100字范文 > 渴求 Craving英语短句 例句大全

渴求 Craving英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-22 12:50:09


渴求 Craving英语短句 例句大全



1.A Review on Measurement ofCraving of Drug Addicts and Its Relationship with Electroencephalography;药物依赖者渴求感的度量现状及其与脑电关系初步探讨

2.Relationship between DRD2 - 141C Ins/Del Polymorphism and HeroinCraving;多巴胺D2受体-141C Ins/Del多态与海洛因渴求的关系

3.Delta EEG Activity in Left Orbitofrontal Cortex in Rats Related to Food Reward andCraving;食物奖赏和渴求行为相关的大鼠左侧眶额叶皮质Delta频段脑电活动(英文)


1.a/the thirst for knowledge,fame,revenge渴求知识、渴望成名、决心复仇.

2.the longing for love, the search for knowledge,对爱的渴望,对知识的渴求,

3.He had starved for love all his life. His nature craved love.他终身为爱而饥渴,他天性渴求爱;

4.These young children thirst for knowledge.这些孩子们都渴求知识。

5.It is a good thing to hunger after knowledge.渴求知识是桩好事。

6.very eager for knowledge,information,etc(对知识、信息等)渴求的

7.It is quite obvious that he have a lust for power.很显然他渴求权势。

8.devouring or craving food in great quantities.吞吃或渴求大量食物。

9.They are not anxious social climbers.他们并不渴求仕宦功名。

10.She craves admiration.她渴求人们的赞美。

11.He had a hunger after knowledge and truth.他渴求知识和真理。

12.He that desires honour is not worthy of honour.渴求荣誉的人不值得有荣誉。

13.He that desires honor is not worthy of honor. -- Henry James渴求荣誉的人不配得到荣誉。——詹姆斯

14.Desire is your drive, passion, urge, or lust for wanting to have sex.性欲是你想要做爱的动力、情、望或渴求。

15.There is no life- no life without its hunger.没有一个生命--没有生命是没有渴求的.

16.With equal passion I have sought knowledge.我带着同样的激情渴求知识。

17.His thirst for knowledge is insatiable.他对知识的渴求不会满足。

18.Knowledge is like money: the more he gets, the more he craves.--知识就像金钱,得到越多,渴求越多。


Desirability function渴求函数

1.And the desirability function was finally used to simultaneous.方法以提取溶剂乙醇浓度、乙醇用量、提取时间、提取次数为4个考察因素,以干膏得率、白藜芦醇含量为考察指标,运用Doehlert设计、多重响应的渴求函数优化法对虎杖中白藜芦醇的提取条件进行优化。

3)Drug craving药物渴求

1.AIM: To investigate whether the ventral subiculum (VSUB) lesions can release the drug craving from drug addicted rats.经过5d的恢复,3组大鼠再次测定CPP时间,确定其药物渴求的程度。

2.Objective: To investigate drug craving in heroin addicts in drug-free condition after clinical detoxification in China.方法··:采用单项目的自评量表 ,对705例在北京和重庆地区的强制戒毒机构脱毒后的住院者进行药物渴求程度调查。

3.Based on 273 male drug abstainers in reeducation-through-labor institutions,the present study explored the effect of personality,social support and irrational belief on drug craving.对273名男性戒毒劳教人员进行测量,探讨了人格、非理性信念、社会支持3因素对戒毒者药物渴求的影响,并对戒毒劳教人员的药物渴求作了初步预测。

4)Drug craving心理渴求

1.Self-designed questionnaire, medical coping modes questionnaire, protracted withdrawal syndrome evaluation form and Likert scale assessment for drug craving were adopted.调查工具有自编基本项目调查表、医学应对问卷、稽延性戒断症状评定量表以及心理渴求程度Likert型分级法,将其医学应对因子得分与其他非吸毒患者进行比较,并对相关因素进行分析。

2.Objective:To investigate drug craving that heroin addicts experienced during rehabilitation treatment and probe into the proper time for detoxification.目的·· :了解海洛因依赖者脱毒治疗康复期对药物心理渴求情况 ,探讨有利于降低心理渴求所需的康复时间。


6)food craving食物渴求

1.In the present experiment, the effects of naloxone and dizocilpine onfood craving of the rats were investigated with conditioned place preference (CPP) paradigm.1mg kg-1 )增强动物的食物渴求至少是其增加摄食量的原因之一,而1。


