100字范文 > 邓子恢 Deng Zihui英语短句 例句大全

邓子恢 Deng Zihui英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-23 03:53:26


邓子恢 Deng Zihui英语短句 例句大全

邓子恢,Deng Zihui

1)Deng Zihui邓子恢

1.A Study ofDeng Zihui Idea of Management of Funds for Agricultural Co-operative Societies;邓子恢农业合作社资金管理思想论析

2.Deng Zihui s Idea on Agriculture in Early Stage of the Founding of New China;建国初期邓子恢的农业思想与实践

3.OnDeng Zihui s Economic Thoughts during Agrarian Revolution war;略论土地革命战争时期邓子恢的经济思想


1.Deng Zi-hui s Idea of Food Price Control in Soviet Base of West Fujian;邓子恢的闽西苏区粮食价格管理思想

2.A Study of Deng Zihui Idea of Management of Funds for Agricultural Co-operative Societies;邓子恢农业合作社资金管理思想论析

3.On Deng Zihui s Economic Thoughts during Agrarian Revolution war;略论土地革命战争时期邓子恢的经济思想

4.Study on Deng Zihui s Theory of the Structure of Ownership of Means of Production in Rural Areas;邓子恢农村生产资料所有制结构理论研究

5.Deng Zihui s Economic Theory and Practice in the Central Soviet Area;中央苏区时期邓子恢的经济理论与实践

6.The Research of the Thought and Practice of Deng Zihui"s the Nationwide United Front for the War of Resistance Against Japan邓子恢抗日民族统一战线思想与实践研究

paring Mao Zedong"s Agricultural Cooperation Thoughts to Deng Zihui"s建国初毛泽东与邓子恢农业合作化思想之比较

8.Some comrades in the Rural Work Department of the Central Committee, and principally Comrade Teng Tzu-hui, have made mistakes.中央农村工作部的一部分同志,首先是邓子恢同志犯了错误。

9.It should be acknowledged that Comrade Teng Tzu-hui did a lot of work during the long revolutionary struggle and made contributions.邓子恢同志在过去长期革命斗争中做过许多工作,有成绩,应当承认。

10.Deng Zihui s Revolutionary History and His Civism and Factualism;邓子恢的曲折革命经历及其民本思想与求实精神

11.But Comrade Teng Tzu-hui"s formulation was incorrect because he made no mention of restriction, and it differed from that of the Central Committee and of the Second Plenary Session.但是邓子恢同志的提法是不对的,因为他不提限制,跟中央的提法不同,跟二中全会的提法不同。

12.The Historical Significance of Deng Xiaoping’s Decision on Resumption of College Entrance Examination--Commemorating the Thirtieth Anniversary of Resumption of College Entrance Examination;邓小平作出恢复高考决策的历史意义——纪念恢复高考30周年

13.Deng Xiaoping Has Restored and Developed the Ideological Line of a Factual and Realistic Work Style;邓小平恢复和发展了实事求是的思想路线

14.She"s her old self again, ie has recovered her usual health, composure, etc.她又恢复了老样子.

15.The good name of our intellectuals must be restored.知识分子的名誉要恢复。

16.Then Dengs were overwhelmed by the news.邓一家听到这个消息一下子震惊了。

17.On the Characteristic of Deng Xiaoping s Intellectual Thought;论新时期邓小平知识分子思想的特点

18.An Inquire into the Cause of Formation of "Bai Hui" Nationality in Dengchuan Bazi of Yunnan Dali;大理邓川坝子“白回”族群成因探析


Deng Zi hui邓子恢

1.Deng Zi hui s comment on Mao ze dong and Min xi revolution;邓子恢评述毛泽东与闽西革命

2.DENG Zi hui,Minister of Central Agricultural Work Department at the time,formed his own thought of agricultural cooperation by exploring bravely and persisting on the truth.2 0世纪 5 0年代 ,中国掀起了农业合作化运动 ,时任中央农村工作部部长的邓子恢 ,坚持真理 ,勇于探索 ,形成了一套正确的农业合作化思想。

3)Deng Zihui s Outlook on Peasantry论邓子恢的农民观

4)Deng Zi qin邓子琴

1.Deng Zi qin was born in a family of strong cultural atmosphere but whacked economic plight.邓子琴生长于文化氛围浓郁而经济境况困乏的家庭 ,走的是一条文学—哲学—史学、文史哲贯通的治学道路。

5)Dengzhangzi Formation邓杖子组

1.Triassic and Jurassic tectonics in the eastern Yanshan Belt,North China:Insights from the controversialDengzhangzi Formation and its neighboring units华北燕山带东部三叠纪和侏罗纪大地构造演化:来自备受争议的邓杖子组及相邻地层的线索(英文)

6)Deng Zilong邓子龙(1531~1598)


