100字范文 > 邓显鹤 Deng Xianhe英语短句 例句大全

邓显鹤 Deng Xianhe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-25 00:30:38


邓显鹤 Deng Xianhe英语短句 例句大全

邓显鹤,Deng Xianhe

1)Deng Xianhe邓显鹤

1.Historic Figures: Tao Shu andDeng Xianhe;“我居石潭上,君居临小洋”——陶澍与邓显鹤

2.Deng Xianhe s Contributions to Develope Xiang Culture;邓显鹤弘扬湘学的成就与贡献


1.Historic Figures: Tao Shu and Deng Xianhe;“我居石潭上,君居临小洋”——陶澍与邓显鹤

2.(Excerpt from a talk with Kuok Hock Nien, Chairman of the Board of Kuok Brothers, Sdn. Bhd. (Pvt., Ltd.) in Malaysia.)(这是邓小平同志会见马来西亚郭氏兄弟集团董事长郭鹤年时谈话的一部分。)

3.Reality: the Noticable Features of Deng Xiaoping s Ideas on Education;现实性:邓小平教育思想的显著特征

4.The obvious choices are Sirius, Dumbledore, James and Lily.明显的人选是小天狼星,邓不利多,詹姆和莉莉。

5.Analyzing the Outstanding Role of Win-Win International Strategy in Deng Xiaoping s International Stratigic Thought;试析“共赢”国际战略观在邓小平国际战略思想中的凸显

6.On a Significant Difference of Idea of Dengxiaoping and Jiangzemin on Socialist Market Economy邓小平和江泽民关于社会主义市场经济思想的一个显著区别

7.type genus of the Cariamidae comprising only the crested cariama.仅由冠叫鹤构成的叫鹤科的模式属。

8.There are several statues of turtles and cranes in front of the hall.殿前有几座龟、鹤的塑像。

9.large Indian stork with a military gait.步态庄严的大型印度鹤。

10.Listrac Haut Medoc里斯屈克·鹤迪红酒

11.Grus canadensis pulla [Mississippi sandhill crane]沙丘鹤佛罗里达亚种

12.a wrench with a crank-shaped handle.有鹤头形的手柄的扳手。

13.large mostly white Australian stork.主要是大型的欧洲白鹤。

14."...Holding in my hand a staff of green jade, I have crossed, since morning at the Yellow Crane Terrace,"手持绿玉杖, 朝别黄鹤楼;

15.A crane and a crow had made a league on oath.鹤和乌鸦宣誓结盟。

16.Respected Director Tsuruda Takuhiko:尊敬的鹤田卓彦社长:

17.A grey crane flew onto the tree.一只灰鹤飞到树上。

18.Seeing Meng Haoran Off to Guangling from Yellow Crane Tower黄鹤楼送孟浩然至广陵


Deng Xianhe Biographical Chronology邓显鹤年谱


1.As an indicator,cranes show the health of wetland ecosystem.鹤是湿地生态的重要指示物种。


1.Migration Behavior of Crane to South in Yellow River Delta Nature Reserve;黄河三角洲自然保护区鹤类南迁迁徙规律初步研究

2.Sex Identification of Cranes and Analysis of Genetic Diversity and Phylogenic Relationship among Four Species of Cranes;鹤性别鉴定及线粒体遗传多样性与鹤系统发育分析

3.The amino acids composition of keratin in the feather ofcranes and storks was analyzed by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).用高效液相色谱对9种鹤、鹳羽毛角蛋白的氨基酸组成与含量进行检测分析。



1.The Dirty Water in City inHegang City in Crane Handles Development Present Condition and Counterplan Study;鹤岗市城市污水处理发展现状及对策探讨


