100字范文 > 光透过率 transmittance英语短句 例句大全

光透过率 transmittance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-11-24 15:31:34


光透过率 transmittance英语短句 例句大全



1.The relation of the transienttransmittance and the twist angle is obtained by calculating the instantaneous distribution of the director in this mode.通过计算液晶盒中的瞬时指向矢分布,得到光透过率随时间变化与扭曲角之间的关系。

2.The relation of the transienttransmittance and pretwist angle is obtained by calculating the instantaneous distribution of the director in this mode.通过计算液晶盒的瞬时指向矢分布,得到光透过率随时间变化与扭曲角之间的关系。

3.According to the optical measurement results,the opticaltransmittance of the film decrease with the increase of the film\"s thickness.2μm时,可见光透过率超过80%,当膜层厚度为0。


1.Transmittance And Reflectance Meter可视光透过率、反射率计

2.Study on Testing of Visible Light Transmittance Capability of Optical System;光学系统可见光透过率测试技术研究

3.Preparation of SiO_2/TiO_2 thin films and study of its visible transmittanceSiO_2/TiO_2复合薄膜的制备及其可见光透过率

4.Transmission in visible region is over85%, and high reflectance appears in near-infrared region.通过光谱测量,得到其可见光透过率为85%上,在近红外波段出现高反射.

5.Transmissivity Measuring System of the Plume Penetrated by 10.6μm Laser;10.6μm激光羽烟透过率测试系统

6.The Development of a Real-time Transmittance Measuring System for Linear Variable Neutral Density Filters线性渐变滤光片透过率实时测量系统

7.Design of Hardware of Experimental Apparatus for Laser-Penetrating Rate Measurement by Optoelectronic Method光电法透过率测量实验仪的硬件设计

8.diffuse transmittance漫射透光率,漫射透射比

9.Opacity is the reciprocal of transmission.阻光率是透射率的倒数。

10.air transmission coefficient透气系数,空气透过率

11.Optical System Transmittance Detection Base on the Cross-Correlation Technique;基于互相关原理光学系统透过率测试的研究

12.The Signal Detecting and Processing in Transmissivity Dynamic Measuring of the Plume Penetrated by Laser;激光羽烟透过率动态测量的信号检测与处理

13.Two-dimensional photonic crystal microcavities with high quality factor and large transmission一类高品质因子大透过率二维光子晶体微腔

14.Discussion on Testing Method of Optical Thin Film"s Transmissivity by Monochromator单色仪测试光学薄膜透过率的方法讨论

15.Effect of proton irradiation on transmittance of Al filter at EUV waveband质子辐照对极紫外波段滤光片透过率的影响

16.An improved determination method of ultraviolet( UV) transmittance of ethylene glycol( EG) was developed.通过研究影响乙二醇紫外透光率测定结果的各种因素,改进了乙二醇紫外透光率的测定方法。

17.Colourless optical glass test methods--Spectral internal transmittanceGB/T7962.12-1987无色光学玻璃测试方法光谱内透过率测试方法

18.Permeable to electromagnetic radiation of specified frequencies, as to visible light or radio waves.可透过的可以让某些频率的电磁辐射通过的,如可见光或无线电波


light transmissivity光透过率

1.To improve thelight transmissivity of optical fibers is an important task in their applications now.提高光纤透过率是目前光纤应用领域中的一个重要课题,通过分析光纤束光透过率的影响因素,得出了提高光纤 束光透过率的基本方法,以提高光透过率这个衡量光纤束性能的重要指标,不断扩展光纤应用领域和应用深度。

3)optical transmittance光透过率

1.The transparent glass-ceramics were characterized byoptical transmittance and field emission-environment scanning electron microscope(FE-ESEM).对锌铝硅透明微晶玻璃进行光透过率、场发射环境扫描电镜(field emission-environment scanning electron microscope,FE-ESEM)测量。

4)optical transmission spectra透过率光谱

1.The experimental results show that theoptical transmission spectra range and two-wave mixing gains are smaller in the high doped LiNbO_3 crystals.研究了系列不同掺杂、不同掺杂浓度、单掺杂和双掺杂以及不同后处理态 (生长态、还原态和氧化态 )铌酸锂晶体的透过率光谱和光折变二波耦合效应。

2.Photorefractive holographic storage andoptical transmission spectra properties were studied in a series of double-doped LINbO3 crystals including different dopants, different concentrations of dopants, and different as-grown samples (or reduced or oxidized) .研究了系列双掺杂(Ce:Fe,Mn:Fe,Ce:Mn)以及不同后处理态(生长态、还原态和氧化态)铌酸锂晶体的透过率光谱和光折变全息存储特性。


1.Thetransmittance of CVDZnS before and after heat isostatic processing (HIP)was measured.采用红外、紫外光谱仪对热等静压(HIP)处理前后CVDZnS的光学透过率进行了测量,采用分析电子显微镜、金相显微镜和X射线衍射对原生CVDZnS和经热等静压(HIP)处理的CVDZnS的显微组织和晶体结构进行了分析。

6)spectral transmittance光谱透过率

1.25-- 25 pm),as well as the characteristics of relativespectral transmittance.2~25μm)宽波段上的光谱透过率,相对光谱透过特性。


