉而相应出现的强度和色度变化 ,并以此为模型 ,对圆偏振镜反向使用时的摄影性能进行研究和总结。

3)Breakthrough curve透过曲线

1.The dynamic experiment and theoretical simulation results showed that the simulation breakthrough curves were in g.动态吸附实验和模拟结果表明:模拟透过曲线与实验透过曲线比较吻合,所建立的模型能够较好地描述苯胺在2种大孔吸附树脂填充柱上的吸附透过过程。

2.The adsorption equilibrium capacity and the breakthrough curves of the solution containing sodium fluoride were measured in the adsorbent of activated aluminium oxide .以活性氧化铝为吸附剂,测定了NaF溶液的平衡吸附量和透过曲线。

3.The adsorption isotherms and breakthrough curves for NaF solution and water of calcium were determined.实验测定了NaF水溶液和“钙水”的吸附等温线和透过曲线,结果表明:Freundlish方程能很好地关联实验数据,“钙水”静态和动态吸附容量远远低于NaF水溶液。

4)Permeability curve渗透率曲线

5)Transmittance graph透射率曲线

6)linear transmittance线性透过率


