100字范文 > 大气透过率 atmospheric transmittance英语短句 例句大全

大气透过率 atmospheric transmittance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-10-18 09:55:25


大气透过率 atmospheric transmittance英语短句 例句大全

大气透过率,atmospheric transmittance

1)atmospheric transmittance大气透过率

1.Calculation method for airplane IR radiation andatmospheric transmittance飞机红外辐射及大气透过率计算方法

2.Correction of remote-sensing image based on dark-object methods andatmospheric transmittance基于黑暗像元和大气透过率的遥感图像校正

3.Based on LOWTRAN computation,theatmospheric transmittance,under various weather conditions for different areas of China in 8~12 μm is fitted with MATLAB polynomial.利用MATLAB提供的多项式拟合函数,对不同气象条件下我国地区8~12μm波段的LOWTRAN大气透过率数据进行拟合,给出了相应的多项式拟合系数。


1.Calculation method for airplane IR radiation and atmospheric transmittance飞机红外辐射及大气透过率计算方法

2.LOWTRAN 7-Based Calculation Method of IR Transmittance in the Atmosphere基于LOWTRAN7的红外大气透过率计算方法

3.Analysis on Influencing Factor for Accuracy of Atmosphere Transmissibility Test System;影响大气透过率测试系统精度的因素分析

4.Correction of remote-sensing image based on dark-object methods and atmospheric transmittance基于黑暗像元和大气透过率的遥感图像校正

parison of Infrared Atmospheric Transmittance Calculated by CART Software with Measured ValuesCART软件计算的红外大气透过率和实测值比较

6.Real-time inversion algorithm of multi-wavelength atmospheric transmissivity for aerial target infrared radiation空中目标红外辐射多波长大气透过率实时反演算法

7.air transmission coefficient透气系数,空气透过率

8.A Parameterization of the Atmospheric Diffuse Transmittance over Ocean参数化计算海洋上空大气漫射透过率

9.automatic gas transmission rate tester自动气体透过率试验机

10.Transmission of a vertical path through the atmosphere may only be about 50% in this region.整层大气铅值透过率在这个光谱区可能只有50%左右。

11.A Derivation of Mathematical Formula for Transmittance of Transparent Honeycomb Structure for a Solar Collector空气集热器透明蜂窝透过率的二维理论推导

12.The Research on Geology Process Simulation of Permeability Evolution in the Coal Reservoirs;煤层气储层渗透率演化过程模拟研究

13.The rate of flow of a liquid or gas through a porous material.渗透度,渗透率液体或气体通过渗透材料流的量度

14.The hall was filled with choking clouds of smoke.大厅里充满了使人透不过气来的烟雾

15.Transmittance And Reflectance Meter可视光透过率、反射率计

16.Monitoring of corrosion rate of steels in marine atmosphere by hydrogen permeation current investigation氢渗透电流法监测海洋大气中钢材的腐蚀速率

17.Methods for testing the performance of high efficiency particulate air filter--Penetration and resistanceGB/T6165-1985高效空气过滤器性能试验方法透过率和阻力

18.Two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities with high quality factor and large transmission一类高品质因子大透过率二维光子晶体微腔


atmospheric transmissivity大气透过率

1.Real-time inversion algorithm of multi-wavelengthatmospheric transmissivity for aerial target infrared radiation空中目标红外辐射多波长大气透过率实时反演算法

2.Based on the common apparent distance detecting equation, a more practicable and reliable detecting equation is established by using the factors, such asatmospheric transmissivity, spectral matching factor, etc.介绍了微光成像系统视距理论的基本概念 ,在对微光成像系统视距探测方程推导的基础上 ,分析了各参量间的关系及其对整体性能的影响 ,从大气透过率和光谱匹配等诸多方面进行修正 ,建立了更为实用和完善的视距探测方程 ,并结合车辆驾驶夜视仪进行了视距估算 ,验证了经修正后的视距公式的实用性 ,为微光成像系统的优化设计以及寻求实现中远距离观察的最优技术途径提供了理论帮助 ,这对微光成像系统的改进、提高和发展也具有一定的指导意义。

3.Based on the common apparent distance detection equation, a more practicable and reliable detection equation was established using factors, such asatmospheric transmissivity, spectral matching factor, etc.在经典微光系统视距探测方程基础上 ,从大气透过率和光谱匹配等方面进行修正 ,可以建立更加实用和完善的视距探测方程。

3)atmospheric spectral transmittance大气光谱透过率

4)infrared atmospheric transmittance红外大气透过率

1.The compared results show that the maximum errors between CART′s calculating horizontalinfrared atmospheric transmittance and measured values are less than 0.利用中近红外傅里叶光谱辐射计FTIR测得的水平红外大气透过率来验证CART软件计算水平路径上红外大气透过率的精度。

5)atmospheric transmittance distribution大气透过率分布

6)atmospheric transmittance function τ_a(R)大气透过率函数τa(R)


