100字范文 > 红外大气透过率 infrared atmospheric transmittance英语短句 例句大全

红外大气透过率 infrared atmospheric transmittance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-20 05:48:18


红外大气透过率 infrared atmospheric transmittance英语短句 例句大全

红外大气透过率,infrared atmospheric transmittance

1)infrared atmospheric transmittance红外大气透过率

1.The compared results show that the maximum errors between CART′s calculating horizontalinfrared atmospheric transmittance and measured values are less than 0.利用中近红外傅里叶光谱辐射计FTIR测得的水平红外大气透过率来验证CART软件计算水平路径上红外大气透过率的精度。


1.LOWTRAN 7-Based Calculation Method of IR Transmittance in the Atmosphere基于LOWTRAN7的红外大气透过率计算方法

parison of Infrared Atmospheric Transmittance Calculated by CART Software with Measured ValuesCART软件计算的红外大气透过率和实测值比较

3.Calculation method for airplane IR radiation and atmospheric transmittance飞机红外辐射及大气透过率计算方法

4.Real-time inversion algorithm of multi-wavelength atmospheric transmissivity for aerial target infrared radiation空中目标红外辐射多波长大气透过率实时反演算法

5.air transmission coefficient透气系数,空气透过率

6.Correction and Measurement of Transmittance of Smoke in 8-14 μm Waveband8-14μm波段红外烟幕透过率的测试与修正(英文)

7.Influence of Annealing Temperature on Infrared Transmittance of VO_2 Film退火温度对二氧化钒薄膜红外透过率的影响

8.A Parameterization of the Atmospheric Diffuse Transmittance over Ocean参数化计算海洋上空大气漫射透过率

9.automatic gas transmission rate tester自动气体透过率试验机

10.Highly damage resistant,broadband,hard anatireflection coating for high power lasers in the ultraviolet to near-infrared wavelength regions紫外到近红外波段大功率激光器用硬质高抗损伤宽带增透膜

11.Analysis on Influencing Factor for Accuracy of Atmosphere Transmissibility Test System;影响大气透过率测试系统精度的因素分析

12.Correction of remote-sensing image based on dark-object methods and atmospheric transmittance基于黑暗像元和大气透过率的遥感图像校正

13.Transmission in visible region is over85%, and high reflectance appears in near-infrared region.通过光谱测量,得到其可见光透过率为85%上,在近红外波段出现高反射.

14.Transmission of a vertical path through the atmosphere may only be about 50% in this region.整层大气铅值透过率在这个光谱区可能只有50%左右。

15.A Derivation of Mathematical Formula for Transmittance of Transparent Honeycomb Structure for a Solar Collector空气集热器透明蜂窝透过率的二维理论推导

16.Calculation of Optical Cross Sections and Infrared Emissivity Spectra of Collssol Composite Micro-particles in Aerosphere大气汽溶胶复合微粒子群的光学截面及红外发射率光谱的计算

17.Approach to High Spectral Resolution Infrared Remote Sensing of Atmospheric Temperature and Humidity Profiles;高光谱分辨率红外遥感大气温湿度廓线反演方法研究

18.The Research on Geology Process Simulation of Permeability Evolution in the Coal Reservoirs;煤层气储层渗透率演化过程模拟研究


infrared transmission红外透过率

1.The crystal can not be directly used to make infrared nonlinear optical apparatus as the value ofinfrared transmission was too low.2)单晶锭,晶体的红外透过率低,不能直接用于红外非线性光学器件制备。

3)IR transmission红外透过率

1.TheIR transmission properties of MATC machined by femtosecond laser pulses were measured by a micro-IR spectrum device.结果表明:单脉冲烧蚀条件下,烧蚀面积与脉冲能量近似为线性关系,而在多脉冲烧蚀条件下,烧蚀面积随着脉冲数量的增加呈近似波尔兹曼(Boltzmann)增大;当激光功率接近损伤阈值时,烧蚀后的区域在波数为2500~7000cm-1范围内的红外透过率由82%提高到86%,当激光功率超过损伤阙值后,透过率降低20%左右。

2.1 Te wafers with different properties are characterized by FTIR transmission.采用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪测试了性能各异的多个CdZnTe晶片的红外透过率 。

3.The XRD analysis andIR transmission analysis were carried out on ZGP single crystal.对未经退火处理的晶片进行红外透过率测试,在2~12μm波段内红外透过率达45%以上。

4)infrared transmittance红外透过率

1.The change ofinfrared transmittance of polished free-standing diamond films .利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)观察了冲蚀磨损后金刚石膜表面形貌,对其进行了Raman光谱分析,并测定了抛光金刚石薄膜红外透过率的变化。

2.The results of differential thermal analysis andinfrared transmittance measurements indicate that after the annealing the Ga 2Se 3 rich second phase precipitates are eliminated and the optical transmittance of the AgGaSe 2 crystal in markedly improved .差热分析和红外透过率的测量结果表明,晶体中富Ga2Se3第二相脱溶物被消除,显著地改善了AgGaSe2晶体的透明

5)IR transmittance红外透过率

1.IR transmittance of large-sized free-standing transparent diamond films prepared by MWPCVD;微波PCVD法大尺寸透明自支撑金刚石膜的制备及红外透过率(英文)

2.HP-ZnS crystal is one of the most importantIR transmittance materials,which is produced by vacuum hot press.研究表明 ,降低粉末的电导率的粉末处理方法能有效降低粉末中阴离子含量 ,提高HP ZnS晶体材料的红外透过率。

3.1Te wafers are characterized byIR transmittance, concentration distribution, dislocation density, Te precipitates and inclusions, and resistivity.1Te晶片的性能 ,包括红外透过率、成分分布、位错密度、Te沉淀 /夹杂密度以及电阻率。


1.After annealing at 600℃, the test removes the bigger Cd precipitates (>5μm) and improve CdZnTe wafer stransmittance, FWHM and EPD.实验发现:在较高的温度(600℃)条件下,退火可以有效的消除大颗粒(>5μm)的Cd沉积相, 改善CdZnTe晶片红外透过率、X射线双晶回摆曲线半峰宽(FWHM)和腐蚀坑密度(EPD)。

2.1 Te ingot grown by this method shows high crystallinity,high composition homogeneity,low impurity contaminations,high IRtransmittance,and high resistance,which are superior to those reported in the former publications.测试结果表明 :该晶锭结晶质量良好 ,位错密度低 ,成分均匀 ,杂质含量低 ,红外透过率和电阻率都十分接近本征Cd0 9Zn0 1Te的值 。


