100字范文 > 海洛因渴求 Heroin craving英语短句 例句大全

海洛因渴求 Heroin craving英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-04-07 07:20:00


海洛因渴求 Heroin craving英语短句 例句大全

海洛因渴求,Heroin craving

1)Heroin craving海洛因渴求

1.The method of artificial neural network to estimate the curative effects of the acupunctural therapy inHeroin craving.通过筛选中医辨证证候、海洛因戒断稽延性症状、SCL90中与海洛因渴求相关项,标准化后作为病因项输入网络,进行针刺疗效的预测。


1.The difference of cue-elicited heroin craving in compulsory and voluntary abstinent addicts强制和自愿戒毒者线索诱发海洛因渴求反应的差异

2.A Study on Clinical Feature, Molecular Mechanism and Functional MRI for Cue-elicited Heroin Craving;线索诱发海洛因渴求的临床特征、分子遗传学及功能磁共振研究

3.The Efficacy Study of the TC-based Rehabilitation Program on Male Heroin Addicts; The Development of a Heroin Craving Questionnaire;男性海洛因依赖者社区康复训练疗效研究及海洛因渴求问卷初步编制

4.Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Human Brain Activation during Cue-induced Heroin Craving;海洛因线索诱发心理渴求的脑功能磁共振研究

5.An analysis of the influential factors of craving-increased in heroin-dependent patients exposed to cue海洛因依赖者环境线索诱发渴求的影响因素分析

6.Heroine Addicts Show Different fMRI Brain Activation before and after Detoxification When Exposed to Drug-related Cues;海洛因成瘾患者脱毒前后毒品渴求变化的fMRI研究

7.Changes of Brain ~1H-MRS and Clues-induced Craving fMRI in Heroin Addicts海洛因成瘾者相关脑区~1H-MRS与线索诱导渴求的fMRI研究

8.Study on the Effects of Methadone Maintenance Treatment (MMT) on Quality of Life, Drug Craving and Associated Factors among Heroin Addicts美沙酮维持治疗海洛因依赖者的生存质量、药物渴求及影响因素研究

9.Change and influence factors of craving for patients after 6 month methadone maintenance treatment美沙酮维持治疗6个月后海洛因成瘾者渴求程度变化及影响因素分析

10.Objective: To analyze the gender difference of cue-elicited heroin craving in abstinent heroin addicts.目的:分析线索暴露对戒断期男女海洛因依赖者心理渴求程度及相关指标影响的差异。

11.chase the dragonph.1. 吸食海洛因

12.Get off on heroin因服用海洛因而沉醉

13.He smuggled heroin into the country.他把海洛因走私到该国。

14.I started skin-poping heroin.我开始皮下注射海洛因。

15.John was hooked on heroin.约翰吸海洛因成瘾。

16.heroin (diacetylmorphine)海洛因(二乙酰吗啡)

17.die of a heroin overdose死于使用过量海洛因

18.She is mainlining heroin.她正静脉注射海洛因。



1.Effect ofHeroin on the Belousov-Zhabotinsky Oscillating Chemical Reaction and Its Analytical Application;海洛因对别洛索夫-扎鲍京斯基振荡化学反应的影响及其分析应用

2.Preliminary Investigation of Iodine-labellingHeroin;放射性碘标记海洛因的初步研究


1.Analysis of Saving and Curing 85 AcuteHeroine Poisoning Cases;85例急性海洛因中毒救治分析

2.Fast detecting method of heroine based on acetic acid gas sensor;基于乙酸气体传感器的海洛因快速测定方法

3.Testing of 15 Elements inHeroine Produced in Different Areas by ICP-AES;电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法检测产自不同地区的海洛因中15种元素



6)heroin base海洛因碱


